Hogwarts, where the stars shine

Chapter 27, Argus Filch

Time flies by, and the weather in Scotland becomes worse and worse. One heavy rain after another turns Hogwarts into a drowned rat.

The sudden drop in temperature also caused students to catch colds one after another, and the smell of cold medicine wafted through the castle.

Mesa, who was in excellent health, did not catch a cold. His life was as usual, plain but fulfilling.When there are classes, he will sit in the classroom and listen carefully; when there are no classes, he will go to the library to recharge his batteries.

At night, Mesa would go to Snape's office or Filch's to collect his punishment of confinement.He did this every night for a week except the night of his astronomy class.

For the most part, Mesa is a humble, discerning man.

Therefore, during the one-month confinement punishment period, Mesa did not cause any trouble, whether it was when facing Snape or Argus Filch.

The confinement in Snape's office usually consisted of standing still, and occasionally he would deal with some simple potion materials.Although it was a little boring, Mesa also had more time to relax.

From living in the Leaky Cauldron to attending Hogwarts, Mesa showed a thirst for knowledge and was absorbing knowledge all the time.Mesa's diligence and hard work are certainly good, but he was too eager and failed to fully digest what he learned.

Like a sponge full of water, the sponge cannot absorb more new content until the existing water is squeezed out.

While standing in Snape's office, Mesa had more time to think. He could use this time to summarize the knowledge stored in his mind, integrate them, and master them thoroughly.

Thinking about it this way, Mesa's punishment of too long a confinement period was a blessing in disguise.

The confinement at Filch's place was somewhat unsatisfactory.Either scrubbing the armor and statues in the corridors, or cleaning the classrooms and prize rooms, it was all manual labor, and magic was not allowed.

It's a hard job, and it's a supervised job.

Argus Filch and his pet cat Lady Norris.One person and one cat come to inspect Mesa's work progress from time to time and urge him to work hard.

Logically speaking, Mesa should hate Filch as much as the other students.

After all, there is really nothing likable about this grumpy, eccentric old man.

Filch always wants to hang students from the ceiling for corporal punishment, always suspects that students are doing something suspicious, and always gets angry when dirty footprints appear in the castle...

Just as Filch disliked students, students had a thousand reasons to dislike him.But what is surprising is that Mesa has no ill feelings towards the school administrator, but feels a bit pitiful towards him.

It wasn't a Madonna heart attack, Mesa's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all black.

He only felt that Filch was a pitiful person through his brief contact with him.

Filch is very responsible for his job, although he occasionally forgets to lock the castle door because he is obsessed with cleaning the castle; Filch respects the professors in the school very much, whether it is the lofty principal Dumbledore, or just now Young professors joining the profession.

Although some staff hate Filch as much as the students, Mr. Administrator always completes the tasks assigned to him in the school.

Beyond that, Mesa discovered something crucial.That is, Filch has never used magic, not even once.At the same time, as long as the outer packaging of the potion is changed, Filch will not be able to distinguish it clearly.

Mesa suspected that school administrator Argus Filch was a squib.That's why he never casts spells and lacks the necessary magical knowledge, because Hogwarts doesn't admit squibs.

The usual way the wizarding world treats Squibs is to send them to Muggle schools and encourage them to integrate into Muggle society.

This is much kinder than finding them a place in the wizarding world, where they are always treated as second-class citizens and the Ministry of Magic doesn't even keep birth records for Squibs.

Even wizarding families that are able to accept Muggles and Muggle-borns are not very able to accept Squibs.

That night, Mesa accepted the punishment of confinement as usual. After tonight, the one-month punishment of confinement ended.

The Prize Room is a room on the fourth floor of the castle.There are many crystal glass cabinets here displaying various trophies, shields, medals and statues.

Standing in the center of the room, Mesa waved his wand and used magic spells to clean the dust in the room.The rag and magic cleaner were flying in the air, as if controlled by a pair of invisible hands, diligently wiping the shiny medal.

After a while, Mrs. Loris, who was skinny and with gray fur, slipped into the room through the crack in the door.

Mrs. Norris did not run quickly to find her owner because Mesa illegally used magic to wipe the trophy. Instead, she nimbly jumped onto a table and lay there lazily.

After a while, Argus Filch, also scrawny, walked into the room.He was stooped, his face was pale, his cheeks were saggy, sunken, and veined.

Mesa in the room had already put away her wand, and the rag and magic cleaner were back in their place.

Maybe it’s because Mesa has been very honest recently and seems to correct his mistakes right away, or maybe it’s because Mesa is one of the few students who is kind to Filch... Although Filch still hates students, he treats Mesa Turn a blind eye to some of Sa's violations.

Of course, if Mesa dared to wave his wand in front of Filch's face, the school administrator wouldn't tolerate him.

"Good evening, Filch," Mesa said. "In this bad weather, you should stay in your office and warm yourself by the fire."

Argus Filch, a man who can shoulder the responsibility of weather forecasting for Hogwarts.

If the grumpy Filch acts particularly irritable one day, it means that Hogwarts is likely to change.

"Don't mind your own business, you annoying boy!" Filch chirped, "If I don't pay attention, you bastard boys will run around the castle and turn the school upside down!"

While Filch was inspecting the completion of Mesa's work, he continued angrily: "I should really suggest to Professor Dumbledore..."

"Restore the system of the past and use old-fashioned punishment methods to punish students who make mistakes." Mesa took over and said, "Even if you are not tired of saying it, I am tired of hearing this, Filch."

Argus Filch had been pleading with Dumbledore since he had succeeded Apollon Pringle as administrator, hoping that the headmaster would allow him to hang students from the ceiling by their ankles.

Of course, Dumbledore didn't grant Filch's wish.

To the students, the punishment Filch wanted was too inhumane.Even if they only fall into the hands of administrator Filch if they violate school rules.

"But only in this way will you have a long memory!" Filch said viciously, "You bastards should learn from him. That's what a student should be like!"

Following the direction of Filch's finger, Mesa saw a medal placed in the cabinet.It was a special contribution award issued by the school, and the winner's name was Tom Riddle.

Mesa has scrubbed medals in the trophy room many times during lockdown, so the name is no stranger to him.In addition to the Special Contribution Award, Tom Riddle also received a Medal of Outstanding Character.

Being able to win these two awards is enough to show how outstanding Tom Riddle's performance was during his school days.

"He is also the student union president." Filch continued, holding a list of past student union presidents in his protruding hands.

Looking at the list of past student union presidents, Mesa thoughtfully asked, "Filch, will the school keep the list of past graduates?"

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