Hogwarts’ White Lord

67: The Room of Requirement

With a burst of coolness pouring down from the top of their heads, the figures of the five people disappeared in the lounge.

"Merlin's socks! You all disappeared?"

"Oh! I disappeared too!"

"Where are you?"

"Ouch, Harry, you stepped on my foot."

"Ah, sorry, Neville, I didn't see..."

Among the four little wizards, only Hermione was calm and knew that it was the Disillusionment Charm.

In contrast, it was the first time for Harry and the others to experience this magic.

"The Disillusionment Charm, a spell that can make people invisible," Hermione explained. "But this magic can't completely erase the figure. If you get closer, others can actually see it."

The Disillusionment Charm is more like the transformation of a chameleon, becoming transparent but not completely invisible.

However, Hermione soon found something wrong.

"Wait a minute!!"

Hermione was extremely shocked at this moment because she found that she couldn't see the light or shadow of the others at all.

You know, at such a close distance, it is impossible for the flaw of the Disillusionment Charm to go unnoticed.

But the problem is that no matter how Hermione observes others and herself, she only gets one fact—they are truly invisible!

"Is this the Disillusionment Charm that you improved, Ivan?"


Ivan did not hide it and said frankly, "I slightly corrected some details of this magic and optimized it."

What does it mean to "slightly correct" it?

Is this even human language?

Optimizing the spell casually is simply incredible!

"As long as you don't move vigorously, my Disillusionment Charm will be like a real Invisibility Cloak, and no trace can be found."

The principle is not complicated. In fact, Ivan inserted a "memory" into the spell.

This memory allows people to briefly record the surrounding environment when they move, slow down the sense of disharmony caused by distortion, and reduce the probability of exposure.

However, if they move too fast, the small memory will not be able to handle it, causing the light and shadow on the body to distort.

"Even so, it's very powerful."

Harry never thought that spells could be improved. Even though he had seen Ivan's improved magic time and time again, he still found it hard to break away from the traditional mindset.

It can only be said that people are different.

Harry is willing to learn all kinds of magic, but he does not intend to create or optimize magic.

He is self-aware and knows that he is not cut out for this.

"Watch your feet, don't fall."

Ivan and the others were in an invisible state. They were connected one by one, holding hands with each other to ensure that no one fell behind.

The night at Hogwarts was extremely quiet.

As they walked through the corridors, the paintings on both sides had gone to sleep. Only their footsteps echoed faintly in the empty halls.

The little wizards did not ask questions but simply followed Ivan, continuing to move forward.

The whole journey was surprisingly uneventful.

They did not meet Filch, nor were they targeted by Mrs. Norris. They arrived at their destination without any twists or turns.


With a flick of his wand, Ivan removed the Disillusionment Charm covering everyone.

"Is there anything here?"

Hermione looked around, but unfortunately found nothing.

"Could it be a secret passage?"

Parvati saw Ivan standing in front of the tapestry of the troll: "I heard that Hogwarts has many secret passages. Ivan, did you find a secret passage here?"

"I dare not compare with the Weasley brothers in the ability to find secret passages."

"They are really amazing."

Ivan told them one thing: the Weasley brothers may have found 80% of the secret passages in Hogwarts.

"So many!"

Hermione said, "How many times have they wandered at night?"


Ivan replied, "Except for the first few times they were caught by Filch, they haven't been discovered for a long time."

'Especially after finding the Marauder's Map in Filch's drawer, the Weasley twins completely let themselves go.'

"As long as you don't get caught, it's not a violation," Ivan repeated the words that the two always said. "Tsk tsk, two prank geniuses—you can't learn that."

Hermione wanted to ask what was so good about this; she didn't want Ivan to become like the Weasley twins.

"Don't worry, I'm not that free."

Pranks and such are not as interesting as studying magic.

"I brought you here to prepare for the actual combat training later."

Ivan patted Hermione's shoulder and told them the real purpose of tonight.

"Actual combat training?"

Harry and Parvati had come later, so they didn't know Ivan's original plan.

Now, hearing about actual combat, they were surprised.

"There's nothing here," Harry said.

It seemed like Ivan meant to take them out to find a place as a field for practical training.

"Ivan, don't keep us in suspense, tell us quickly," Hermione said. The little witch was not used to being out late at night. Standing in the corridor on the seventh floor, she always felt uneasy that Filch might catch them at any moment.

"Yeah," Ivan said, waving his hand at the four of them. "Everyone, make way, and then watch what I do."

Next, Ivan walked back and forth against the wall three times in the puzzled eyes of the four.

"I need a room to practice spells..." Ivan muttered as he walked.

And just when Ivan walked the third time, an ancient-looking door began to slowly emerge on the empty wall.


The four little wizards looked at each other.

They really didn't expect that there was such a magical secret room here!

"This, this is also a secret passage?" Harry asked.

"This is not a secret passage," Ivan stood in front of the door and smiled. "It is the Room of Requirement. Hermione, you should have heard of it."

"Room of Requirement! This is the Room of Requirement!" Hermione was surprised. "Many old books said things about it but weren't able to confirm it. I always thought it was just a legend, made up by little wizards in the past, but I didn't expect..."

She really couldn't imagine that the Room of Requirement was in this place.

"I'll tell you secretly, even the Weasley brothers couldn't find this room."

"So what is the Room of Requirement?" Harry asked.

Neville, looking confused, added, "Yeah... sorry but I don't really understand."

"The Room of Requirement, also known as the 'Room of Coming and Going'," Parvati explained. "Because this room can only be entered when a person truly needs it. It sometimes appears and sometimes disappears, but when it appears, it is always arranged to meet the needs of the person seeking help."

"That's true."

Ivan pointed to the door behind him and said, "The way to enter the Room of Requirement is very simple, just walk past this wall three times, while thinking about the room you need in your mind."

"The room you need?" Hermione repeated.

"Exactly," Ivan said. "If you want to go to the toilet, you will find that this place has become a toilet. If you want something, it will become a warehouse."

"Then, Ivan, your wish just now was for a room to practice magic?" Harry asked.

"Let's go in and take a look," Ivan said, pushing open the door of the Room of Requirement. "If everything worked as planned, there should be everything we need inside."

After he spoke, the four little ones couldn't help but rush inside.

It was a spacious room with torches lit inside, resembling an underground classroom.

There was a row of wooden bookshelves along the wall. There were no chairs on the floor, but there were large satin cushions.

On the shelf at the other end of the room were various instruments such as sneakoscopes, secrecy sensors, and a large cracked magic mirror.

"What are these?" Parvati asked curiously as the little wizards looked around the room.

Ivan explained casually, "The cushions are for when we practice the Stunning Spell."

"What about these mirrors?" Harry asked.

"A kind of Dark magic detector, the small one is called a sneakoscope, and the large one is a magic mirror," Ivan explained, closing the door behind him. "The inside and outside of the Room of Requirement are independent, which means that as long as we close the door, no one outside can detect what happens inside."

"That's great," Harry said. "This is simply the best place to practice spells!"

"Everyone, come and see this basket!"

Hermione said, as if she had discovered something.

Everyone gathered around, and they saw that there were bookshelves in the room filled with various books related to spells and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Common Spells and Countermeasures, Victory Over the Dark Arts, Self-Defense Spells, Fighting Poison with Poison..." The little witch's hand stroked the spines of these books, and her excitement was unmistakable.

"Alright, Hermione, there will be plenty of time later," Ivan said, patting the little witch's head, signaling for her to focus.

He then sat on the mat with the four of them and said, "From now on, we will gather here every Friday night to practice magic together."

"At night, just like tonight?" Harry asked, worried about getting caught. He didn't know the Disillusionment Charm after all.

Thinking about it, Harry felt a bit pitiful. Parvati was with Hermione, Neville could follow Ivan, and only he seemed pitiful, weak, and helpless....


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