Hogwarts’ White Lord

70: You can fly like this?!

"The Levitation Charm is a magic that can make objects float."

Ivan tapped his wand on the desk in front of him, then the tip of the wand slowly moved upwards, and the desk also rose into the air.

He stopped the desk in the air at a height of one meter, and cast a Levitation Charm on the feather, making it float up little by little.

"This is the Levitation Charm, which has two effects, floating and suspending."

There is actually no difference between these two words in essence.

What Ivan meant was that the Levitation Charm can make objects fly, or they can make objects stay still in the air.

"There is no flying magic in the wizarding world, but wizards don't have to worry about falling to death," Ivan said. "Because of the existence of the Levitation Charm, you can stop yourself in the air at any time, and then slowly move up or down."

So it is actually inaccurate that wizards can't do flying magic.

The existence of the Levitation Charm allows wizards to easily float in the air that is not very high.

"Professor, I have a question."

A little wizard from Ravenclaw raised her hand. It was Padma Patil, Parvati's sister.

"Go ahead."

Flitwick and Ivan were interacting in class, which greatly strengthened the attention of the young wizards.

"If two people cast a Levitation Charm on each other, can they both fly?"

In fact, many young wizards had just thought of this question. Now that someone had raised it, it could help answer their doubts.

"In theory, this can be done," Flitwick said. "But it is very difficult to do it in reality."

"The Levitation Charm is divided into one-time levitation and continuous levitation," Flitwick explained. "The so-called one-time levitation is to cast a spell on an object and let it stay there.

Next, even if you don't control it, the object will not fall immediately.

But in the same way, during this process, you can no longer control the object unless you cast a Levitation Charm on it again or use magic to pull it."

"Continuity means that the suspended object is pulled all the time to move according to the needs of the wizard."

"There is actually a special spell for this kind of movement, called 'Zombie Floating.'"

"If two people use the Levitation Charm on each other and want to achieve the same effect as flying, it will definitely not just be staying in the air, but also continuous controlled movement."

Flitwick drew out his wand and motioned for Ivan to try it with him.

Ivan would not refuse.

So, a strange scene happened.

When both parties cast a Levitation Charm on each other, trying to make each other float, they both lost control of the spell at the same time.


Professor Flitwick fell to the ground from the air, and Ivan was thrown out and hit the wall.



There was a commotion in the classroom.

The students were worried about the safety of the two and were very curious about the out-of-control phenomenon.

Since Ivan arrived, the professors' teaching was no longer as monotonous as before, and there were many new demonstrations.

Students were curious about this, and even the professors themselves enjoyed it very much.

To stick to the old rules or come up with something new?

After discovering that the latter had better teaching effects, the professors changed their strategies one by one and chose to try new teaching concepts in the first year.

"I'm fine," Ivan said as he stood up, seeing that Flitwick was also uninjured. "I understand now. Two people can indeed float together by casting Levitation Charms on each other."

"But when one person is controlling, the other person will inevitably be affected and try to control the person in front.

So, it's like two connected bodies that can never be still; they will fly around in the air as long as they move.

And the same applies to three or four people."

"Yes," Flitwick agreed. "So one person needs to stay still while casting a spell on the other person."

"However, although this can avoid the problem, the height and distance that can be flown are very limited."

Because the reaction speed of the Levitation Charm is too slow, and it cannot be too far from the caster, this makes the idea of taking another person flying a fantasy.

"Then, what if we cast the spell on our clothes and shoes?"

This question was raised by Harry.

When Ivan saw Professor Flitwick looking at him, he thought for a moment and replied: "First, this kind of floating is not considered flying at all because it is too slow."

"Second, the quality of the clothes needs to be guaranteed, otherwise it could cause harm to the body."

"Third, we have flying brooms and magic carpets, so it is not very meaningful to cast a spell on clothes."

In summary, using the Levitation Charm for flying presents many problems, such as slow speed, slow reaction, poor control, and redundancy.

And casting the spell on clothes still relies on external forces, not true flying magic.

"Of course, there is a magical aspect of the Levitation Charm that I hope everyone can remember."

"That is, when you fall from a high altitude, you can cast this spell at any time without worrying about being hurt."

The Levitation Charm has a great advantage in this regard because its effect is levitation, not hovering.

This means that no matter how fast you are falling, as long as you cast the Levitation Charm, you won't have to worry about inertia, and you won't be injured from a sudden stop.

"Not only that, the Levitation Charm is a spell that affects the entire object."

Ivan added, "So even if the object we levitate is a box, the things inside the box won't be damaged."

With the cooperation of Ivan and Professor Flitwick, and the self-practice of the young wizards, the class on the Levitation Charm came to an end.

After class, Ivan stayed behind to chat with Professor Flitwick for a while before leaving the classroom with Hermione, Parvati, and Neville.

Harry wanted to go after Ron, so he couldn't stay.

"Harry ran to chase Ron?" Ivan was puzzled.

Parvati explained, "Because of Hermione."

"Huh?" Ivan turned to Hermione, "What's going on with you?"

"It has nothing to do with me!" Hermione said angrily. "I just corrected his pronunciation when casting the spell, and he got mad! It's ridiculous!"

Ivan recalled similar scenes from the original story. However, Hermione's personality seemed to be much better due to his influence.

She got along very well with Parvati, Neville, Harry, and others—except Ron.

Hermione really disliked Ron, so she never treated him kindly.

After listening to Parvati and Neville's explanation, Ivan understood the situation.

From their perspective, Hermione didn't do anything wrong. Ron had poor emotional resilience and was in a bad mood.

This was entirely his own problem.

"I don't quite understand," Neville said. "Isn't it a lucky thing to be in the same group with Hermione?"

"Hey, Neville, what do you mean?" Parvati teased. "Does being in the same group with me make you uncomfortable?"

"No, no..."

Neville knew Parvati was joking, but the shy boy thought about it and spoke his true thoughts. "Actually, if possible, I want to be in the same group with Miss Abbott when we have class with Hufflepuff..."

"Miss Abbott?" Ivan frowned slightly. 

Suddenly, Ivan noticed Hermione and Parvati giving Neville curious, amused looks.


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