Hogwarts: Who hasn't collected a Horcrux?

Chapter 22

In the evening, when William returned to the dormitory, Harry and the others had already returned and were sitting around chatting.

When he saw William coming in, Harry smiled and asked,"William, tell me where you and Hermione went on a date. I haven't seen you two the whole afternoon."

The other three also looked over with gossip on their faces.

William closed the dormitory door and said casually,"Hermione and I were doing homework in the library. Do you think this is a date?"

"Why not? You've been together the whole afternoon, it's almost like a date." Ron said with a smile.

However, Seamus was concerned about a different issue:"Isn't the homework due next week? Is it necessary to do it now?"

"It doesn't matter. Homework has to be done anyway. It doesn't matter if it's early or late. The sooner you finish, the more you can rest assured. William put his schoolbag beside the bed and joined them.

"Let’s not talk about me. What are you talking about?"

"We just talked about our respective family situations, so I'll go first." said Seamus

"My family is half and half. My father is a Muggle. My mother didn't tell my father that she was a wizard until she got married. It scared him a lot."

Everyone laughed.

"What about you, Neville?" Ron asked

""Oh, I was raised by my grandmother, she is a wizard." Neville said,"But for so many years, my family has always treated me as a Muggle. My Uncle Algie always tried to take advantage of me and force me to show my magic."

"How did he force you? William and the others asked curiously.

"I remember one time, he pushed me off the Black Lake Pier and nearly drowned me, but nothing happened."

William couldn't help but smack his lips after listening to Neville's description, my goodness, this could be directly counted as murder.

Harry was also stunned, although he was not welcome in the Dursley family and was often beaten by his cousin Dudley, it was not to such an outrageous extent.

Neville went on,"Until I was eight years old, one day my Uncle Algie came over for tea, he hung me upside down from the upstairs window with my ankles facing up, and my Aunt Annie happened to hand him a piece of meringue, and he lost his grip and didn't hold me firmly."

"Did you fall?" Seamus asked hastily.

"I bounced up by myself - flew across the garden and fell on the road. They were all very happy, and Auntie Aini even cried with joy."

William couldn't help but sigh that it was not easy for Neville to grow up alive.

Neville didn't seem to care at all, and continued to tell the story with great interest:

"If only you had seen the looks on their faces when I received the letter of acceptance to Hogwarts. They had thought that I wasn't magically competent enough to attend the school."

"Uncle Algie was so happy that he bought me a toad."

After Neville finished speaking, everyone looked at William beside him.

William smiled and said,"I was also raised by my grandmother, but she was not a wizard. My parents died when I was four years old. If I hadn't received the notice from Hogwarts, I would never have thought that there were wizards in this world."

Hearing that William's parents had passed away, they all comforted William. Harry even said,"William, although both your parents are dead, at least you still have your grandmother. Unlike me, you can only live with my aunt, and that family is terrible."

Well, is this a competition of misery?

Finally, it was Ron's turn. He didn't feel miserable at this time. After all, his parents were still alive, and he had many brothers and sisters at home. They were just a little poor.

"My whole family is wizards. My father works in the Ministry of Magic and my mother stays at home to take care of the seven of us. I am the sixth child in our family."

"You have so many children in your family!" Seamus exclaimed.

William and Harry knew about Ron's situation, and Neville should have heard about the Weasley family, so the three of them were not surprised.

Ron nodded:"It's indeed a lot. I have five brothers and a sister, but if you have five brothers, you will never use new things."

"Bill and Charlie have graduated. Bill is the head boy and Charlie is the captain of the Quidditch team. Percy is now the prefect. Although Fred and George are naughty, their grades are excellent."

"Everyone thinks they are interesting and hopes that I can be like them, but then again, if I can do it, it won’t be a big deal because they have done it before me."

Seeing that Ron was a little negative, William encouraged him with a smile:"In that case, you can do something that they haven’t done."

"For example, he became a prefect, the president of the boy's union, and the captain of the Quidditch team, while also achieving straight A grades."

"I believe that by then, they will definitely be proud of you."

Listening to William's description, Ron and the other three couldn't close their mouths anymore. Is this something that a human can do? Has anyone done it in the history of Hogwarts?

Maybe, but they just don't know it.

Ron smacked his lips and muttered,"Forget it, I'd rather be an ordinary sixth grader."

After ending this topic, everyone lost interest in chatting.

In addition, there was Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class tomorrow morning, so they all started to wash up, put on pajamas and went to bed.

William lay in bed and began to think about what Hogwarts had that was worth collecting, easy to get, and would not attract other people's attention.

The Philosopher's Stone? Definitely not. Not to mention that William didn't know where it was now, even if he knew, he couldn't do it easily, after all, Dumbledore was going to use it to fish. The

Mirror of Erised? The Sorting Hat? The Sword of Gryffindor? The Pensieve? The Time Converter? None of these would work.

After thinking about it, William finally thought of two things that he would most likely be able to get.

One was the Marauder's Map, which was In the hands of the Weasley twins.

Another one is the Ravenclaw Diadem, which is also a Horcrux of Voldemort. It was thrown into the Room of Requirement.

Although it is in the Room of Requirement, it is full of things and it takes a lot of time to find it.

But the advantage is that it will basically not alarm anyone. After all, the Room of Requirement is very hidden and only a few people know about it.

And no one knows that the Ravenclaw Diadem is in it, not even Ravenclaw's daughter, the ghost Lady Helena.

William thought about it carefully for a long time, and finally decided that it was the Ravenclaw Diadem.

I hope it won't be too difficult to find by then. Thinking of this, William gradually fell asleep.

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