Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 714 Kangna who didn’t take the train

I have to admit that Fred and George are very talented at emptying other people's wallets. At least when Harry walked out of the Weasley Joke Shop, he only had a few things left in his wallet. Galleons.

If it weren't for the expense of staying in school, he might not even want to let go of the remaining galleons.

Mainly because the joke items are so interesting, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts-related items each look very practical.

In addition, Harry hadn't gone out for more than a month, so he subconsciously just bought and bought. Before he knew it, his wallet was empty, and the jingling Galleons turned into various magical items. .

Harry was quite happy about this.

During the last week of the holiday, he and Ron had been playing with the gadgets they had bought, and Hermione once accidentally mistook the cup they bought for a tea cup, causing her teeth to be dyed blue.

Hermione's front teeth were already a little prominent, but they became more prominent after turning blue. She was so angry that she didn't talk to Harry for several days.

It wasn't until Fred and George got back the fading potion and Harry swore repeatedly that he really forgot to take it and didn't put it on the table on purpose that Hermione reluctantly forgave them.

But as a price, Hermione refused their request to refer to the homework.

"You'd better write quickly."

At the end of August, Kyle looked at Harry and Ron who were busy writing and said with a smile: "School starts tomorrow. If you can't finish writing tonight, don't even think about sleeping tomorrow night."

Harry and Ron didn't speak. In fact, they had no time to care about anything else except homework.

Who would have thought that after they stayed here for two months, their homework didn't move at all.

"Stop making sarcastic remarks, who hasn't made up homework a few times at Hogwarts?" Charlie on the side teased, thinking that back then, he was also a member of the team to make up homework.

"But Kyle..." he said, "I don't think you've ever done your homework. Did you finish it before you came here?"

"No." Kyle said calmly, "I didn't write it either."

Hearing this, Harry and Ron raised their heads almost at the same time, and then moved aside in tacit agreement to make room.

"You write your own, don't worry about me." Kyle waved his hand, "Because I have to be busy with the Ministry of Magic, I don't need to do my homework. The professor has specially approved it."

"You don't have to do homework?" Ron's eyes turned red with envy.

No one had ever told him that joining the Ministry of Magic would provide such benefits. If he had known this was the case, he should have submitted an application in the first place.

The next morning, Harry and Ron got into the car with dark circles under their eyes, and even slept in the car.

It wasn't until the car stopped at the door of King's Cross Station that Sirius shook them awake.

"Hurry up, there are too many people here, we have to get through the wall as soon as possible." Sirius and Mr. Weasley stood on both sides of them with serious expressions.

Judging from his expression, it was as if Death Eaters had been ambushing the station, ready to kill Harry's Death Eaters at any moment.

But in fact, they encountered no problems along the way and passed through the retaining wall smoothly and arrived at platform 9.

There are still as many people here as ever, and the steam from the red Hogwarts Express floats over the crowd.

Seconds later, Kyle, Cedric, Fred and George came in as well.

"I really miss it." Cedric looked at the train in front of him, "It's a pity that I didn't bring my luggage this time."

"Only a fool like you would want to go to school." Fred also glanced at the train, "Now is the best, no classes or homework."

"It would be better if you don't have to go to the Ministry of Magic." George said quietly beside him.

It was clearly agreed before that by the end of August, they could resign and go back to running the joke shop.

But now Hogwarts has started school, but they still want to stay in the Ministry of Magic because they can't find anyone to take over their jobs.

Of course, the two of them also had their own little plans. After Kyle said this, they no longer insisted on resigning.

At this time, Qiu also came. When she passed through the retaining wall, Cedric immediately abandoned Kyle and the others and walked over with a silly smile on his face.

"Qiu, long time no see. How was your vacation?"

"Tsk!" Fred's face looked a little ugly, and he said in a sinister tone: "Looking at his stupid look, others may think it's because his tongue is cramped."

"Sometimes I really want to stuff his mouth full of sour exploding candies." George said with a look of disgust.

"Oh, by the way, the same goes for you." He looked at Kyle again, "I guess you must be waiting for Kangna, right."

"Since you guessed it, why do you still ask me?" Kyle raised his eyebrows.

This move made the two of them furious again.

"Listen." Fred put his arm around Kyle's shoulders maliciously, "This Christmas, you will definitely receive a box full of sour exploding candies."

"Do you think I will eat the food you send?" Kyle glanced at him and said disdainfully.

"Then let's go to Hogwarts..."

"Put candy in your mouth."

"I'll wait." Kyle didn't like them at all, "Just don't dare to come when the time comes."

Another ten minutes passed, but Connor did not appear. Fred and George looked a little gloating.

There was a whistle from behind, almost everyone got on the train, and some people were already starting to close the doors.

"There are still three minutes, you have to hurry up." Cedric glanced at the time, "Maybe you can go look for her in the car. Don't forget, Kangna usually comes earlier than us."

"That's right." Kyle nodded and quickly got on the train.

"Okay, remember to come back for Christmas." Fred said through the car window.

"If anything interesting happens in school, remember to write and tell us."

"Oh, by the way, don't break school rules!"

Amid the banter between the two, the train puffed out bursts of smoke and began to accelerate.

Kyle waved, then turned and went to the prefects' compartment.

Here, he met Malfoy again. Just like when he was in Diagon Alley, he still didn't dare to look at him and ran to another carriage as if running away.

Kyle had other things to do and didn't care.

He walked back and forth in the prefect car, but did not find Kang Na.

Kyle then asked Qiu again, but she also didn't see Kangna.

"Don't worry," Qiu said, "Maybe Connor just didn't take the train, but went to school with Professor Snape."

"Maybe." Kyle said casually.

Although Qiu's words were true, Kyle always felt that Snape would not take Connor to school this year.

With this idea in mind, Kyle looked at other carriages, but found nothing.

Kyle opened the last carriage door, and sitting inside were Luna, Ginny and Neville.

"Long time no see, Kyle." Neville held up his toad.

"Long time no see." Kyle did not go back to the prefect's car, but walked in and sat in an empty seat next to him.

"Don't you mind?" he asked.

"Of course not." Neville said quickly: "In fact, five minutes ago, my grandma told me to spend more time with you."


"Oh, she probably wants me to learn more from you." Neville said, "She read the newspaper and said that people from the Ministry of Magic would not be able to come up with that kind of reliable decision, nor would they be able to solve the soul-possession so quickly. Weird question, it must be your idea.

"She has praised you for two months. If you could be her grandson, she would be willing to give you anything in exchange."

"You're not bad either, Neville." Kyle said absently: "Oh, by the way, remember to thank Mrs. Longbottom for me."

"Thank you," Neville said sheepishly, "I will."

Because Kyle's mind was not on chatting, the atmosphere in the car seemed a bit dull.

"Kyle, you're caught by a bug." At this moment, Luna raised her head from the Quibbler and looked at Kyle through her big colorful glasses.

"Harassment...what?" Neville blinked, not understanding.

"Harassment flies... they're invisible and they mess with your brain," Luna said. "I just thought I felt one buzzing around here."

She slapped the air with both hands, as if chasing away an invisible flying insect.

Neville didn't understand even more. He subconsciously moved to the window. Ginny next to him also felt that Luna's behavior was a bit strange. However, she had long been used to this kind of thing and just regarded it as something strange. Didn't see it.

"Ah, I am indeed a little worried." Kyle said looking out the window.

"Do you need my help?" Luna asked, and she waved her hand next to Kyle again.

"Thanks, I'm feeling better now," Kyle said.

After sitting here for a while, Kyle was ready to go elsewhere, but before he could get out of the box, Harry opened the door.

"Neville, you see...oh Kyle, you are here." He said in surprise.

"Yeah." Kyle turned sideways, preparing to let Harry come in first.

"No need," Harry said, and he took out two rolls of parchment with purple ribbons and his name on them.

"What's this?"

"The invitation," Harry said, "It was sent by a third-year girl, but she couldn't find you, so I was wondering if I could help.

"Neville, this is yours." Harry handed over the other two rolls of parchment.

There is only a very brief sentence in the parchment roll:


I would very much like you to have lunch with me in Box C.

Yours faithfully

Professor H.E.F Slughorn.

"Remember?" Harry said, "This is the man Dumbledore took us to visit, and he was on the train.

"It's rare... I mean, very few professors take the train to school, except for Lupin before... But this Professor Slughorn doesn't seem to be short of money, does he? "

"Lupine will be sad to hear that," Kyle said.

Harry was a little embarrassed, but this was a fact. For such a long time, only Lupine, who was short of money, would take the train to school.

"Are you going?" Harry asked.

To be honest, Kyle didn't want to go, but Slughorn was a professor after all, and he sent the invitation letter, so it would be inappropriate not to go.

Kyle rubbed his forehead. If he had known that Kangna was not on the train, he should have just apparated to Hogsmeade.

"Forget it, just think of it as passing the time." Kyle walked out of the car.

Neville followed suit.

"Who is Slughorn?" he asked.

"The new teacher," Harry said, "He used to work at Hogwarts, but then he retired. This time he is back to his old job."

There were many people in the aisle, including students waiting for meals to be delivered. When they arrived at Car No. C, Harry discovered that Slughorn not only invited them.

Carriage C is second only to Carriage B where the prefects are, and is reserved for teachers. It is very spacious, almost as big as three ordinary carriages.

But at this time, the place was full of people.

"Harry, Kyle." Slughorn jumped up when they opened the door.

He seemed to have dressed up specially today, with a neat silver beard that, like the gold buttons on his vest, sparkled in the sun.

“What a huge surprise that you all came together!

"This is Mr. Neville Longbottom, hello."

Neville nodded stiffly. He still didn't understand what was going on. He just followed Kyle's example and sat on the nearest empty seat.

I don’t know why, but since Kyle came in, the atmosphere here has become a little strange, or maybe some Slytherin students have behaved a little strangely.

They either lowered their heads or gathered together to whisper, but when Kyle looked over, they immediately pretended as if nothing happened.

In fact, this is a normal thing. Since Kyle gave Montague a small lesson last school year, most Slytherins would choose to keep a distance from him.

Especially this holiday season, Kyle has caused a lot of trouble for most of their parents.

"Everyone is here." Slughorn said happily, "Let me introduce to you. This is Brace Sabini."

He pointed at a boy next to him casually, "You must know Harry, you are in the same grade."

Both Harry and Shabini acted as if they had not heard anything and had no reaction: Generally speaking, Gryffindor and Slytherin hate each other, and wherever they are, they will always Full of gunpowder smell.

Now it would be polite not to start a fight on the spot.

Slughorn continued to introduce the others.

"This is Cormac McLagan, Kyle, he is in the same grade as you..."

"Kyle, nice to see you here." Michaela raised his hand and greeted him formally.

Kyle nodded.

"Max Belby, also in seventh grade..."

Unlike the tension between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Hufflepuff is still quite popular...at least when Slughorn introduced others to Kyle, everyone was very enthusiastic.

"Well, that's delightful..."

After the tedious introduction, Slughorn said with satisfaction, "An opportunity to get to know you better. Everyone, take a napkin and try this."

He waved his magic wand and there was a plate of pheasant meat in front of everyone.

The long-haired pheasant is a magical animal unique to the Appalachian Mountains. It has no special abilities except running fast, but its meat is delicious.

Kyle was not surprised that Slughorn could get this thing...but it was probably not cooked by the house elf, but by himself.

What do you think of the smell... It's like throwing a flat, round stone directly into the water without even a single blip.

Slughorn should apologize to Pheasant.

And while everyone was eating, Slughorn was still asking various questions.

"Marcos, have you seen your uncle Damocles recently? I had the honor of teaching him back then."

"Cormac, I happen to know that you often see your uncle Tiberus, and he also mentioned you to me before..."

"Shabini, how is your mother? It has been two years since we last met, but I still miss the orange pie she made."

It was said to be a chat, but Slughorn's tone was more like an interrogation. Everyone was frightened.

And Kyle also noticed that Slughorn lost interest in Belby when he accidentally revealed that his relationship with his uncle was not good.

Even when dividing the pie, he was omitted intentionally or unintentionally.

But instead of being angry, Belby was much more relaxed. After noticing Kyle's gaze, he blinked and showed an expression of relief.

"Have you noticed?" Harry leaned next to Kyle and whispered: "This Slughorn always mentions one of their relatives."

"What you said is wrong." Kyle shook his head slightly, "It should be said that it is because of these relatives that they were invited."

"This isn't..." Harry opened his mouth, but still didn't say the word 'snobbish'.

"Just like you thought," Kyle said.

Harry glanced again at Slughorn, who was handing out puddings, and his impression of him dropped a bit.

Of course, he didn't like it, but he was still a professor after all. Harry didn't show it, but deep down he wanted to end this lunch as soon as possible.

Instead of wasting time here, he would rather chat with Ron or make up one more homework.

The same goes for Neville. Slughorn always mentions his parents, which makes Neville feel anxious.


Twenty minutes later, Slughorn stood up and said solemnly: "Let me introduce two other people to you.

"Harry Potter, people now call him the 'Savior Star'. Yes, after that terrible night more than ten years ago, this title has accompanied him... Some people say that you must have extraordinary power..."

There was a vague cold snort coming from the box.

Harry felt as if someone had slapped him hard twice, and his face must have turned red.

Fortunately, Slughorn quickly changed his target.

"And Kyle..." Slughorn placed the largest piece of pudding in front of Kyle.

"Your father and I are good friends. When I was teaching him, I already predicted that he would do something great in the future. This is exactly what happened. He became the youngest director of the Ministry of Magic.

"But what I didn't expect was that his son was even better than him."

"Thank you for the compliment, Professor." Kyle said calmly, he now wanted to apparate to Hogsmeade even more.

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