Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 413

Chapter 413: The Opening of the Quidditch World Cup!!

The entire stadium is oval in shape, and everything here is shrouded in a mysterious golden light, which seems to come from the stadium itself.

From Toby’s condescending position, the court appeared smooth and velvety, with three hoops on each side of the court, 50 feet tall.

To their right, almost parallel to Toby’s line of sight, was a huge blackboard with flashing of silver-colored text, as if an invisible giant hand was writing on the board, and then erasing them.

“It seems that wizards are still keeping up with the times when it comes to advertising.”

Toby looked at the advertising words and nodded secretly.

Like what cornflower: a flying broom for the whole family – safe, but with a built-in anti-theft bee sound…

There’s also Mrs. Skol’s amazing stain remover: easy and stain removal!

Elegant wizarding clothes – London, Paris, Hogsmeade…

“We knew we could advertise, and we spent some money to promote it.”

Toby said to Professor Lupin next to him.

“In fact, there is no need to publicize, our things also sell very well.”

Professor Lupin smiled wryly and said that any store that could earn more than 80,000 gold gallons on the first day could be worth the income of other stores for several years.

Over the next half hour, Toby’s box was gradually filled with wizards, and Mr. Weasley kept shaking hands with the wizards, apparently Ministry officials.

Percy, who was originally sitting, saw the big figures of the Ministry of Magic, and also stood up again and again, bowed to them, looked flattering, and broke his glasses when saluting the Minister of Magic, Connery Fudge

This embarrassed Percy, and after fixing his glasses with magic, he sat down in his chair with a red face.

Connery Fudge, although not very capable, is quite approachable in dealing with people, and he greeted Harry and Toby with a kind look.

When the seats in the box were full, Ludo Bagman walked into the box quickly.

“Is everyone ready? Minister – can it start? ”

Bagman looked at Fudge.

“You say start at the beginning, Ludo, you are the director of the sports department~~”

Fudge said kindly.

Hearing Fudge say this, Ludo Bagman couldn’t wait, in fact, not only him, but the audience in the arena couldn’t wait and began to make noise

Bagman drew his wand, aimed it at his throat, and cast a spell.

“Loud voice!”

“Ladies and gentlemen… Welcome to your presence! Welcome to the 422nd Quidditch World Cup final! ”

Bagman’s voice was as loud as thunder, instantly suppressing the noise in the stadium, and even echoing in the stadium.

The audience in the stadium burst into cheers and applause, thousands of flags waving at the same time, accompanied by the chaotic sound of the national anthem, the scene was simply lively.

And on that huge blackboard, the last advertising words also disappeared, and what appeared: Bogaria: 0, Airland: 0.

“Okay, now let’s gossip, allow me to introduce… The mascot of Team Bogaria! ”

As Bagman’s voice fell, a neat bright red phalanx erupted into loud cheers to the right of the stands.

I saw that 100 Veelas had already slipped to the arena, this Veela was also a magical creature, but it looked like a very beautiful woman, and when they began to dance, many male witches with weak willpower were confused.

Toby had seen creatures like Veeva for the first time, and seeing their beautiful appearance, he could understand why some wizards would combine with Veeva, such a natural stunner, few men would not be moved.

“Toby, what do Harry and Ron want?”

Hermione asked curiously, Harry and Ron seemed to have lost their minds now.

Harry stood there, one leg resting on the wall of the box, and next to him, Ron also made a gesture to jump from the springboard, staying there motionless.

“They are deceived by Veeva, a creature with a strong ability to confuse, and if it is some weak-willed wizards, they will be confused by them.”

Toby said.

“But it doesn’t matter, when the music stops and the Veelas leave, Harry and Ron will be back to normal.”

Sure enough, as Toby said, after the music stopped and the Veelas left, all the confused wizards returned to normal, but the gymnasium was filled with angry roars, and many wizards did not want Veeva to leave.

“They’re really inferior!”

Looking at Harry and Ron’s lost look, Hermione said with some disdain, look at them, and then look at Toby, not confused by Veela at all, they are all wizards, how can the gap be so big.

“Now, please raise your wand into the air… Welcome the mascot of the Allland national team! ”

After the Veelas left, Bagman’s voice sounded again.


With a sound, something huge, green and gold flew into the gymnasium, like a big comet.

It flew around the pavilion, then split into two smaller comets and rushed towards a set of goalposts, and suddenly an arched rainbow appeared throughout the arena, connecting the two flashing balls.

The audience erupted with exclamations as if watching a fireworks show, and as the rainbow faded, the shining balls connected and blended to form a huge, shiny clover that rose high into the air and began to hover above the stands.

Then, something crackling fell from above, like golden raindrops.

The clover is made up of countless little people wearing red vests and mustaches, each carrying a small golden or green lamp, and constantly sprinkling countless gold coins.

These little people are the mascots of the Allland country, that is, the Elland leprechaun.

Many wizards are rushing to grab the gold coins that have been spilled, this scene is indeed amazing, even if everyone knows that the gold coins of this little goblin are useless, but everyone is still happy to grab it.

Harry and Ron also stole a lot of goblins’ gold coins, although they also knew that this gold coin was useless and could not be used as a gold gallon, but like a toy, it was still okay to play with it.

“If only these gold coins were gold gallons.”

Ron looked at the large pile of goblin gold coins in his arms and sighed, if these gold coins were gold gallons, he would wake up laughing in his dreams, but unfortunately these were the gold coins of the little goblin, and they would disappear in a short time.

The giant clover disappeared, and the goblins slowly landed opposite the Veelas on the field, sat down cross-legged, ready to watch the game.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, a warm welcome – the national Quidditch team of Baugallia! I will introduce you – Dimilotev! ”

“Ivanova! Zograf! Leflsky! Vokanov! Volkov! ”

“And the last – Krum!”

With Bagman’s introduction, the members of the Bogaria team rode flying broomsticks into the arena in turn, and the entry of Victor Krum also won cheers from many wizards, such as Ron.

Ron is a fan of Viktor Krum, and he has been following Krum with a panoramic telescope the whole time.

Toby also looked at the Viktor Krum, he was dark and thin, his skin was gray-yellow, a large eagle hooked nose, two thick black eyebrows, and looked like a huge eagle.

“How old!”

Toby complained, just as Krum looks now, who can believe that he is only eighteen, just like a thirty-eight-year-old uncle.

“Now, welcome—Elland National Quidditch! It was Noli who appeared! Ryan! Troy! Mallet! Moran! Quigley! And Qi! ”

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