Hollywood King

Chapter 27.

“Oh, hey, you’re early,” Ian stood up and greeted John who had come to Mason’s office. He had expected John to come a little bit later thinking of other things John had to do, but much to his surprise, John had come early.

“Yeah, I wanted to get this done as soon as possible because I know you are working on something else, and delaying this would just take up more time. Either way, when my assistant said the news to everyone, they were pretty excited.”

“Did you bring the contract with you?” Ian asked just as John took his seat. Mason was out of the studio for some other business and it was just Ian and John in the office.

“Yes, take a look. My legal team did the work yesterday…” Ian nodded as he listened to his words, “As we discussed, 30% shares of my company when you buy it off would be mine. After the merge, when we calculated with the information Mason gave, it would be 12%. Everything is mentioned there,”

“Oh, good. Let me see,” 

[...] After a few minutes of silence, Ian started to sign the document without thinking more about it. The deal was profitable for both of them in a way, and John couldn’t sell off the entire company because of the sentimental value and he knew Ian would make it to the top. He did expect profits soon enough. 

“It’s done, then. I have to head back soon, I should thank you for the offer. And I really have a hunch that you will go to the top of Hollywood with the great potential visible. Merging uncle’s company did a lot of good for us than it did for you,” John said. He was getting emotional and it was visible.

Normally business conversations like these tend to have no emotional or sentimental interruptions, but when it came to John, things were a bit different. Ian couldn’t completely ignore John’s words and keep them professional due to the history they had. Also, Ian didn’t want to be rude to the person who helped him out. 

In fact, deals like these were solely the responsibility and duty of Mason, yet in every way, John was an exception.

He signed the last page where his signature was required and gave it to John. "Although, I do have something to ask,"

"Go ahead,"

"What do you say if I suggest you join me?"

John's eyes showed his confusion, and he stared questioningly at his friend. 

"What exactly do you mean, Ian?" John asked clearly hoping to get a clear answer. 

Ian had been thinking about it for quite a while. John was someone who didn't enjoy doing what he did. Yet from his memories, he knew John was quite a talented person in the field of movies. But more than that, he wanted to suggest something out of pure gratitude.

"Join me in my company, " 

"I can't, not right now. I mean, I don't want to leave my father's company right now, it's hard, true, but I can't leave it for now,"

John was clear about his answer. 

"I understand, but think about what you've always wanted…"

Ian said with a pause. He wanted John to think about his decision thoroughly. His hesitance was evident in his eyes. 

"Hm… to be honest, I just started learning how things work, I can't really leave it, although I would love to. But, you'll be a true successor for my uncle's company, I have a lot of faith in you," every word claimed how genuine he was with what he felt. 

"Imagine, what if the situations were different… you would join without thinking twice, I know it. Please, give it a try,"

"Nah… it's all good. But you know what, I never thought this day would come. A day where you give me a choice where I can choose to enjoy and do what I want. Haha… funny when you really think of it," John laughed at his own joke. 

But in reality, Ian knew the sorrow behind his words. John was someone who genuinely wanted to pursue what he wanted. He was someone who was strong as a rock when it comes to being determined regarding his goals. Time has surely done miracles. 

Ian chuckled in return without wanting to make it awkward, "Are you sure though? This might be your last chance to come on top in Hollywood. Once it's gone, it's done."

"Yeah, man. I'm comfortable with how things are happening. I will be at the top of the corporate world and you will be on top of Hollywood. After watching home alone, I don't think I can compete with you even if I wanted to," they both laughed due to the last sentence. "I give up!" He put his hands up in surrender. 

"Okay, then. As you wish, the loss goes for both of us, for me… it's your brain and passion, for you… your goal."

"It’s a sad reality.." He said morosely.


After the deal with John, Ian was settled with the crew behind the camera as soon as they assumed. It was good news to Mason.

"At a 30% stake for him in his company," Ian acknowledged.

"That's a great deal, we can start things quickly now," Mason continued, "I have another meeting with the architect and the contractor in two days. Thinking of which… Here, I have some actors who are willing to get an audition for La La Land. Some of them here are high-grade actors who I thought might suit the role, and some agencies sent applications themselves. I think it would be easy if we can find someone from this,"

Mason was Ian's CEO in a sense. He took care of the day-to-day activities of the studio, unless Ian had some stand-alone deals, it was Mason's job to make things work. The same went for the situation of the architect. It was solely Mason's duty, and so far he had been doing good, Ian thought. 

"Yeah, let's see them,"

There were many hopeful applicants that wanted to work in Ian's movie, La La Land. Some of them wanted to get the lead role for themselves and had applied for auditioning for that role, while most of the applicants were okay with any role in the movie, as long as they were given work.

But before anything else, Mason showed Ian the pictures and portfolios of the people who might be the future lead for La La Land, Sebastian.

While going through the list, Ian had to look at many things about the character. It wasn’t just the fact that the actor should show ‘Sebastian’ in him, but also body shape, performance style, diversity, creativity, and listening skills played important parts in the character. For now, they were able to choose and contact solely based on pictures and values of words that were written on paper. This was also why auditions are pretty important in the industry. The skills of an actor might not just cut the role, but their true behavior and identity played a significant part in the crew. 

"Martin Tremblay? 32 years old… Did you even check these once, uncle? This man is too old to act the role of Sebastian." He took the first paper and said in disappointment.

"I did, he looked young, though. Twenty-seven or twenty-eight."

"No, I want someone who looks and is around twenty-three to twenty-five. Oh, look, this man looks like a villain. What was he even thinking, isn’t he an A-grade actor? He should know his strengths and capabilities,"

“You can’t blame him, Ian. It’s probably the work of his agency. Agencies these days seek any and every opportunity when it comes to matters of the high-grade actors with them. I bet more than half of the agencies who knew about the opportunity sent in audition applications,” Mason said and Ian understood what he said was true.

Mason leaned forward to look at the picture and agreed the actor sure did look like a villain. The sharp jaw-lines and point nose along with his eyes made him look like one. 

"Malcolm Bardem… You would get the next big role of a villain in Ian's movie," Mason said in a joking tone. 

"As if." Ian's response was short but he meant the two words. Unlike before, as the casting director, his choices were picky, which also was evident to Mason from how he kept pointing things out. 

[...] They kept turning pages one by one while thinking and discussing why each applicant won't suit Sebastian. 

"B-grade actor, 22 years old, height… 5'6"? I mean, lifting the height won't be a problem, but his face… won't do it. Let’s see some more," Ian said and turned the page. 

After seeing different types of profiles, Ian couldn’t see any actor who would suit the role. Although he did come up with a few actors who he saw potential in, any profile didn’t reach the ‘yes, this is it’ state for Ian. 

“Contact him, and ask for an audition. But I don’t think he would do the role, all of the movies he took part in, his talent is mainly in comedy, based on his portfolio, but let’s give him a shot.” 

Ian said and thought about it a little. It was possible for someone who played comedy to get a serious role. But it was also true that based on the characters they played and got popular, people tend to have a pre-perceived image of the actor. It was pretty normal, if someone played a villainous role, it would take a lot of effort, and fantastic acting, almost near a near-perfect performance to change that image in the eyes of the audience.

After more than an hour of turning pages and thinking about possibilities, his eyes landed on an actor, which gave Ian a massive shock, as his eyes threatened to fall out of his skull.

||__A word from me__||

Click on the heart! Seeing the feedback motivates me to write daily! A piece of good news coming soon, (regarding the updating schedule) Ciao ciao!

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