Hogwarts: Please stop brushing points!

Chapter 67

Helena was so embarrassed by the Sorting Hat’s praise.

And is the person Pine is talking about really me?

When I stole the crown, I had no idea it could suppress the outbreak of the blood curse.

It was only after I had a conversation with my mother’s soul after her death that I realized this.

Otherwise she wouldn’t have stolen the crown at all.

Because of the child’s little desire to defeat his parents, it led to an irreversible mistake.

The more Pine said this, the more Helena felt ashamed.

There were even times when he hesitated to speak, wanting to admit his mistakes back then.

Pine noticed her thoughts.


“Helena, you became a ghost and lived alone for nearly a thousand years.

I believe that every one of you who made irreparable mistakes when you were young will find that the things you once had have become unavailable.

That kind of pain is unbearable for us.”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help but look at Dumbledore and Snape, the two poor people who were living in the torture of memories.

He smiled and said:

“We humans are like this. Looking back at the detours we have taken, we wish we had a magical time machine that could take us back to the past.”

“What to say to the stupid self who is about to make a big mistake, tell her how she will feel in the future, and tell her that there are other ways to solve the problem at this time.”

“However, the past is a foregone conclusion, and we cannot change the past. That young self has long been submerged in the long river of time, leaving only a lonely ghost facing the past alone.”

“I have always believed that everything left in this world has its own meaning and mission.”

“Your mission is to guide talented young people to decipher the secrets in the crown and break the unsolvable problem of the blood curse.”

“So you were deceived by Voldemort and told him the whereabouts of the diadem.”

“You hope he can solve this problem, but unfortunately, he is a person who lacks protection in his heart”

“Now, Ms. Ravenclaw has chosen me, I will help you solve this problem, and I also have a preliminary idea. In this process, I need your help.”

Pine’s philosophical words directly surprised the principals and professors present.

If this were the world of Naruto,

Dumbledore would probably have praised him on the spot: A man who has the mind of Naruto at the age of 11!

A man who has implemented the idea of Naruto. After all, bah, he is the true genius of Hogwarts’ will!!!

Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout’s smiles melted when they saw little Pine.

What a heart-warming sunny little shot!

Such a cute child , What’s wrong with adding more points?

So what if the Academy Cup was given to Ravenclaw!

Dumbledore was even more deeply touched, and suddenly felt that he was old.

Unexpectedly, no child could see it clearly.


Merlin is on top. , leaving behind memories of his lonely face, naturally has the meaning of his legacy.

He can also cultivate a bright future leader for the wizarding world!

He used to think it was Harry, but now he has another choice.

And Hai In Linna’s heart, if Pine had a favorability system, you would definitely hear the prompt: Helena’s favorability +1+1+1…

“Pine, you are a good boy!”

Dumbledore’s rating of Pine’s coffin conclusion.

“What is the next Ravenclaw trial task? You have the school behind you, you have professors, and I support you!”

“Let’s help you find a solution together!”

Pine was waiting for this statement from you, Old Deng.

He immediately said:”Principal, to be honest with you, the second trial task is to remove Voldemort’s soul fragments from the crown.”

“Don’t worry, leave this to me, I’ll check the information, it shouldn’t be difficult to solve!”Dumbledore nodded.

At this time, Pine took out the barrel magic wine formula without the specific weight and handed it to Dumbledore.

“There is another thing, which I think is also very important, which is the new magic wine formula I have figured out.”

“I have thought that our funding sources at Hogwarts are too limited. The root cause is that we do not have school-run enterprises!”

Professor Dumbledore, extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind.

And wisdom is not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also a spirit of innovation!

In the past, our legendary wizard Merlin could use magic to influence the world of Muggles. Lead them towards unity and peace.

Why are we complacent now?

The bottom line is that there is something wrong with our education, which does not effectively cultivate students’ innovative consciousness.

I am willing to share my magic wine formula with the school, which can treat injuries. The magic wine that temporarily increases magic power will definitely become popular in the entire wizarding world.

By then, our school’s funds will not need to depend on the faces of so many directors. There will be a large amount of funds that can be used to recruit teachers, expand teaching scale, update teaching equipment, and invest in research and development. equipment!”

“Hogwarts will become a temple of learning for wizards around the world!”


Did the topic change so quickly?

What is this magic wine?

The other principals and deans were curious and wanted to take a look at the content.

Snape, as the potions master, was even more disdainful.

“I would like to see what magic wine the great Mr. Wilson invented that can help Hogwarts escape its financial difficulties!”

Unexpectedly, after reading the formula and effects of magic wine, Dumbledore immediately put the formula away.

He asked seriously:”Pine, are you confident in researching it?”

“Very confident, principal!”Pine said confidently, and then said sheepishly,”It just lacks some mandrake and dragon’s blood.

Dumbledore immediately spoke:”Professor Sprout, I hope that the mandrakes you have over there can be used for research by Little Pine.””

Then he stared at Snape and said:

“Is all the black dragon blood at your place?”

The alarm bells in Snape’s heart instantly went off.

What do you mean?

I am the authority on potions at Hogwarts. Who else is qualified to possess such precious dragon blood besides myself?

“Professor Snape, keep 10% for yourself and give the remaining 90% to Little Pine.”Dumbledore said.


Snape almost cursed in his heart.

I am such a big Potions Master, I can only keep 10%!

It’s too much to bully others!

Little Pyne, I, Snape, have nothing to do with you!

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