Hogwarts: Who hasn't collected a Horcrux?

Chapter 77

Time passed day by day, and finally it was time for the exam.

The weather was very hot and muggy, and the large classroom where they took the exam was even hotter.

The teacher gave them new quills for the exam, all of which were spelled to prevent cheating.

There were also practical tests.

Professor Flitwick asked them to go into the classroom one by one to see if they could make a pineapple tap dance across a desk.

Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuff box - the more beautiful the box, the higher the score; if the mouse whiskers were left on the box, they would lose points.

In the potion exam, they had to mix the forgetfulness potion.

And Snape stood behind them and watched closely. They could feel his breath on the back of their necks, which made them very nervous.

Whether it was the written test or the practical test, William performed with ease and looked relaxed.

The last test was History of Magic.

As long as they could hold on for another hour and answer which weird old wizards invented the automatic stirring crucible, they would be free and could have fun for a whole week until the exam results were announced.

When the ghost of Professor Binns told them to put down their quills and roll up their parchments, all the students cheered.

"06It's much easier than I thought."

Hermione said as they followed the crowd out into the sunny field.

"I don't actually need to remember the werewolf code of conduct from 1637, or the elf rebellion."

Hermione always liked to review the exam content after the exam. Maybe this is why the top students check their answers after the exam.

William, however, did not have this habit, because he felt it was unnecessary and he could do all the questions.

But when Hermione asked, he would still simply and clearly state his thoughts.

But this was very unfriendly to Ron, because he was very annoyed by this question.

So they slowly went down the slope, came to the edge of the Black Lake, and plopped down under a tree.

Over there, a big squid was lying in the warm shallow water basking in the sun, and the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were gently fiddling with its tentacles.

"How wonderful! I don't have to review anymore." Ron exhaled happily and stretched out his limbs and lay on the grass.

William also lay on the grass, but his head rested on Hermione's legs, and he was very lazy.

Hermione leaned against the tree and ruffled William's hair with a relaxed look.

Only Harry looked distressed. He rubbed his forehead.

"I really want to know what this means!" He suddenly said angrily,"My scar has been hurting. It has hurt before, but never as often as it does now."

"Let's go see Madam Pomfrey." Hermione suggested

"I'm not sick," Harry said,"I think it's a warning... that danger is coming.……"

William had to admit that Harry's scar really had this function. After all, when it came to Voldemort, there was no danger.

Ron couldn't muster up the energy. The weather was too hot.

"Harry, relax a little. As long as Dumbledore is here, the Philosopher's Stone is safe."

"In any case, we have not found any evidence to prove that Snape has found out the way to get through Lu Wei."

"He almost had his leg bitten off by Lou Williams last time, so he won't rush to take the risk again."

"If even Hagrid betrayed Dumbledore, then Neville could be selected for the England Quidditch team."

William heard this and said casually,"Although Hagrid will not betray Dumbledore, can his mouth really keep any secrets?"

"I doubt it. After all, if we can get information from him, then others can get information too, right?"

Harry jumped up when he heard this.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked sleepily.

"William is right. I have a question in mind." Harry's face turned pale."We must go find Hagrid immediately."

"What's the doubt?" William stood up and pulled Hermione up. Hermione asked while brushing the grass debris off her clothes.

"Don't you think it's a little strange?" Harry said as he hurried down the grass slope.

"What Hagrid wanted most was a dragon, and a stranger just happened to have a dragon egg in his pocket?"

"How many people walk around with dragon eggs all day? It's against wizarding law!"

"Don't you think they were lucky to find Hagrid? Why didn't I think of that before?"

""What do you want to do?" Ron asked.

But Harry didn't answer him as he ran across the grounds towards the Forbidden Forest.

William smiled and followed Hermione.

Hagrid was sitting on a chair outside the hut, his trouser legs rolled up, shelling peas in a large bowl.

""Hello," he said with a smile,"Is the exam over? Do you have time for a cup of tea?""

""Okay, thanks," said Ron, but Harry interrupted him.

"No, we're in a hurry. Hagrid, I have something to ask you."

"Do you remember the night you won Norbert at cards? What did the stranger you played with look like?"

"I don't know," Hagrid said casually,"he won't take off his cloak."

He saw the surprised expressions on Harry's and the others' faces, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What's so strange about this? The Hog's Head Pub - the pub in the village, is always frequented by some weird guys."

"That fellow might be a dragon vendor. I never saw his face clearly, he had a hood on. '

Harry plopped down beside the bowl of peas.

"What did you say to him, Hagrid? Did you mention Hogwarts?"

"Maybe it was mentioned." Hagrid frowned and tried to recall

"Oh, by the way... He asked me what I did, and I told him I was a gamekeeper here.……"

593"He asked me a little more about what animals I was looking after… and I told him……"[]

"Then I said I had always wanted a dragon... and then... I don't remember clearly, he kept buying me wine to drink……"

"Let me think about it... Oh, then he said he had a dragon egg, and if I wanted it, we could play cards and bet on it.……"

"But he had to find out if I had the ability to deal with this fire dragon. He didn't want the dragon to run out and cause trouble.……"

"So I told him, I can even control Lu Wei, a fire dragon is nothing……"

"Does he seem... interested in Fluffy?" Harry asked, trying to keep his tone calm.

"Yeah, that's interesting, how many three-headed dogs can you come across, even near Hogwarts?"

"So I told him that Lu Wei is actually very easy to deal with. You just need to know how to calm him down and play some music for him, and he will fall asleep immediately.……"

Hagrid's face suddenly showed a look of horror.

"I shouldn't have told you this!" He blurted out,"Forget what I said! Hey! Where are you going?"

Hagrid really grew up drinking truth serum, and he could get anything out of him.

William and the other three didn't exchange a word along the way, and they ran into the hallway before stopping.

Just after coming in from the outside field, the hallway seemed particularly cold and dark.

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