Hogwarts: Who hasn't collected a Horcrux?

Chapter 8

【Ding! Collect the extraordinary one-star creature Owl Elise, and reward the host with magic +1, money +100 Galleons, and the innate ability [Night Vision]!】

William felt his eyes slightly hot, but soon returned to normal

"Innate ability night vision? It doesn't feel any different. Is it because of the light in the room?"William squinted and muttered.

"Then turn off the lights and give it a try."William thought so and stood up to turn off all the lights in the room.

As the last light in the room was turned off, darkness instantly enveloped. At the same time, William's pupils almost became a vertical thin line.

At this time, in William's vision, although the room was much darker, just like a rainy day, he could still see clearly.

"This talent is really good. It will be much more convenient to go on a night tour in Hogwarts in the future."

William has not even gone to Hogwarts yet, but he is already thinking about going on a night tour. He is really a restless guy.

"System, can't I collect the other things I bought today?"William waited for a long time, but saw that the system did not move.���I couldn't help but ask

【Ding! Cannot collect】


【Ding! Other items do not have special properties】

""Okay." William nodded helplessly.

There was nothing special about books, textbooks, uniforms, gloves, crucibles and balances. After all, they were all standard equipment.

But the wand and owl were different. They should be unique, so they met the collection standards of the system.

After thinking about this, William knew what he should collect in the future.

The next morning, when William came to the restaurant, his grandmother Deborah was already waiting for him.

"Dear, did you have a good rest last night? Deborah greeted with a smile

"Of course, what about you, Grandma?"

"Not bad, but I thought you would be too excited to sleep, my dear little wizard William."

William didn't care about his grandmother Deborah's teasing at all.

Even if the servants heard it, it didn't matter. As long as William didn't use magic in front of them, they would just treat it as a joke between the two of them.

"Grandma, you seem to be very interested in magic. I bought several books on the history of magic yesterday. Would you like to take a look?"

William did not refute Deborah, but said this instead.

Hearing William's words, Deborah nodded with great interest:"Okay, I am indeed very interested in magic, and it's a good opportunity for me to read some books to learn more about it."

The reason why Deborah is interested in the magic world is actually mostly due to her worry about William.

As the saying goes, fear comes from the unknown. For Deborah, the magic world is unknown, so she must be very worried about William going to the magic world to study.

If William went to London to study, Deborah's worries would definitely be greatly reduced. After all, she is very familiar with London.

Therefore, Deborah would want to understand the magic world, so that even if she still has no personal experience, at least she has an understanding of it on paper, and it is not an unknown world.

And William thought of these, in order not to worry his grandmother Deborah, he took the initiative to ask Deborah to read books related to the history of magic.

This is a tacit understanding between the two generations, needless to say.

After breakfast, William told the servants not to disturb them, and went to his study with his grandmother Deborah. The books bought yesterday were delivered by owls in the evening and stacked on William's desk. It looked like a thick stack. William took out"A History of Magic" from it.

》、《A History of Hogwarts" and handed them to Deborah

"Grandma, please read these two books, one is about the history of the wizarding world, and the other is about the history of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Deborah took the book, smiled and nodded, then she said:"Dear, I'll read in your study, you don't mind, do you?"

William shook his head and said:"Of course I don't mind, you can come anytime."

"That's good."Deborah said as she walked to the desk and sat down, opened"History of Magic" and began to read it carefully.

William did not disturb her, sat behind another desk, took out"Magic Theory" and began to study on his own. In the past few years since the system was turned on, William has improved his quality to a superhuman level by collecting antique artworks and getting rewards.

The average spirit of ordinary people is only 10 points, while William's is as high as 85 points, which makes him have a memory and understanding far beyond ordinary people. It can be said that he has the ability to remember everything he has seen and draw inferences from one example.

Naturally, William was the legendary"Spirit of the Gods" when he was in school. The academic genius, seemingly playing every day, but always ranked first in academic performance.

In addition, William, who was only 11 years old, had at least reached the advanced or even master level in art appreciation, horse riding, fighting, shooting and other skills, which shows his strong learning ability.

William opened"The Theory of Magic" written by Adelbert Waffling.

The first chapter was the basic rules of magic, and the first rule was: Those who arbitrarily tamper with the deepest secrets - the source of life, the essence of the self - must be prepared to bear the most extreme and dangerous consequences.

Seeing this, William couldn't help but think of Voldemort.

This guy must have violated this rule. He followed the basic rules, and he did bear the most extreme and dangerous consequences.

From a handsome, wise and powerful wizard, he became a noseless and mentally ill Dark Lord. He was also teased by fate. In pursuit of immortality, he only lived to be 72 years old.

This age is not as long as some Muggle elders, not to mention the long-lived people in the wizarding world.

Not to mention Nicolas Flamel and his wife who are over 600 years old, after all, they have the Philosopher's Stone.

Let's talk about Armando Dippet, the headmaster of Hogwarts from the 1940s to the 1960s. He didn't have the Philosopher's Stone, but he still lived for more than 300 years.

It can be seen how pitiful Voldemort is. If he didn't pursue... If he wanted to live forever, with his strength, it was impossible for him to die at the age of 72.

William's mental strength was too strong, and his thoughts diverged too quickly. Sometimes he could not help but associate a lot of things. This might be the only drawback.

Focusing his mind and abandoning distracting thoughts, William immersed himself in learning again.

He planned to learn the theory first, and then start practical exercises, so that he could know the facts and the reasons.

In the next month, William's every day was full of arrangements, learning theoretical knowledge in the morning, practical exercises in the afternoon, and reading historical biographies in the evening.

In this way, time came to the end of August, and Hogwarts was about to start school.

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