Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 741 Bojinbok

Chapter 741 Borgin-Bock

"What did you say?"

Fred almost jumped with excitement. He now even doubted whether Kyle's head had been stepped on by the moon-crazy beast.

"With such an important thing, how could you... Oh, wait a minute." Halfway through his words, he suddenly realized something. "You're not trying to ambush Death Eaters in the castle."

"He is indeed my friend, he is smart enough." Kyle grinned, "Yes, that's what I thought.

"Think about it. The ambitious Death Eater adopted Malfoy's advice and climbed through the disappearing cabinet to Hogwarts. When he looked up, he saw seven or eight professors holding wands waiting in front of him. them……"

"That scene must be wonderful!" At some point, Fred's face had already turned red, and he was extremely excited.

"Great, this plan is great!" George also gasped, as if he had seen the scene of Death Eaters lining up to send warmth.

Excited, they immediately got together and began to discuss how to set up a trap in Hogwarts.

Tie the disappearing cabinet to the broomstick and send it high into the sky...

Put the disappearing cabinet into the sewer pipe...

Dig a swamp the size of a Quidditch pitch in front of the Vanishing Cabinet.

The bad ideas between the two of them kept coming up like a fountain.

Kyle sat nearby, jotting down their thoughts with a shorthand quill.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Fred and George gradually calmed down.

"That's not right." George paused suddenly, then turned around and asked: "Kyle, two disappearing cabinets are needed to be effective. You just said you found one, but the other one is also in Hogwarts. ?"

"There's only one Hogwarts," Kyle said.

This sentence was like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguishing their enthusiasm.

But after calming down, they immediately remembered another thing Kyle had just said.

"The other disappearing cabinet won't be in Knockturn Alley."

Kyle couldn't have asked them to pay attention to the situation between Knockturn Alley and Malfoy for no reason. When the two things were combined, the truth was already obvious.

The other Vanishing Cabinet was in Knockturn Alley, and Malfoy knew he had to go there if he wanted to complete his plan.

I see... now everything makes sense.

"Let's go to Diagon Alley now!" Fred stood up and started to walk out.

"No need to worry." Kyle waved his hand, signaling them to be calm.

"It doesn't matter when you go, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later. I just want to confirm this time."

"Confirm what?"

"Of course the cabinet is still there," Kyle said. "It's unlikely that Malfoy is running around with the cabinet. If it's still there, we only need to keep an eye on Knockturn Alley to know the specifics of their actions. time."

"What if Malfoy takes away the cabinet?" Fred asked: "It's not difficult. A box with a traceless stretching charm can do it."

"Then it's just a little troublesome to make everyone ready at any time." Kyle said.

"Dad, do they know about this?"

"You should know." Kyle thought for a while, "I have already discussed it with Professor Dumbledore. There is no reason for him not to tell other members of the Order of the Phoenix."

"Dad, they must know!" George suddenly said, "Do you remember, the last time they discussed things, Alastor suddenly mentioned the 'passage', and Tonks and Sirius were almost living in Hogsmeade. ”

"They know everything, but they just don't tell us!" George became angrier as he spoke. "They are always like this, treating us like children like Ginny."

"Yes, we have all graduated, but we still don't have enough trust." Fred also looked very angry. "Obviously Bill and Charlie can participate in the meeting, but we can't. We can only steal outside." listen!"

"Don't say that." Kyle quickly comforted: "This is also for your safety."

"But we also want to help." Fred took a deep breath, "Kyle, do you know why we haven't resigned yet?"

"Do you think working at the Ministry of Magic would be interesting?" Kyle said.

"That was true for the first two months," Fred said, "but then it started getting boring."

"I have to do the same repetitive things every day, write reports, and waste time chasing down small traders..."

"And that little salary, you can earn it in two days in the store..."

"The reason why we didn't resign was because we wanted to help dad share some of the burden."

"By the way, let mom see that we can actually help."

"But she never seemed to notice."

Looking at the two people who were gradually losing their temper, Kyle didn't know how to comfort him for a moment, so he could only whisper: "Are you thinking too much?"

"What's the meaning?"

"That is, do you want to take over Charlie's job and take charge of the security work at No. 12 Grimmauld Place?"

"I don't want to." Fred and George shook their heads at the same time. Let them stay in the same place for a day, it would be better to just give them a killing curse.

"Or to Hogsmeade?"

The two shook their heads again, didn't they mean the same thing? It's just that Hogsmeade is a little bigger.

"That's it." Kyle said, "Since you don't want to do anything, why are you complaining so much? Mrs. Weasley has already taken good care of you, right?"

Fred and George looked at each other. The aggrieved and dissatisfied atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and they were even a little embarrassed.

"How about I go talk to her and ask you to take over Tonks and Sirius." Kyle suggested: "Or I can go directly to Dumbledore and talk to her."

"Forget it……"

"There's no need..."

"We were just joking, why did you take it seriously?"

Ten minutes later, Ron came and knocked on the door and told them to go to lunch.

"What are you talking about inside?" Ron asked, looking at the three of them suspiciously.


"None of your business," Fred said. "Don't mind your own business."

"You'd better think about how to take care of that girl."

"What's your name... Lavender?"

"It's a pity that you have bad eyesight at such a young age, but I think you...are handsome?"

"You peeked at my letter!" Ron's face suddenly turned red.

"Don't get me wrong, we don't have this habit." George said seriously, "You expressed your belief when you were talking in your sleep, and your voice was very loud."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Harry."

"By the way, you won't memorize all that letter, right?"

Then, they began to recite with great emotion.

"Luo Luo, why is this holiday so long..."


Fred and George seemed to have some talent. As soon as they spoke, Kyle felt excited all over.

And Ron, blushing so red that he was almost smoking, shouted: "That's enough, you two, shut up!"

He desperately threw the things at hand towards the two of them, a candy, a universal tool, two Sickles...all in Ron's pocket.

But Fred just waved his wand lazily and turned those things into paper airplanes.

Oh, except for Sickle, he and George are one each, which is just right.

"That's all my pocket money!" Ron shouted in frustration?

"You threw it here yourself."

"We thought you didn't want it."

"It's all your fault!" Ron said angrily, "Just wait until I turn seventeen..."

"I believe you will use magic that no one has thought of to suppress us so far." Fred waved his hand and said, "Let's go, George, Kyle."

They pushed past Ron and came to the dining room.

Lunch was beef stew and mashed potatoes, and Mrs. Weasley kept adding more food to Connor as if she was afraid she wouldn't have enough.

"You can go back to school with Harry and the others in the afternoon, at five o'clock." After lunch, Mrs. Weasley said, "Before that, you can chat for a while or play in the house for a while."

"No." Kyle shook his head and said, "We have to buy something in Diagon Alley."

"Diagon Alley?" Mrs. Weasley frowned, "But everyone else is busy now. I can't let you go there alone. It's too dangerous..."

"It doesn't matter, let's go." Fred stood up immediately and said:

"It just so happens that we have to go to the store for something, so we can send them there."

"You?" Mrs. Weasley was still a little worried, but there seemed to be no more suitable candidate now.

"Okay then, how are you going to get there, Disapparate?"

"No, take a carriage," Kyle said.

"I met Mr. Malfoy, just ten days ago." Kreacher said at the door of Weasley's Joke Shop.

"Are you sure it's him?" Kyle asked.

"Kreacher can see clearly, Master Kyle," the elf said, "That is Mr. Malfoy."

"now it's right."

Several people came outside the store.

"Malfoy does know that another vanishing cabinet is here," Fred said.

"I have to go to Knockturn Alley and make sure the stuff is still there," Kyle said.

"No, that's too dangerous." George frowned and said, "Mom asked us to protect you, so we have to go together."

"What about protection, you are just interested in it." Kyle directly exposed their excuses.

"Also, have you ever seen anyone go shopping in a dark magic item store with a group? There is no danger if I go alone."

Kyle glanced at Connor, who was still in the store, and then turned his clothes into a large hooded cloak. Regardless of Fred and George's blockage, he ducked to the entrance of Knockturn Alley.

Nowadays, Diagon Alley is much deserted, let alone here. There is no one on the street. The stalls selling poisons and various strange objects that were everywhere before have all disappeared and must have gone to other places.

After all, in these dangerous and suspicious times, no one would come here to buy any dark magic items at the risk of being targeted by Aurors.

There was only a man in ragged clothes sitting not far from the entrance, also wearing a hood, making it difficult to see his appearance.

When Kyle walked over, he vaguely smelled a faint smell of blood, and his intuition told him that this person was dangerous.

It would definitely not be possible to turn around and go back at this time, as it would be self-inflicted. Kyle could only pretend to be calm and continue walking forward while holding the wand tightly in his sleeve.

When passing by that person, the other person raised his head, revealing a pair of strange brown eyes, and there was also a slight sound of swallowing saliva.

But fortunately, he didn't seem to mean to cause trouble. He just took a look and lowered his head again.

However, Kyle did not take it lightly. He continued to hold the wand and walked forward vigilantly until he arrived at the door of the largest store in the middle of the street.

There is also no customer here at Borgin-Bock's Dark Magic Shop. The owner, Borgin, is sitting behind the counter, dozing out of boredom.

Kyle adjusted the hood on his head and made sure it could cover his face before walking in.

The bell on the store door rang, waking the man behind the counter.

"Welcome, guest," Borgin said, his voice unenthusiastic.

Kyle didn't say anything, just walked through a cabinet full of skeletons and old bottles, and kicked a box aside that was blocking the way.

"I must remind you, sir." Borgin said coldly: "There is a price to pay for touching things here."

"The price?" Kyle also sneered and said in a hoarse voice: "You must be referring to the scare box just now...the transformation curse, a child's trick of playing house."

"Oh?" There was finally something different in Bo Jin's voice. "Please forgive my presumption, guest, is there anything I can do for you?"

Kyle didn't speak any more and just walked around the store, finally stopping on a withered hand.

"how much is this."

"Two thousand galleons," Borgin said.

"Tsk, the Hand of Glory is not worth the price." Kyle said lightly, "I'd better go look elsewhere."

"With all due respect, you can't get it anywhere else."

Bo Jin was still sitting calmly behind the counter, but his tone of voice was much faster, "You should also know the current situation. Not many people dare to sell such good things. I took a big risk, so naturally I have to Increase the price appropriately.”

Kyle paused for a moment, as if he acquiesced, and continued to wander around the store, looking at the things displayed on the shelves with disgust.

"The boiling blood curse only works on Muggles. It's rubbish."

"Corrosive poison...garbage within garbage..."

"Look at this, a discarded product from a hundred years ago... Is this some sort of junkyard?"

Bo Jin's face became increasingly ugly, but he couldn't find a reason to get angry, because the man in front of him didn't say anything wrong, but his tone was too harsh.

"This guest, if you are here to cause trouble, I..."

"Oh, this is pretty good." At this time, Kyle stopped, pointed to a corner next to the counter and asked, "How much does that cost."

"The Cursed Tapestry..." Borgin said coldly, "You can take it away for only one hundred and fifty Galleons."

"No, no, no, I don't want this kind of stuff." Kyle shook his head, "I'm talking about the things under the tapestry."

It was a cabinet, completely covered by a tapestry, with only one corner exposed, as if it had been deliberately hidden.

"What?" Bo Jin narrowed his eyes.

But at this time, Kyle moved his fingers, and the tapestry flew to the side, revealing what was underneath.

It is indeed a disappearing cabinet, and both the shape and the patterns on the cabinet are exactly the same as the one at Hogwarts.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see such a good thing." Kyle said, "How much does it cost? I want it."

"Five thousand galleons." Bojin Lion said loudly.

If there are two disappearing cabinets, the price is quite reasonable, but if there is only one, it is a bit high.

Bo Jin's original intention was to let the man in front of him retreat before he was in trouble, but he never expected that... things seemed to be a little wrong with what he thought.

"I want it." Without thinking, Kyle took out a box, opened it and put it on the counter.

It was prepared in advance by Kyle and the Weasley brothers, and it was filled with gold galleons.

It's like adding an oil lamp to the store.

Bo Jin's entire body was instantly immersed in the mesmerizing golden light, and the initial caution in his heart dissipated almost instantly.

It wasn't until Kyle stepped forward and opened the disappearing cabinet that he finally came back to his senses.

"Wait a minute, guest." Borgin forced his eyes away from the galleons. "You can't take it away."

"What?" Kyle was tapping in the cabinet, as if he was checking something, "Didn't I give you enough money?"

"Of course not." Bo Jin couldn't help but glance at Garen again, his throat rolled.

"That's okay." Kyle said, "It's mine now, why can't I take it away.

"It's just too big and it's a bit inconvenient to hold." After saying that, Kyle took out his wand and pointed it at the disappearing cabinet.

"Oh, wait a minute!" Bo Jin jumped in front of Kyle.

It's really hard to believe that he still has such agility.

"What do you mean?" Kyle's voice showed a little displeasure, "Maybe you want to increase the money temporarily."

"Of course not. This guest, Borgin-Bock has the best reputation in Knockturn Alley. It's this vanishing cabinet, it, it's bad."


"Yeah." Bo Jin slapped the cabinet hard, "How about when I fix it, the guests can come and get it."

"how long it takes."

"Half a year...no, three months, three months is enough."

"It's been too long..." Kyle shook his head, "Forget it, I can fix it myself."

After saying that, Kyle extended his hand again.

"No, guest." Bojin said again: "We can't sell broken things. This is the rule."

"Really not selling it?" Kyle snapped shut the box containing Galleons.

To be honest, for a moment, Bo Jin was moved. That was five thousand galleons. It could be said to be the biggest order in ten years.

But when he thought that this cabinet was related to someone's plan, he calmed down again.

"Not for sale!" Bo Jin said firmly: "Of course, in order to compensate the customers for waiting, I am willing to give a great discount. You only need to pay three thousand Galleons. How about it."

Bo Jin's abacus was very loud. Compared with the person he offended, the person in front of him didn't matter.

No matter what, let's get the money first. As for three months later... if the cabinet is snatched away by Death Eaters, it doesn't have anything to do with him.

Anyway, the Galleons that entered Borgin-Bock will not be returned.

He couldn't believe that someone wouldn't be tempted by the offer of two thousand galleons.

"Only three thousand Galleons? It's too cheap." Kyle said softly: "But..."

"It's cheap but not good, I don't want it anymore."

Before Borgin could even react, Kyle had already picked up the box and walked out of the store.

By the time he came back to his senses and chased him out, Kyle had already disappeared on the street, and he couldn't even find his figure.

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