Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 422

Chapter 422: Malfoy’s Thanks!!

“It’s impossible, Charlie has only graduated a few years, and to put it impolitely, Charlie’s grades are good, but if you want to become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, it is still too reluctant.”

Toby shook his head and said, speaking of the Weasley children, the grades are very good, even Ron, the grades are above average in the same grade.

“I also don’t think Charlie will be this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, he has always raised dragons in Romania, and if he were a professor, he would not be able to hide it from his family.”

Ron shook his head approvingly.

“So who is the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year, Professor Lupin last year is very good, but it’s a pity that he is a werewolf…”

Hermione said with some regret that werewolves were a dangerous existence in the wizarding world, and although they said that they were at ease with Professor Lupin, it did not mean that others were also at ease.

“Toby, you know what?”

Harry asked.

“It seems to have heard some news that it may be that Mad-Eye Moody will become our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year.”

Toby said.

“How could it be him!”

Ron was shocked, as a native wizard of the wizarding world, he knew the Mad-Eye Moody.

“Mad-Eye Moody? Who is he? ”

Harry asked curiously.

“A senior Auror, although now retired, powerful in magic, and a friend of Dumblee in his 29s, but a little eccentric, but more than enough to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.”

Toby said.

“It’s not a little weird, I heard my father say…”

Ron began to popularize Harry about Mad-Eye Moody and his previous heroic deeds.

“But why would Charlie say something like that?”

Ron turned the topic back again.

“This semester, Hogwarts will hold a big event, Charlie will be back, it should be related to this.”

Jamie said lightly, anyway, the matter about the Triwizard Tournament will be announced soon, and it is nothing to say it in advance.

“A grand event? What is it? ”

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all drawn to their attention.

“Have you heard of the Triwizard Tournament?”

Toby said.

“I know this, I once read in the book, the Triwizard Tournament was created about seven hundred years ago, and it is a friendly competition between the three largest magical schools in Europe.”

“Each of the three schools will select a warrior, and three warriors will compete in three magic projects, which will be played at different times in each school year.”

“They will test warriors from many different sides, testing their talents, strengths, guts, theories, reasoning abilities and ability to overcome dangers in magic.”

“They are rated based on the quality of each item they complete, and the warrior with the highest combined score in the three projects will win.”

“This event is held every five years, and the three schools take turns to host it, and everyone agrees that this competition is a great way for young wizards from different countries to build friendships.”

“But then, because there were so many people who died during the match, the Triwizard Tournament was interrupted.”

Hermione, an “encyclopedia”, spoke eloquently.

“So, the Triwizard Tournament is restarting?”

Ron asked with some curiosity, he grew up in the wizarding world, and he had heard about the Triwizard Tournament, unlike Harry, who still knew a lot of things about the wizarding world.

“If nothing else, it should be a reboot, this year it is the turn of Hogwarts, when students from the other two schools in Europe will come to our Hogwarts.”

Toby said.

“This is fantastic!”

Ron said with some excitement.

“Besides Hogwarts, what are the other two schools?”

Harry asked, he was not like Ron, who had lived in the wizarding world since he was a child, and was very familiar with many of the wizarding world, nor was he like Hermione, who liked to read books and learn about the wizarding world from books.

“One of them is Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the other is Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

Hermione replied.

“If the Triwizard Tournament is to be held, then this year’s Hogwarts will definitely be very lively.”

Ron said, but he seemed to have something on his mind.

“But what does Triwizard Thunder have to do with Charlie?”

“The Triwizard Tournament project is very dangerous, since Charlie raises dragons in Romania, I think one of the projects should be related to fire dragons, maybe let us fight with fire dragons.”

Toby said with a smile.

“Fight the fire dragon!”

Harry, Ron and Hermione were all stunned, they couldn’t imagine that kind of picture, knowing that in the wizarding world, fire dragons are quite dangerous creatures, even adult wizards dare not fight fire dragons, let alone them.

“This… How is this possible? ”

Harry forced a smile, anyway, he would definitely not be able to beat the fire dragon, maybe he would be eaten by the fire dragon all at once.

“Otherwise, why do you think so many people died in the previous Triwizard Tournament?”

Jamie said lightly.

“Oh my God, do you really want us to fight the fire dragon?”

Ron spread out on the chair, looking unloved.

“At Hogwarts, who can fight the fire dragon except Toby and Jamie, the two of you.”

Hermione shook her head, although she thought she was doing well, she was nowhere near as good as Toby and Jamie when it came to magic.

“What are you worried about, if you want to fight the fire dragon, you must first become a warrior.”

Toby said.

“In each Triwizard Tournament, only one warrior will be selected.”

“Then will you participate, To’s magic is so powerful than you and Jamie.”

Harry asked.

“It depends, it’s too early to tell.”

Toby shook his head and said, the Triwizard Tournament, he has not yet decided whether to participate or not, as for whether he can be selected, this is just nonsense.

As the train continued to move north, the rain became bigger and heavier, the sky was dark, and the windows were covered with moisture.

Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and the Wes 977 Rai twins

They all came through the door, excitedly talking to Harry and Ron about what had happened at the Quidditch World Cup.

Hermione was tired of the endless Quidditch talk, and she took out a copy of Standard Spells, Level 4 and began to look at Toby if there was something she didn’t understand.


The door of the carriage was opened again, and Draco Malfoy stood in the doorway with his two henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle, and as he grew older, the original baby fat on Draco’s face had disappeared and he began to become handsome.

Of course, his hairline seems to be a little bald, probably because he often combs the hairstyle with a large back, plus applying hair wax, which hurts his hair a lot.

As for Crabbe and Goyle, they grew bigger and taller, with a face full of flesh and a fierce and evil look.

“Malfoy, what are you doing here?”

Harry and Ron were both a little disgusted by Malfoy’s presence.

“Hmph! I’m not here for you, I’m here for Jamie. ”

Malfoy raised his head haughtily and swept Harry and Ron with contemptuous eyes.

“Jamie, thank you for your help in making me a big fortune in the Quidditch World Cup.”

Malfoy said, pulling out a money bag and deliberately shaking it in front of Ron, making a crisp sound when gold coins crashed.

“Some people, maybe they’ve seen so much money in their whole lives, right? Maybe these gold coins are enough for your Weasley family to live for a lifetime. ”

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