Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 747 Lucky Gryffindor

By the time Kyle came out of the principal's office, it was already afternoon, the weather was still gloomy, and the continuous rain showed no sign of stopping.

Kyle stood in the corridor on the eighth floor for a while, staring at the curtain-like rain outside in a daze.

He was curious about what disagreement happened between Dumbledore and Snape, and was it because of Malfoy's recent behavior?

Or is it related to Connor, or... Snape is tired of his dual undercover status between Hogwarts and Death Eaters, and wants to return to a normal life?

These are possible.

But no matter which one it was, it was certain that he did not get Dumbledore's support, otherwise the two of them would not be so angry.

But Kyle guessed that it was most likely Malfoy, after all, he dances the most happily now...

And Connor... To be honest, unless Dumbledore wanted her to join the Order of the Phoenix, but Snape insisted not to agree, other than that, she could make her own decisions on other things.

Moreover, Kyle didn't think Dumbledore would insist on a newly graduated witch joining the Order of the Phoenix, nor was it necessary.

As for returning to the life of an ordinary wizard... until the threat of Voldemort is completely eliminated, this can probably only be regarded as a sweet dream for Snape, just think about it.

"Draco Malfoy..." Kyle muttered.

At this time, a group of first-year wizards ran up the stairs chasing each other, and the noisy playfulness also brought Kyle back to his senses.

Perhaps they didn't expect that there was a seventh-grade student standing here, so the little wizards were startled and stopped in place.

Out of fear, one boy dropped the model of a Quidditch player he was holding on the ground.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not Filch, and I won't deduct points for talking loudly in the corridor." Kyle said, tapping the broken model with his hand.

"Recover as before."

"...Thank you." The boy's face turned red with excitement, as if he had seen some amazing magic.

There is a saying that in the eyes of first-year freshmen, especially those of Muggle origin, being able to use the Restoration Charm without a wand is indeed considered a great magic.

After they made such a fuss, Kyle didn't think about anything else. After leaving the eighth floor, he went straight back to the Hufflepuff common room.

Although Kyle always felt that he had something else that he had not told Dumbledore, he only paused briefly and continued walking downstairs.

Forget it, it shouldn't matter.

Because not many people knew about it, the news that Slughorn and Ron were poisoned did not spread, and everyone remained the same as before.

Dumbledore was away from school again, and he had been getting busier and busier lately as the Death Eaters' activities became more frequent.

But none of this seems to have anything to do with Hogwarts. Thanks to the efforts of the professors, there is no sense of danger in Hogwarts at all. Everyone's attention is focused on the Quidditch match the next day.

This time it's a game between Gryffindor and Slytherin, who are also old rivals.

Although Harry has a Firebolt, their support rate is not as high as expected because of the lack of one main player in Gryffin and the poor performance of the two batters in the last game.

Most people are still very optimistic about Slytherin. Although the quality of their new players in the past two years is not very good, their success lies in their stable performance. The three chasers are also veterans for more than three years and they work well together.

And more importantly, they are all very big, like a wrestling team. Sometimes a strong body can be an advantage.

On the morning of the game, Kyle and Connor came to the auditorium for breakfast.

As soon as he came in, there were two groups of people facing each other...not Harry and Malfoy, but this time they were replaced by Ron and Slytherin's chaser Vasai.

"What happened?" Kyle asked quietly.

"Oh, it's the Weasley song from Slytherin." Ryan, who came here early, said, "Harper was organizing a chorus and happened to be caught."

‘The Weasley Song’ is a song that mocks Ron and is used to torture his mentality. The lyrics change every month, but without exception, they are all related to Ron.

Since last year, Slytherin has sang it several times almost every time there is a Gryffindor game, and the effect is particularly good.

Whenever Ron gets nervous, he will keep dropping the ball like a big leaky net.

This time Slytherin probably wanted to use the same method to weaken Gryffindor.

However... today's situation was a little different from what they expected.

Just as Ryan finished speaking, Kyle saw Crabbe in the crowd tilt his body, as if he had stepped on something and slipped, and his body hit the man in front of him heavily.

The other person then knocked down another person.

At this point, things quickly changed in a direction that Kyle couldn't understand.

Obviously only one person fell down, but all the Slytherins standing together were affected one after another.

Almost in the blink of an eye, these people were lying on the ground, entangled with each other, and letting out bursts of painful howls.

Among them, Vasai was pressed at the bottom, and his whole face almost turned purple. He kept waving his arms, trying to push others away.

Ron laughed when he saw this scene.

"Didn't you sing happily just now? Why don't you sing anymore..."

He walked briskly to the Gryffindor table, and Lavender followed happily, looking at him with admiration.

"Oh, they reconciled so quickly?" Neville walked over from behind and said with some surprise.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked.

"You don't know." He said, "Just now, Ron and Lavender had a big fight in the common room, it seemed because of Romy Davanni. Lavender was very angry at that time, and Ron No explanation, just kept saying it was a misunderstanding.

"I thought they would continue to quarrel, but I didn't expect that they reconciled in less than twenty minutes. It's really... magical?"

Neville shook his head, really not knowing how to describe it.

Kyle also thought it was quite magical, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Maybe Ron told the truth.

People who often drink love potions know that the feeling is uncontrollable, and there is no need to feel weird no matter what you do.

The two came to sit down at the Hufflepuff table.

"Who do you think will win this competition?" Kangna asked.

"Probably Gryffindor." Kyle said, "If Harry plays normally."

Vasai had been pulled out at this time, but it seemed that his arm was crushed and he must not be able to play.

As a result, both Slytherin and Gryffindor were missing one of their main players, and the situation was back to what it was at the beginning.

The two chatted while eating breakfast.

Soon, the messenger came.

A swarm of owls flew into the auditorium, dropping letters and packages into everyone's hands.

The most eye-catching thing among them was the three owls flying side by side. They were holding a rope together with a large package tied underneath, and they were flying straight towards Hufflepuff.

With a thud, the round package landed on the dining table. It made a dull sound and rolled forward twice, knocking over several plates and a jug of pumpkin juice along the way.

"Oh, these owls are definitely not couriers from the post office. They are too rude." Mikel, who was splashed with pumpkin juice, wiped his face and looked at the package with curiosity.

"Whose is this?"

"There is another letter, you will know the name if you look at it," Ryan leaned his head over, "Hogwarts Great Hall, Hufflepuff Table, Miss Conner Prince..."

"Kanna, what did you buy?"

"Ah?" After hearing Ryan's words, Kangna, who was originally curious about what it was, was suddenly stunned, "Is it for me?"

"Of course, your name is on the letter." Ryan handed the letter over, "You don't know?"

"I don't know, and I didn't buy anything." Kangna accepted the letter doubtfully.

After just one glance, she knew what was going on.

"It's from the Association of Extraordinary Pharmacists."

Kangna suddenly became excited and grabbed Kyle's arm excitedly, "They said I passed... I became a formal member of the Association of Extraordinary Pharmacists!"

There was a gasping sound immediately around, and everyone subconsciously looked over.

Although some younger wizards didn't know what the Association of Extraordinary Pharmacists was, they could guess from the surprised expressions of the surrounding sixth- and seventh-grade students that it was an amazing organization.

"Congratulations." Kyle said with a smile, "But didn't you already know that? Slughorn revealed it during the first Potions class."

"That's different." Kangna said solemnly: "Until the real results come out, everything else is just speculation."

Kangna took the letter and read it again. At the same time, pour out another item from the envelope.

It was an exquisite blue badge with a smoking cauldron on it, which was also the identification card of the Association of Extraordinary Apothecaries.

Slughorn had an identical badge pinned to his robes, and he wore it to every party.

"That's amazing." Ryan sighed and said, "You must be the youngest member, I remember Professor Slughorn said so."

"For now, it should be considered so." Kang Na nodded. "Kyle, why do I feel that you are a little disappointed?"

"It's a bit true," Kyle said. "I thought they would be more formal, but I didn't expect it to be delivered by owl."

"Do you think this is the Order of Merlin?" Connor said angrily.

Kyle shrugged noncommittally.

After all, this is still an amazing achievement for Connor. Even if there is no ceremony, it would be fine to let Slughorn award the award on her behalf. As long as there is more noise, maybe she can add a hundred points to Hufflepuff. Woolen cloth.

"Wait a minute, did you forget this package?" Justin said suddenly.

After his reminder, Kangna remembered that there was a package sent with the letter.

At the same time, the movement here also aroused the curiosity of others.

"What is here?" Qiu came over and asked.

"I don't know, I didn't say it in the letter." Kangna shook her head.

"Can you open it?" Mikel was eager to try.

"Of course it's no problem." Kangna said, "Actually, I'm also very curious."

After getting Kangna's consent, Mikel immediately opened the package.

However, after peeling off the last layer of brown paper and seeing what was inside, he had a disappointed look on his face.

"How stingy." Mikel muttered: "Kanna, you may be disappointed, they only sent you an old crucible.

"Tsk, forget about the crucible, can't they even afford a new one?"

Not really... Kyle looked over subconsciously.

The package was not completely opened, only half of it was exposed.

It was indeed a crucible, but it was red and covered with scratches that looked like it had been scratched by a knife. At first glance, it looked worn and old.

But that's just a look.

"This is not an old crucible..." Kyle reached out and touched the crucible, and there was a warm feeling on his fingertips, as if he was touching the wall next to the fireplace.

Mikel touched it too.

"It's strange. Could it be that this crucible has just been used? This is even more extreme."

"No, this is the shell of a fire crab." Kyle explained: "This material has excellent thermal conductivity. It can absorb all the temperature of the flame in the shortest time and transfer it to every place evenly. It is recognized by the magic world The best crucible is made of fire crab shells.”

After Kyle's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

"So they are not stingy?"

"On the contrary." Kyle raised his eyebrows, "This kind of crucible is not cheap."

"How much?" someone asked.

"I don't know." Kyle shook his head, "I haven't bought one, and under normal circumstances, most people don't need this kind of thing. An ordinary crucible is enough."

Hearing what Kyle said, others didn't pay too much attention to it. In their opinion, it was just a crucible, and it wasn't made of gold. How could it be more expensive, no matter how expensive it was?

"I take back what I just said..."

Kyle looked at Kangna and smiled: "Even such good things are delivered directly by owls. It seems that they really don't care about rituals and the like.

"You can use this to brew potions in the future, and the effect will be much better than an ordinary crucible."

"Let's forget it." Kangna shook her head, "I'm afraid that if I get used to it, I won't be able to use the ordinary crucible.

"And Professor Snape and Professor Slughorn are also members of the Association of Extraordinary Apothecaries. Don't they also use ordinary crucibles?"

"It's different." Kyle shook his head and lowered his voice: "I dare not say anything else, but when Snape brewed the Phoenix potion, he must have used the Fire Crab Cauldron. You will definitely need it too. , it’s best to get used to it in advance.”

"Actually, I originally wanted to give you a fire crab cauldron on your birthday, but now it seems that I have to think of other gifts."

Following word of mouth from Hufflepuff students, the fact that Connor became a formal member of the Society of Extraordinary Apothecaries immediately became the hottest topic in the auditorium, even surpassing the upcoming Quidditch match.

But because so few people knew about the Association of Extraordinary Apothecaries, this topic was like a gust of wind, blowing for a while and then passing away, and then returned to Quidditch again.

"You go first. I have to tell Professor Snape the good news. He will be very happy."

When everyone was getting ready to go to the Quidditch pitch, Connor suddenly said.

"Ah, yes..." Kyle curled his lips and said perfunctorily.

There was no way, although everyone had the same starting point, but when he thought that Snape would be happy, he became unhappy.

At this point, I believe Snape is the same.

But Connor insisted on going, so Kyle could only go to the stadium with Ryan, Mikel and the others, and occupied a seat for Connor in the front row.


When the players from both sides entered the field, Mikel suddenly pointed down the field and said: "The seeker from the Slytherin team is not here either."

Kyle noticed it too.

Malfoy was not in the team. There was an unfamiliar face standing in his place. He looked young and must have been a new recruit.

Malfoy didn't come to the game?

Kyle almost subconsciously took out the Marauder's Map.

Because most people are at the stadium, the situation in the castle can be said to be clear at a glance.

Kyle breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Malfoy's name appearing in the library and there were many people around.

Fortunately, if Malfoy wanted to do something, he would definitely not choose to go to a crowded place like the library. And it is not easy to escape Mrs. Pingsi's eyes. She can always detect everyone's little moves at the first time.

But what was Malfoy doing in the library? Was he looking for something?

Kyle hesitated for a while, but chose to close the Marauder's Map and continue to stay here to watch the game.

With Dumbledore and Snape watching, there was no need for him to join in the fun, he could just do whatever he was supposed to do.

At this time, the captain's handshake was already underway.

"The two main players are not here, including the most important seeker..."

Ryan on the side said sourly: "Gryffindor is so lucky."

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