Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 717 Snape’s double standards

Because they were delayed for some time talking, Kyle and Kangna walked quickly and finally made it to the classroom before class.

At this time, Snape had already arrived early and stood at the front of the classroom, looking at the two people who had just entered with a scrutinizing look.

To be honest, Snape had not been in a good mood since he learned that Connor had sneaked back from France a few days ago.

But what could he do? When he first learned that Kangna had been sent back, he angrily went to the principal's office to see who was so nosy.

But after seeing Nicolas Flamel, who was full of white hair and even walked tremblingly, his anger disappeared. Not only did he not say a harsh word, but he also sent him out of school with continuous thanks.

There was nothing he could do about it. Even if he didn't care about his fame, he couldn't afford to mess with his age. He was over six hundred years old. Looking at it like that, a gust of wind might blow him down.

What if he scares the other person because he speaks loudly?

So Snape endured it and sent Nicolas Flamel out of school in a good voice.

But that doesn't mean it's over.

Snape knew very well that the main reason why Connor came back from France was Kyle. Now that the two of them met, he would naturally not look good.

"Why are you still standing there?" Snape said coldly, as if he was looking at a potion material that jumped out of the jar: "You're late, please find a seat quickly. Do you want me to ask you to sit down?" ?"

"Got it, Professor." Kyle quickly pulled Kangna to sit in the last row.

This made Snape look even darker.

But Kyle was not afraid, and instead raised his eyebrows provocatively.

At this moment, Snape wished for the first time that he was a pure Death Eater and had nothing to do with Dumbledore...so that he could use the Shadowless Blade to cut Kyle's head without any scruples.

Of course, this is just Snape's perspective.

In fact, Kyle was just looking at the classroom. He didn't expect Snape to imprint his own characteristics on the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom so quickly.

All the windows were covered and thick curtains were used, leaving only the dim light from candles in the entire classroom.

There are some more pictures on the wall, including people suffering from black magic, as well as hideous wounds and bizarrely twisted body parts.

These pictures probably correspond to the various potion materials soaked in bottles and jars in the underground classroom. What stands out is a horror.

"Before class starts, I have something to say to you. I hope you can pay close attention and remember what I say."

Snape did not look at Kyle anymore. He seemed to want to turn his head aside and said, "So far, you have had six teachers in this class. Of course, it may be seven."

Snape was talking about Tonks, who had been Umbridge's substitute teacher since she left school, but she herself insisted on refusing to admit her identity as a teacher.

"Needless to say, these teachers have their own teaching methods and emphases." Snape slowly walked off the stage, "But as far as I know, they don't seem to have taught you what to do when you really face black magic. .”

"Professor Moody taught me." came a voice from the crowd.

"So, Mr. Drake has already seen real dark magic, is that right?" Snape turned his head sharply, "Or you think you can easily defeat the Death Eaters, and you don't need to be in my class. waste time."

Mikel immediately lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Five points from Hufflepuff." Snape said calmly: "Remember, in my class from now on, you must raise your hands before answering questions."

"Alastor Moody, as a professor, he is indeed quite competent, and he did apply to the principal, thinking that it is necessary for you to truly face black magic."

Snape continued: "But as far as I know, the headmaster rejected his request on the grounds that you were not of age at the time and were not suitable for early exposure to dark magic."

There was a buzz in the classroom. Some people remembered that Professor Moody had mentioned that Principal Dumbledore did not agree with him demonstrating dark magic to students in class.

"But it's different now. You are already in seventh grade, and the situation has suddenly changed..." Snape raised his voice slightly, "Whether you are willing or not, you must face the threat posed by dark magic.

"You need to learn how to resist the Imperius Curse, or the dementors who can give you a 'kiss' at any time."

"Professor!" A girl raised her hand and said, "But haven't the dementors disappeared?"

"No," Snape said. "The Ministry of Magic's approach has indeed stopped the Dementors from being so unbridled, but it cannot completely eliminate them. The number of these monsters is far greater than you think."

He walked around to the other side of the classroom and walked towards the podium. When he turned around, he glanced in Kyle's direction intentionally or unintentionally.

"Perhaps I should show you the real Unforgivable Curse, so that you can have a clearer understanding of Death Eaters.

"Oh, by the way, as a seventh-grade student, I don't think you need me to help you remember what the Unforgivable Curse is. Is there anyone who still doesn't know?"

No one spoke.

"Very well, it seems you are not hopeless idiots." Snape nodded.

"Then choose the Cruciatus Curse. In order to allow you to see the effect of this curse more intuitively..." Snape paused, and then said in a gentle tone he had never heard before: "Kyle, help me. How about a favor."

Kyle didn't expect that Snape would suddenly call his name. Looking at the meaningful smile on Snape's face, he murmured in his heart.

He doesn't really want to use the Cruciatus Curse on himself, this is in class.

"So, are you willing to help?" Snape asked softly.

"But professor..." Kangna was a little anxious, but when she was about to say something, Kyle beat her to it.

"Of course I am willing," Kyle said, "But Professor, can I resist using the Iron Armor Curse? You know, no one will be able to resist the Death Eaters."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Snape's tone rose slightly, "I mean, can you help me open the curtains so that the students can see more clearly.

"You shouldn't think that I want to use the Cruciatus Curse on you. How is this possible? You know, using the Cruciatus Curse on others under any circumstances is a serious violation of wizarding laws.

"Ten points from Hufflepuff for your dangerous thoughts!"

Looking at Snape's half-smiling eyes, the corner of Kyle's mouth twitched.

On purpose, Snape definitely did it on purpose.

It was just a curtain. Snape could open it with just a finger. How could he need help? Moreover, his demeanor and tone just now sounded like he was about to cast the Cruciatus Curse on himself.

"Why are you still standing there?" Snape said again: "I don't want to have to say it again."

"Of course, Professor." Kyle said. He came to the window as if nothing had happened, opened the curtains, and then returned to his seat.

The classroom suddenly became brighter.

Snape extinguished the candle, then took out a mouse from his cloak and threw it on the ground.

When no one reacted...

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

Immediately, the mouse's entire body curled up into a ball, its limbs clinging to its body. It turned over, its body twitched violently, and its screams made people feel numb all over.

Everyone clearly felt...pain from this mouse.

Some girls couldn't bear it anymore and turned their heads away, not daring to look any further.

Snape waved his wand again and said softly, "Avada Kedavra!"

Accompanied by a dazzling green light, the mouse stopped moving. There were no wounds on his body, but he was undoubtedly dead.

"The killing curse...or the killing curse."

"It's not pretty, isn't it?" Snape said lightly: "But I have to say, this is probably the curse you will see the most in the future. As you can see, it can end all life. If If you don’t want to die, you must find a way to avoid this curse.”

"Besides, don't think about resisting." Snape glanced at Kyle again, "When faced with the Killing Curse, the Iron Armor Curse is useless."

Snape waved his hand, and the mouse on the ground disappeared.

But people's emotions did not disappear. The whole classroom was eerily quiet. The intermittent screams and the figure of the mouse lying silently on the floor were still in everyone's mind.


"What are you all doing?" Snape shouted, "Why don't you write this down!"

Everyone came back to their senses and began to look for their quills and parchment to record what Snape had just said.

"Perhaps some of you may be confused." While everyone was concentrating on taking notes, Snape continued: "Why did I only demonstrate two of the three Unforgivable Curses?

"That's because the Soul-Seizing Curse is the only Unforgivable Curse that can be resisted by your own ability. You can completely use your own willpower to get rid of its control, although it is difficult."

"What are we going to do?" someone asked, raising their hands.

"I will teach you," Snape said, "but not now. Before that, you must be fully prepared to learn another spell.

"Now take out your quill and carefully note down everything I say."

Everyone immediately started moving.

"I ask you to relax your brain and get rid of your random thoughts." Snape said, "Especially before going to bed, don't think about any unnecessary things."

When Snape said about relaxing the brain, Kyle already knew that what he was going to teach must be Occlumency... This is also the most effective way to resist the Imperius Curse.

But Occlumency is not that easy to learn. Just look at Harry. It took him nearly half a month to learn one-on-one teaching from Snape in the early stage, and Mao Leopard's all-day follow-up guidance in the later stage. Just getting started.

Normally, few professors would take the initiative to teach students such troublesome spells.

Needless to say, Snape is quite competent as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor... If he could get rid of his shortcoming of always targeting himself, Kyle wouldn't mind admitting that he was a great professor. .

As for now, Kyle is reserving that opinion for now.

By the time Snape finished speaking, half the class had passed.

Occlumency is not a magic that can be achieved overnight. It is difficult to just clear the brain, so Snape does not intend to waste time in class, but allows students to slowly get used to it and common sense after class.

In the next half of the class, he checked everyone's use of basic Defense Against the Dark Arts, the Disarming Charm, the Iron Armor Charm and the Speed ​​Charm, taking turns to check.

Snape thought it would be bad. After all, it was normal for a new professor every year to have poor grades. He had even thought about what he would say later.

But unexpectedly... the result was not bad, at least more than half of the students were able to skillfully use the magic spell he requested.

Snape originally thought this was a coincidence, until he checked again with greater difficulty and found that most people had indeed mastered these three spells.

This is a pleasant surprise, Snape thought to himself.

But what he didn't know was that most people in Hufflepuff had attended last year's DA party, and the three spells he requested were the ones Cedric had taught them.

It's a pity that Cedric has graduated this year, and DA has never held another event because of Umbridge's departure, otherwise they would have liked to continue participating.

After class, everyone gathered in the corridor, wondering how Snape was going to teach them to resist the Imperius Curse.

Some people guessed the answer.

"Of course I know it's Occlumency." Kangna and Kyle walked side by side on the way to the auditorium. "After all, besides this, is there anything else that needs to be cleared from the brain?"

Kyle thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there really wasn't.

So anyone who knows this curse in advance can easily guess Snape's thoughts.

"Need help?" Kyle asked.

It just so happens that Leopard Cat hasn't returned yet, so he can help Kangna open a small stove in the Room of Requirement.

Kyle has thought about it. When the time comes, he can discuss with Cat Leopard to make his movements gentler, or simply write a letter to Newt and ask if there are any Cat Leopard cubs, preferably two or three years old. months.

At that time, the little guy was like a fur ball. He only had the innate ability of Legilimency, but he was still very weak. He was not painful or itchy even if he was hit. He was perfect for using it to open a small stove.

"No need." Connor smiled and shook her head and said, "Actually, I have been learning Occlumency since last Christmas, and Professor Snape also made a very detailed plan for me."

"Look..." She took out a parchment book and handed it to Kyle.

The previous content is all about the process and precautions for learning Occlumency. It is very detailed and should be summarized from many related books.

Part of it was exactly the same as what Snape said in class just now.

The following is the specific things to be done, such as what to do to truly empty the mind, and what magic medicine to use to assist. It is all written clearly above.

Among the seven potions written by Snape, Kyle even saw the Felixir... Although it was only a drop of the Dreamless Sleeping Potion for ten days, and it was still drunk once every three months, it was enough. It's an exaggeration, after all, Fuling Elixir is taken by the drop of a drop.

Kyle returned the book to Connor and whispered, "If he had been so careful when teaching Harry, they wouldn't have almost fought."

"What did you say?" Kangna asked, her voice was too low and she didn't hear it clearly.

"Nothing." Kyle shook his head and changed the subject: "So, you have learned Occlumency?"

"I don't know." Kang Na shook her head, "But I won't need to drink Dreamless Sleeping Potion before the holiday... I think I have learned it."

Kyle felt that she could completely remove the word 'should'.

After studying according to the contents of that booklet for more than half a year, and with the help of Snape's luxurious potion package, let alone Connor, he could learn to close his brain even if Neville came.

However, out of curiosity, Kyle proposed to test it, and Kangna agreed. She also wanted to know how she was doing.

After lunch, the two came to the Room of Requirement.

Kangna stood there nervously, and across from her, Cat Leopard was looking at her unblinkingly with blue eyes.

After about a minute, Cat Leopard shook his head slightly, and then jumped back into the box.

Although he had already guessed that Kangna must have learned Occlumency, Kyle still found it a bit incredible.

After all, Harry is only at this level.

Although Kangna took nearly ten months and was much slower than Harry, her process was easy. It could be said that there were almost no twists and turns, and she learned it naturally.

If Harry had to choose, Kyle was sure that he would never want to scream in the basement of No. 12 Grimmauld Place for more than half a month.

Even Kyle himself was a little envious. He didn't get this kind of treatment when he first learned Occlumency.

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