Hogwarts: Who hasn't collected a Horcrux?

Chapter 18


As expected, Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor. The little girl was very satisfied with the result. She ran to the Gryffindor table and sat next to William.

"Miss Granger, it seems that we are destined to be together. We were both sorted into Gryffindor House." William greeted Hermione with a smile.

Hermione had a good impression of William. First, William looked very suitable for her, and second, William had read a lot of books like her.

So Hermione smiled and responded:"You can just call me Hermione. By the way, William, I think you should have reviewed all the first-year courses."

William nodded:"Of course, and I am more interested in Transfiguration."

"What a coincidence, I am also very interested in Transfiguration, but there are so many things to learn, I really hope to be more straightforward."Hermione said excitedly

"You know, turning one thing into another, of course, should be very difficult.——"

William agreed and said,"Indeed, but I think you should start with small things, such as turning coins into buttons. I practiced this way before."

The two chatted very happily, but all of them were about study.

This made the Gryffindor freshmen around them confused. Are you really freshmen? Why do you seem different from us?

While William and Hermione were chatting, the sorting ceremony continued, and freshmen were sorted into different colleges one after another.

Finally, it was the turn of the freshmen.——

""Harry Potter!"

As Harry walked forward, there was a sudden buzz of whispers in the restaurant, and the students stretched their necks to look forward, hoping to see Harry's appearance clearly.

Such a big commotion directly interrupted William and Hermione's conversation, and their attention was also focused on the Sorting Hat.

"William, which house do you think Harry Potter will be sorted into?"Hermione asked

"It should be our Gryffindor House."

Harry sat on it for more than two minutes before the Sorting Hat called out the final conclusion:


Upon hearing this name, the Gryffindor table suddenly boiled over and the warmest cheers and applause rang out.

The prefect Percy stood up and shook hands tightly with Harry. The Weasley twin brothers shouted loudly:"We have Potter! We have Potter!"

Looking at their excitement, William couldn't help but smack his lips.

Tsk! No wonder Harry has a mysterious self-confidence in the future and dares to rush into anything.

With this scene, who wouldn't be confused, let alone Harry who had such an experience since childhood.

After all, in the Dursleys' house, Harry lived in the storage room under the stairs, wore his cousin Dudley's old clothes, and their family treated Harry badly.

But in the wizarding world, most wizards are very enthusiastic about him, and even feel like fans chasing stars.

This kind of huge difference in treatment will change anyone's mentality.

After Harry sat down, it was soon Ron's turn. Without any surprise, he was sorted into Gryffindor College.

Because all the Weasley family members are from Gryffindor College, he will not be an exception.

When the last Blaise Zabini was sorted into Slytherin, Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment, picked up the Sorting Hat and left.

Albus Dumbledore, who was in the guest of honor seat, stood up, looked at the students with a smile on his face, and stretched out his arms to them.

It seemed that nothing made him happier than seeing the students gathered together.

"Welcome! Welcome to Hogwarts to start a new school year!"

"Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words: Idiot! Crybaby! Scum! Screw!"

""Thank you, everyone!"

He sat down again, and everyone applauded and cheered.

William sighed that he was a principal who kept his word and said a few words.

Unlike the principals of some schools, who said a few simple words and then talked for an hour without stopping, haha!

At this time, the originally empty plates were filled with food: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fried potato chips, Yorkshire puddings, pea sprouts, carrot juice, gravy, ketchup, and even mint candies. To be honest, the dinner was definitely sumptuous. Although William liked Chinese food, he could accept Western food.

William was quite satisfied with the meal. After all, steaks and pork chops could be made delicious even if the chef's cooking skills were average.

What's more, the cooking skills of the house-elves in Hogwarts were pretty good. After all, it was an ancestral craft.

William saw Ron holding a chicken leg in each hand and eating happily. , and suddenly felt that he was quite suitable for Hufflepuff College.

While Hermione was cutting steak, she continued to discuss study with William.

Harry even chatted with the ghost while eating, and it seemed that the conversation was quite good.

After everyone had filled their stomachs, the remaining food disappeared from the plate.

The plate became clean as new again, and after a while, the pudding came.

There were all kinds of ice cream flavors, apple pie, syrup fruit pie, chocolate trifle, fried jam donuts, wine jam pudding, strawberry, jelly, rice pudding...

William didn't like desserts very much, so he only took a few strawberries. As the daughter of a dentist, Hermione was naturally very restrained about desserts.

The two of them got along surprisingly well, whether it was study or diet, they had a lot of common topics.

Finally, when the pudding disappeared, Professor Dumbledore stood up again, and the hall returned to silence.

"Now that everyone has had enough to eat and drink, I want to say a few more words to you."

"At the beginning of the semester, I would like to give you a few points of attention."

"First-year students, please note that no student is allowed to enter the forest area on the school grounds. Some of our old classmates should also remember this.��"

Dumbledore's shining eyes glanced towards the Weasley brothers.

"Also, Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to remind everyone not to perform magic in the corridors during class breaks."

"The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in joining the college team should contact Ms. Huo Qi."

"Finally, I must tell you that if you do not want to suffer an accident or a painful death, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

"Now, before we go to bed, let's sing the school song together!"Dumbledore said loudly, but the smiles of the other teachers seemed to freeze. Dumbledore flicked his wand lightly, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting and winding like a snake high above the dining table, forming lines of words.

"Everyone chooses a tune they like. Ready, sing!"

Then all the teachers and students sang loudly, but it sounded scattered and didn't sound like singing at all, but like noise.

When everyone finished singing the school song, the Weasley twins continued to sing along with the slow melody of"Funeral March".

Dumbledore also used his wand to conduct the last few bars for the two of them. When they finished singing, his applause was the loudest.

""Music," he said, wiping his eyes,"is more charming than anything we do here! It's bedtime now, everyone, go back to the dormitory."

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