Hogwarts’ White Lord

72: The Philosopher’s Stone

"You mean..."

"I see the shadow of Grindelwald in you, and I also see mine."

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with nostalgia. He remembered the time when two talented young men made a covenant with their own blood and sweat, vowing never to hurt each other.


Ivan scratched his head and said, "The greatest dark wizard and the greatest white wizard of this century, should I say, it's my honor?"

"The greatest dark wizard?"

Dumbledore did not refute that he was considered the greatest white wizard of this century.

Anyway, the whole world said so. Even if Dumbledore wanted to deny it, he had no choice but to accept it.

In contrast, Ivan's statement that Grindelwald was the greatest dark wizard made Dumbledore feel...

Somewhat happy?

Well, Dumbledore was indeed quite happy, more so than being praised himself.

"Yes, the greatest."

Ivan said, "Especially Grindelwald's words, I think they make sense. 'For the greater good!'"

When Ivan said this, Dumbledore's heart seemed to skip a beat.

"Compared to Voldemort, I think Grindelwald is the dark wizard who deserves to be remembered."

Grindelwald was not given the title of Dark Lord. He was a reformer who wanted to overthrow the Statute of Secrecy, not a complete murderer like Voldemort.

"I know Grindelwald killed many people."

Ivan said, "He started a war and took countless lives."

"This is not right, and it's even worse."

Ivan said this not to please Dumbledore, but because he genuinely believed it.

In Ivan's view, the population of the wizarding world is limited, and every wizard is a valuable resource.

Killing may bring a sense of power, but the cost is too high.

And compared to pure-blood supremacy, Ivan wanted to unify wizards all over the world and gather everyone's strength.

Looking at the 11-year-old wizard in front of him, speaking about the world and expressing his ideals so freely, Dumbledore had an illusion that the person sitting there was not Ivan, but Grindelwald.

The old man wanted to tell Ivan that "For the greater good" was not originally created by Grindelwald.

He was, in fact, the first person to say it.

"So, what about you?"

Gradually, Dumbledore began to see Ivan as another version of himself—a younger and perhaps ....better version.

He wanted to know Ivan's thoughts and what goals the young wizard in front of him had.

The Mysterious Side seemed to be just a small study group.

But in the beginning, Voldemort's Death Eaters and Grindelwald's followers were also just one or two people.

As the saying goes, a little sand makes a tower, and a spark can start a prairie fire.

When Ivan's influence on Hermione and the others became deeper and deeper, it would be difficult to turn back.

The most important point was how to protect happiness.

What is happiness?

When they move forward with this goal, they will encounter obstacles sooner or later.

What will Ivan and the others do then?

The simpler the concept, the more complex it becomes, and the harder it is to achieve. Clearly, those children had not yet realized this.

"Granger, Longbottom, Patil, and Potter..."

Dumbledore said, "They are taking an unknown path under your influence."

"Hmm? Do you want me to stop?" Ivan asked.

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "I just hope you can be more cautious."

"You are a kind child. I have always seen the help you give them."

Dumbledore had asked McGonagall what kind of person Ivan was in the orphanage.

Professor McGonagall told him that Ivan was loved by everyone in the orphanage, especially knowing that Ivan used the power of magic but still gave back to the orphanage.

This gratitude is something Tom Riddle would never have.

"But I think you need to understand."

Dumbledore said, "Every time you choose someone, you have to bear responsibility for them."

"Protect our world and pass on the most sincere happiness."

"That's great..."

What reason did Dumbledore have to stop Ivan and prevent the dreams of these young wizards?

More than a hundred years ago, in that valley, didn't he and Grindelwald have the same dream?

"So, the other shadow is you, huh?" Ivan looked into Dumbledore's deep sapphire eyes.


Dumbledore said with emotion, "It's really incredible, little Ivan."

"You have his foresight and charm, and a precious heart that I couldn't see at that time."

If it wasn't impossible for two men to have children, Dumbledore might have wondered whether Ivan was a mix of the Grindelwald family and the Dumbledore family.

There was no way around it; they were too similar.

Ivan's talents in prophecy and transformation, as well as his resonance with the Fenix Spirit in the Sycamore Wand.

The former seemed like the return of the Grindelwald family's bloodline, and the latter was like the return of the Dumbledore family's bloodline.

Ivan had better talents and higher personal charm than either Dumbledore or Grindelwald.


Ivan scratched his head awkwardly.

Well, even he had some doubts.

The system extracts the best wizard bloodline in the Harry Potter world.

In the original book, the best wizard isn't Voldemort.

Because Voldemort underwent many magical transformations, his power came from the acquired, not the innate.

The truly extraordinary ones are Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald.

The two of them undoubtedly represent the pinnacles of powerful bloodlines in the wizarding world.

'No way, it can't be true, right?'

Ivan was certainly not the child of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, but his bloodline could really be a product of their two families' ancestral return and reintegration.

"Professor, I didn't think so much while creating the group," Ivan said frankly. "But no matter what the future holds, one thing is certain."


"Power!" Ivan said, "Only by being strong can we face whatever problems arise."

This is why he taught Hermione and others magical knowledge and established the secret base of the mysterious side.

"Ah~ Yes, you are right."

Dumbledore nodded, and he agreed with Ivan's opinion.

"I will try my best to improve their magical attainments."

"As for the future, we will know later."

Ivan: "Let us, the younger generation worry about the future!"

His words were acknowledged by Dumbledore, and the old man chose to end the topic.

He already understood Ivan's stance.

The rest wasn't for him, an old man over a hundred years old, to decide.

Giving some advice occasionally and sharing experiences was all he could do.

But Dumbledore didn't think he could make the choices for Ivan.

Times had changed, and he was old.

The remnants of the old era only needed to provide shelter until the new seeds grew into towering trees.

"Oh, right."

Dumbledore suddenly said, "I may have some business soon and will need to leave Hogwarts."

"So, can we suspend the evening classes?"


Dumbledore continued, "Well, the classes still need to continue."


Ivan was puzzled. What did he mean by that?

"I mean, when I leave Hogwarts, Ivan, can you protect the children here?"


Ivan widened his eyes with an incredulous expression. "Are you serious?"


"Protect Hogwarts?"

Ivan felt like he must have heard it wrong.

'Shouldn't you be telling Snape or Professor McGonagall about this?

You're entrusting this to a little wizard who has only been enrolled for less than two months. What on earth...'

"Ivan, who do you think is the most powerful in Hogwarts?" Dumbledore asked.

"Of course, it's you!" Ivan responded.

"And after me?" Dumbledore inquired further.


Well, besides Dumbledore, it seems that Ivan Ambrosius is indeed the next strongest.

As mentioned before, Ivan can remain undefeated under the combined efforts of three top professors: McGonagall, Flitwick, and Snape.

And if it's one-on-one, none of the heads of the houses could beat Ivan.

"Did I just unknowingly become the second-best wizard at Hogwarts?"

Ivan had never thought about it that way. After all, Hogwarts still had Dumbledore, the world's most powerful white wizard, leading the way, and he was still a long way from reaching that peak.

However, the truth was that the only thing Ivan couldn't compare to were those great wizards who had surpassed the limits of humanity.

But when facing top wizards like McGonagall and Snape, there was indeed a significant difference between them.

"Where are you going?" Ivan asked.

"Going to visit an old friend," Dumbledore replied. "Do you know about the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Of course," Ivan said, surprised that Dumbledore was being so straightforward.

He even told Ivan clearly that Voldemort wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone and that Nicolas Flamel had entrusted it to him.

"But the levels set up by the professors on the third floor can't stop an adult wizard at all," Ivan commented.

"Yes, that's correct," Dumbledore nodded. He never pinned his hopes on those fairy-tale-like obstacles. He explained, "The real magic used to protect the Philosopher's Stone is the one I set up myself."

Dumbledore's strength was beyond doubt. Even if Voldemort at his peak came personally, it would probably be impossible for him to break through the protective magic set by Dumbledore. Therefore, whether the earlier levels were easy or difficult was irrelevant.

"The Philosopher's Stone... Here it is."

Dumbledore said, taking out a red, irregular gem from his pocket and placing it in front of Ivan, who looked on in surprise.


Ivan didn't understand what Dumbledore meant.

"Don't you want to take a look?" Dumbledore asked.

"Can I?" Ivan responded, though his hand didn't hesitate at all as he took the Philosopher's Stone.

For a moment, Ivan's sharp magic perception clearly sensed the immense magic power emitted by this small crystal.

'It's different, completely different!!'

Ivan had never seen an alchemical item with such powerful magic before. This thing was like a miracle!

Opening his magic eye and spiritual vision, Ivan carefully observed and analyzed the stone, trying to see through its essence and understand the method of refining it.

Ivan didn't forget that the first part of his main task required him to independently refine a Philosopher's Stone. Now, with the finished product right in front of him, he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Professor, how did you know I wanted the Philosopher's Stone?" Ivan asked, seeing Dumbledore's intention. The latter smiled and said, "You applied to me to access the restricted section of the library last time, and I noticed it then."

Even though he had gotten the borrowing slip for the restricted section, Ivan hadn't chosen to study powerful dark magic but instead selected some advanced alchemy texts that almost no one else would read.

Given Ivan's intelligence, Dumbledore quickly guessed his purpose.

Of course, the portraits definitely played a big role in this.

Ivan really wanted to complain: How many spies have you planted in the school, old man?!

"You already knew that what Harry and Hagrid brought back from Gringotts was the Philosopher's Stone?"


Ivan did not hide it. "And my eyes, you know, I can see the future."

"Oh, yes yes.. Haa~ that so, huh..."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, then said, "Okay, then happy Halloween, go enjoy today's dinner."

"Ah?" Ivan was stunned for a moment. He looked at the Philosopher's Stone in his hand and then back at Dumbledore.

Suddenly, Ivan realized something.

"You... don't want to take it back?"

"Just treat it as my homework for you," Dumbledore smiled slightly. "I hope you can learn something by the next time we have class."

Yes, Dumbledore handed the Philosopher's Stone to Ivan.

The Philosopher's Stone—this is the stone that can grant immortality.

Although there are various disadvantages, the name of the Fifth Element and the Philosopher's Stone cannot be false; it is a key point in the field of alchemy.

Voldemort dreams of getting it.

On the way back to the common room, Ivan touched the Philosopher's Stone in his pocket and still felt a little dreamlike. Old Dumbledore gave it to me directly.

No matter what Dumbledore's purpose was, Ivan was really moved by this trust.

"I can feel that he is not testing me."

Ivan thought, He simply saw that I was interested in alchemy, so he gave me the Philosopher's Stone to study.

Ivan never told anyone about the main task.

But considering Dumbledore's erudition, it was normal for him to see that Ivan was interested in the Philosopher's Stone.

"Professor, when will I need to return it?" Ivan had asked the last question before leaving.

"When I ask you for it."

Dumbledore told Ivan directly that he suspected Voldemort was not dead, so he wanted to use the Philosopher's Stone as bait to lure him out.

Ivan told Dumbledore that there was something wrong with Quirrell.

Dumbledore had already found out at the first level.

He had been waiting for Quirrell to come up and ask him for help.

Through communication with Dumbledore, Ivan found that Dumbledore did not know that Voldemort was attached to Quirrell's head; he just suspected that Voldemort was still alive.

As for those levels, they were originally prepared for Harry.

It just so happened that Ivan had formed the Mysterious Side.

"When the time comes, you can take them to try."

Dumbledore said, "Just think of it as a small test I prepared for your small group."


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