Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 16 3 Little Lion Breakthrough

Ron took Harry's hand and came to the door, and asked again: "Aren't we really going to discuss it with other people? Like Sachs or Vanessa? Or, we can ask George and them."

Harry shook his head: "There's no time."

"If only we didn't go to the professors in the first place, but just asked them." Ron looked frustrated.

Hermione also asked hesitantly: "Can't we come back at night? What if we are seen?"

Harry also looked a little unsure, but thinking of the happy days he spent at Hogwarts, he still made up his mind.

"Phoebe is in a bad mood right now. Sachs and Vanessa are both busy. We can't disturb them. As for why we choose the current time." Harry raised his head and said confidently. "The guy who wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone must never have imagined that we would come here at this time."

He looked at Hermione, intending to persuade her: "You think, those who do bad things choose midnight, but they can't do anything during the day? Instead of making us worry about it during the day, it's better to seize their inertia , since everyone thinks that only at night is the time to do this kind of thing, if we do the opposite, there will be no problem."

As he said that, Harry took out a manual and said, "Besides, we still have customs clearance strategies!"

He talked about the fact that Phineas invited him to go through the level with George Fred, and then said that because they were accidentally discovered by the professor, they had to give up and continue to go through the level.

"Let me see, the first level is a two-headed dog. George's advice is to feed it broth with sleeping pills! It doesn't matter, now we know that it can fall asleep when it hears music. There's also Finny's opinion here, if you think you're strong enough, a stun spell can take care of it... let's try Hagrid's flute."

"What's the second level?" Hermione asked.

"Devil vines, just a simple fluorescent flash can solve it, they are afraid of light and fire!"

Then Harry saw Godric writing next to it: Although I am very sorry for the professor, but the free potion materials are here, forgive him for cutting half of it~~

Harry finally understood why George Fred had complained about Phineas, saying that he was the reason several people didn't make it to the last level.

But it doesn't matter, after all, Finny left half of it for the professor, doesn't he?

Harry and Hermione entered the wooden door together, and before the dog could make a sound, Harry played the flute. In fact, what Harry played was not music at all, but even Ron and Hermione hated Harry's flute. Dizi, the dog is still asleep.

Of course, they also successfully solved the problem of the devil vine.

"Then comes the third hurdle, George said, and it's easy for him and Fred."

Ron looked up, his tone trembling: "It's simple?!"

"That's what it says in the customs clearance manual. He said that they cooperated tacitly to get through this level, as long as they find the key."

"Then, Harry, you should be able to do it alone, right?" Hermione looked at the countless wings above her head, and swallowed a mouthful of water hesitantly.

"My words...it should be fine." Harry looked at Ron. "Ron, you must be willing to help me, right?"

With a pale face, Ron had no choice but to nod and said, "Of course, the two of you might be faster."

It took a while and they found the key, it looked very mischievous and kept running away from Harry and Ron again and again, but in the end, Harry managed to catch it.

The wing still seemed a bit unconvinced, trying to break free in Harry's hand, which forced Harry to use some strength to control it.

They open the door to the next level, which is a game of chess.

"Ron, I leave it to you, among us, only you can handle it!"

Such words made Ron's face turn red quickly, he looked very happy, raised his head and said: "Of course, this won't trouble me!"

They spent more time on this level, but in the end, the three of them stood in front of the last room safely.

"There are trolls inside, and George Fred said that this is the last level they want to face." Harry's entire face wrinkled.

"Don't talk about you, I don't want to face it!" Ron looked at Hermione with a bitter face. "You must have a way, right?"

Hermione paled and shook her head, she was unwilling to face this level.

"Harry, doesn't senior Phineas have any advice for us? They should have passed this test, right?"

Harry opened the manual and said uncertainly: "Finny gave two solutions, one is to solve it violently, and the other is to recommend us to use twins to fly the troll up with a levitating spell, and then quickly escape to the next step." close."

"Will... levitate the troll?!" Ron was shocked. "Shouldn't it be George and the others?"

"We must act fast, then!" said Hermione to Harry, drawing out her wand. "I hope we're all not nervous."

Obviously her hands were shaking, but the little witch's eyes were extremely bright.

The three of them opened the door, and what they saw was even bigger monsters than on Halloween. The creaking sound of the door opening woke them up, and when these monsters turned their heads and saw Harry and the others.

Three "wingardium leviosa" went towards them.

Harry's Levitation Charm hit the one on the far left, and successfully brought the troll into close contact with the roof. Harry was startled, and the spell failed. Fortunately, the troll fell head-first, Half of his body smashed through the floor, only two huge feet were still twitching.

Hermione was probably too nervous, her spell lifted one of the troll's hands, forcing the troll to stand on one foot in the room to balance himself.

As for Ron, he somehow levitated the stick that had thrown the troll beside him.

Watching the troll controlled by one hand angrily waved his other hand, trying to attack the person at the door.

Hermione said in a panic: "Quickly think of a way to make it quiet!"

Harry bowed his head to avoid being smashed by the troll, and the building debris that hit them had no spare energy to solve the problem here.

"Ron Weasley! Where's your spell?!" Hermione screamed.

Ron shook his hand, and the big stick was hit on the giant monster's face by his spell, and the giant was stunned, but Ron seemed to have found some wonderful way, he floated the big stick again, and then continuously It hit the troll on the head.

Under Hermione's stunned gaze, Ron knocked the troll unconscious.

Ron looked at his friends beside him: "I did it! I solved it! How?! I did it!"

Harry could only say with emotion: "This is so cool! Ron! It's even cooler than the chess game you just directed!"

Only Hermione was on the verge of falling, trying to save something: "Harry! Don't teach Ron to be broken!"

Ron looked straight at Hermione: "I think so too, it's so cool! It feels really cool, if it's Snape or whoever... I can still use this trick, right?"

He looked extremely excited: "It's just a levitation spell, I can do it! It's very simple!"

Hermione shivered as she looked at Ron, who seemed to have been turned on by some strange switch. A serious wizard wouldn't think of attacking an enemy with a levitating spell, would he?Right!

Harry just urged everyone to continue to the last level, which should be the level prepared by Professor Snape.

Hermione solved the problem easily, but only one person was able to enter the final room.

Hermione looked at Harry anxiously. She knew that Harry would definitely choose to go in by himself, but no one knew what would be in the last room. She looked at Harry worriedly.

Harry opened the manual and saw Phineas' summary.

"Empty room, nothing, probably too late to arrange the level." Harry read. "Finny told me that George and Fred sneaked in again later, broke into the last room and found nothing, and they were sorry."

Then, Harry said: "I'm not sure if there is a Philosopher's Stone in the last room, but I have to go in and have a look, it doesn't matter, if there is nothing, I will come out, and then the three of us..." Harry was uncertain Glancing at the watch on his wrist, he breathed a sigh of relief. "We still have time to go to dinner! Believe me, I'll be out soon!"

As Harry said, he took a gulp of the stuffiness potion and entered the room. After four or five minutes, he jumped out of the flames again.

Ron rushed over: "Harry! How is it? Are you all right? Have you found the Philosopher's Stone?"

"I found it!" Harry took out the Philosopher's Stone from his pocket. It was a bright red stone. Harry looked a little dazed and excited. "Just looked in the mirror! I mean, I didn't expect to see the Mirror of Erised in it, I didn't find the Philosopher's Stone, but I saw the mirror, so I thought, well, I can't find the Philosopher's Stone. And look in the mirror."

"And then? Did Principal Dumbledore hide the Philosopher's Stone behind the mirror?" Hermione asked.

Harry shook his head: "No, I saw myself in the mirror, and then he put the Philosopher's Stone in my pocket, and I checked it and found it. This is really... amazing magic."

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's leave quickly, I think you don't want to miss today's dinner!"

The three looked at each other, then nodded, and left the room calmly.

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