Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 21 Moonlight

Quirrell's departure did not cause any waves at Hogwarts.

The change of the House Cup several times is where the eyes of the students converge, especially Gryffindor, who was still talking about his college winning the House Cup the day before, but woke up the next day to find that his house had fallen to the ground. Second to last, followed by Ravenclaw.

Percy Weasley was almost suffocating. He looked at the school's marks and roared angrily, who the hell deducted [-] points overnight!

Rowena lowered her head and stood up. Percy looked at his sister, as if epileptic, pointing at her with a trembling hand, speechless.


Rowena answered honestly: "Sachs and I went to the forbidden area, and then met... met..." Rowena looked at Professor McGonagall begging for help.

Professor McGonagall, who knew what happened last night, was actually worried and fearful rather than angry.

She stood up, touched Rowena's head, and said to Percy Weasley: "Forget it, Vanessa Weasley should have learned the lesson, don't blame her anymore."

Professor McGonagall gently hugged Rowena and comforted her: "I think you were already frightened enough last night. When you met that person, you were able to resist bravely. In my opinion, that is a very brave thing, okay. Son, although I don't approve of your adventure yesterday, I recognize the courage you showed."

Professor McGonagall smiled and said: "A Gryffindor should face the enemy bravely like this."

George Fred walked up to Ron with a puzzled look on his face.

"What happened to that forbidden place?"

"It's obviously not that scary."

"But Sachs seems to be badly hurt."

"And, one hundred points!"

"never had."

The twins looked at the depressed sister worriedly, not knowing what happened in the middle.

But Hermione had already guessed what had happened.

"Merlin! Vanessa and Sachs, they must have met the person who wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone!"

Hermione whispered to Harry, she was very anxious: "Sachs must have been injured by that man! We should tell them! If we told them everything, they wouldn't go to the forbidden area!"

Harry also bowed his head guiltily, and the two of them didn't dare to run over to stand with the Weasley brothers.

Ron is not so stupid, he also thought of this, his face became ugly, as long as he thought that after they took the Philosopher's Stone away, Vanessa and Sachs ran into the person who was going to steal the Philosopher's Stone, and he would A burst of heart palpitations, that person may be a mysterious person!He should have told Vanessa everything, and he should have stayed a little longer. When Vanessa was in danger, he didn't protect her by her side, and Ron was dead.

It was impossible for Dumbledore not to tell Mr. and Mrs. Weasley that something so dangerous had happened.

At noon that day, the Weasleys hurried to Hogwarts.

"Merlin! My poor baby Fanny! Come here quickly!" Mrs. Weasley grabbed Rowena, checked her up and down, left, right, and right, to make sure her daughter was not harmed, and then She changed face quickly.

"Vanessa Weasley! Night tour! Entering the forbidden area without authorization! I also met..." Mrs. Weasley's eyes widened, ignoring that person, and continued. "I knew it! You're not like Ginny! You're like a boy, you give me even more headaches than a boy! Did it ever occur to you that me and your father (Mr. Tried to interject, then was stared back at by his own wife.) How horrified to hear the news! I can't believe it, have you ever thought that if you had an accident, any accident! Me and your dad would be Despair! We worked so hard to bring you up! You and Thrall are in a place we can't see! You should not have appeared in a place! You almost lost your life! If you continue to behave like this, me and Sal Your father will bring you home! I will take care of you! Better than you lose your life someday!"

There was no sound in the headmaster's room, except for Mrs. Weasley's angry roar.

Ron walked over tremblingly and summoned up his courage: "It's not all Vanessa's fault, Mom, I've actually been to that forbidden place, but I didn't make it clear to her..."

Mrs. Weasley's snarl left and rushed towards Ron.

"Ron Weasley!"

George Fred rushed forward immediately, blocked Mrs. Weasley's slap, and then took the responsibility on himself.

"Mom! It's not Ron's fault!"

"We went first!"

Mrs. Weasley was about to explode.

"what are you saying!"

"Me and George (Fred) went first and told Harry about them!"

"We successfully aroused Harry's curiosity, so they went to the forbidden area, and finally Vanessa and Sachs."

The twins managed to draw Mrs. Weasley's wrath upon themselves.

"George! Fred! How dare you! It's fine for you to break the rules yourself, and even spoil your younger siblings!" She changed her face and said to Ron relatively gently. "I'm sorry, my baby Ronnie, but mother misunderstood you."

Then he turned his head and vented his anger at the twins.

Harry and Hermione looked at Mrs. Weasley from the corner like two poor little animals.

Professor McGonagall just came back to her senses, and raised her voice: "What! And Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and..." She looked at Hermione's eyes and was extremely disappointed. "How could you still be there! Hermione Granger!"

Dumbledore then stood up and said to Professor McGonagall: "Minerva, I have already blamed and taught Harry and the others, and they promised me that they would not do this again, so let's ignore Harry and the others. "

The eyes of Harry and Hermione were full of gratitude to Dumbledore.

Over there, Mrs. Weasley was still teaching the twin brothers: "You know what happened to your sister and poor little Sal last night!? They almost died!"

Dumbledore had no choice but to signal Professor McGonagall to go over and persuade Mrs. Weasley.

Professor McGonagall had to go over to appease Mrs. Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley then apologized sheepishly to Dumbledore and asked about Salazar's condition.

Dumbledore told Mrs. Weasley that she was out of danger, but as long as she thought that her daughter was fine and the child who went with her was still in a coma, Mrs. Weasley felt very guilty.

They refused Dumbledore's request to stay, and after visiting Salazar in the medical wing, they took their children and left Hogwarts.

"I hope, Ron and Vanessa, this summer vacation will not be too sad." Hermione said palely.

Harry was not sure, and could only wish his friends: "It shouldn't be too sad, after all, George Fred took the responsibility on himself."

Because of the fearless sacrifice of the twin brothers, Harry and Hermione also escaped, and Professor McGonagall did not pursue their crimes.

In this way, the last time of the year at Hogwarts came to an end amid warm applause and cheers from Hufflepuff.

Harry also comforted Hermione: "It's okay, we will definitely get it back next year!"

Hermione nodded feebly.

Godric did not appear in the auditorium. Although he is now a hero in the hearts of all Hufflepuff students, it is more important to be with Salazar than these honors. Helga also thinks so.

"I'll go to the kitchen and get something to eat." Helga got up and left.

Godric and Salazar were the only ones left in the medical wing.

"Before you wake up, Salazar, I want to say something to you."

After making sure that no one was in the room, Godric drew the curtain and sat next to Salazar.

"Salazar, maybe you don't know, don't understand, I like you, not like a friend."

Godric tapped Salazar's fleshy cheeks with his fingers, feeling the warmth of his body.

"Salazar, wake up quickly, look, the moon today is really beautiful."

The silver-gray moonlight fell into the room through the window, so dim and bright.

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