Hokage: I rely on fusion to become a boss

Chapter 19 The Honest Businessman

Sakura Haruha looked at Sasuke and Naruto lying on the ground.

He took several deep breaths to calm down his complicated emotions.

When you are weak, when you are helpless, any kindness will be like rain in spring.

Although Sakura is very wary of Xu Songyang now, his behavior is obviously not aimed at their scrolls.After all, their Tianzi scroll had been burned by Orochimaru before.

in the dark.

Sakura huddled by the tree hole, not daring to take her eyes off the ninja of Takiyin Village on the opposite tree trunk for a moment.

I'm afraid that there will be some changes in this ninja from a different village.

Xu Songyang sat cross-legged on the tree trunk, looked at Sakura silently for a while, and then looked away.

The man is frank and straightforward, saying that protecting you is protecting you.

After withdrawing his gaze, Xu Songyang began to activate the chakra in his body.

Now his Konoha Body Technique has entered the third stage of gaining momentum!
At the same time, he also has several different ninjutsu that can be developed continuously.

Gaara's favorite ninjutsu: sand binding coffin, sand waterfall funeral!
Orochimaru's three quasi-kage-level ninjutsu: earth escape-earth double, restraint, and face-writing.

"After breaking through Konoha Lianhua's third disciple of the Eight Physical Skills, Ou Qi can't stop it!" Xu Songyang thought to himself.

In the words of Hatake Kakashi, luck is also part of strength!
From Xu Songyang's point of view now, his luck obviously increased with the rise of his strength.

After all, Gaara's two ninjutsu, plus Orochimaru's three quasi-kage-level ninjutsu.

If fragments are used for krypton financial integration, there is no 30 taels, and it is estimated that not even a sound can be heard.

Moreover, there is a high possibility that Orochimaru ninjutsu fusion will fail.

After all, which one of Shemaru can handle, the ninjutsu that abuses vegetables in Konoha Village can be said to be the taboo ninjutsu above the quasi-kage level selected from the forbidden books of Konoha Ninjutsu.


Uncle Snake's strength is no longer ordinary shadow level.

The higher the level of the ninja, the higher the risk of fusion failure for the fragments picked up from it.

Seeing the moonlight shining through the leaves, Xu Songyang sighed, and then initiated Chakra to send a "telegram" to contact his teammates Kadoda Koyomi and Yoshikawa Hisashi.

"When you sell the scrolls to the three teams in the village, you must explain to them the risks of the group arena after entering the tower."

Xu Songyang's business can be said to be very authentic.

after all.

Even if they passed through the death forest, in terms of the overall strength of the four teams of Takiyin Village, when they entered the meat grinding field of the group arena, they would also go on stage and let ninjas from other ninja villages be sandbags.

Yoshikawa Shou replied after a while: "Boss, don't worry. Those who can take the Chunin exam are no longer children. They are aware of the risks."

Xu Songyang nodded slightly, and then sent a chakra telegram to the two teammates: "If everyone is determined to enter the third round of the arena exam, let the other three teams in the village immediately enter the tower of the Death Forest after getting the scroll."

Kadoda Saya, who silently accepted Xu Songyang's "telegram", couldn't help answering: "Mr. Songyang, why did you let them go in early? Didn't you say that everyone should stay in the forest for the last minute before entering the examination room? "

Xu Songyang laughed.

There are frequent dangers in the death forest, except that the fierce beasts in the forest pose a great threat to candidates, and the biggest threat comes from the killing between candidates from different ninja villages.

For example, Gaara, a demon who kills without batting an eyelid.

If he was allowed to get the scroll of heaven and earth earlier and enter the tower of the examination room earlier, the risk in the death forest would be reduced a lot.

But now, Gaara has not been replaced by Xu Songyang's replacement technique except for the original scrolls in Gaara's hands. The few scrolls that originally belonged to Gaara earlier were all taken away by Xu Songyang.

So Gaara's stay in the death forest will definitely be longer than the original plot, and the destructive power will be greater.

At the same time, in the hands of Xu Songyang.

There are two volumes for the first team of Inuzuka Ya, two volumes for Yuyin Village, two volumes for Caoyin Village, and three volumes for Konoha Village.

Xu Songyang has nine scrolls in his hand.

In this way, these teams that lost the scroll will launch a frantic attack on any team they encounter next.

The further you go, the more dangerous it is.

Xu Songyang sent the last telegram: "This is beyond your comprehension."

More than 1000 meters away, Kadoda Saya, who was hiding in the belly of a giant centipede, was stunned.

What Xu Songyang Fengcai said shocked her quite a lot.

She hid in the belly of this big centipede, and seriously recalled that from the morning when Xu Songyang took out the test questions in the Chunin pen, Xu Songyang knew the Chunin exam in Muye Village like the back of his hand.

And if Xu Songyang took out the test questions in the first round of written examination, maybe it was because of some forces that Mentian Xiaoye had never thought of before, secretly helping Xu Songyang.

However, Xu Songyang's unconventional performance in the death forest can be said to have greatly impacted the young heart of Ms. Mentian Xiaoye.

After finishing the Chakra telegram with Xu Songyang.

The girl murmured: "It's amazing!"

Originally, after entering the Death Forest, Kadoda Saya didn't have time to think about this at all.

After all, after entering the death forest, each team is based on each team.

Each team has only one scroll of 'sky' or 'earth', and the only way to enter the tower of the death forest is to snatch their scrolls from the hands of other teams.

And what.

In the process of snatching the scrolls in other teams' hands, each team didn't know whether the opponent matched their own scrolls.

Therefore, the cruelty of the death forest lies here.

However, when Xu Songyang already had enough scrolls in his hand to distribute the four teams of Longyin Village, Longyin Village took the initiative in the Death Forest.

When Xu Songyang sent a message to Kadoda Saya and Yoshikawa Shou, the team of Longyin Village who got the matching scroll entered the tower of the Death Forest ahead of time to complete this assessment.

Neither Kadoya Oda nor Yoshikawa Shou could react immediately.

However, everyone is not a fool.

After a while, Kadoda Saya and Yoshikawa Shou understood what Xu Songyang meant.


Kadoda Saya felt that the distance between herself and her teammate Xu Songyang had been infinitely lengthened.

In less than a day, teammate Xu Songyang has become so strong that she needs to look up.

After receiving the telegram from Xu Songyang, Yoshikawa Shou was burying the third scroll for trading with the village team at the designated place in the village.

Yoshikawa Shou buried the third scroll and jumped onto the tree trunk.

Under the dappled and dim light, he looked up in Xu Songyang's direction.

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