Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 387

Chapter 387 The Fat Lady Who Cried!!

“Time Turner!”

Professor McGonagall was shocked, the Time Turner was specially approved by the Ministry of Magic for Hogwarts, it could only be used for learning, not other things, and the Time Turner was a very precious magical item.

The method of making time turners has long been lost in the wizarding world, and the only remaining time turners are stored in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic.

“Professor Dumbledore, could it be that the man sneaked into the Gryffindor common room just to steal the Time Turner?”

Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore.


Dumbledore is not sure, although the time turner is precious, but the time turner cannot change the past, why did the thief steal the time turner?

Soon, the other Gryffindor students had returned to the common room, but they all said that they had not lost any items.

“Everyone, gather in the Great Hall at once, we will conduct a comprehensive inspection of Hogwarts.”

Dumbledore ordered, and then he looked at Professor McGonagall.

“Professor McGonagall, please go find Filch and let him find the Fat Lady, maybe the Fat Lady knows something.”

“Okay, I see, I’ll go right now.”

Professor McGonagall agreed, turning and leaving the Gran 29 Fendor Lounge.

As for the Gryffindor House students, they went to the Great Hall one after another, they all felt a little scared, someone would infiltrate Hogwarts Castle, if that person was going to do something bad, then they would not be in danger.

“Hermione, what’s wrong with you?”

On the way to the Great Hall, Toby noticed that Hermione’s face was a little wrong from just now, and asked curiously.

“Yes, Hermione, your face is so ugly.”

Harry and Ron nodded as well.

“Toby, Professor McGonagall gave me the time turner, it’s gone.”

Hermione whispered.

She only told Toby and Harry about the Time Turner, and as for the other classmates, they didn’t know that she had a Time Turner.

“The Time Turner is gone? Could it be that it was stolen by that person! ”

Toby said.

“I don’t know, but I searched all over it just now, and I didn’t find the time turner, and I kept it under my pillow, so no one should know.”

Hermione said guiltily that Professor McGonagall had given her the Time Turner, but she had not protected it.

“Hermione, I can’t blame you for this, I’m sure the professors will handle this.”

Toby comforted.

When the Gryffindor House students arrived in the Great Hall, the other three House students also arrived, and soon after that, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin students knew that someone had invaded the Gryffindor common room.

The Ravenclaw students were curious, the Hufflepuff students were worried, and the Slytherin students were gloating, after all, Gryffindor was their nemesis.

“Potter, I heard that someone has invaded your Gryffindor common room, so your underwear should not have been stolen, right?”

Malfoy took his two henchmen, Bangklab and Goyle, gloating over the ditch, Zu said.

“Huh, hehe…”

Crabbe and Goyle covered their mouths and snickered behind them.

When Harry and Ron saw Malfoy, their faces suddenly became ugly, and they immediately began to fight back.

Soon, Dumbledore brought the professors to the Great Hall, and the students were quiet.

“I think everyone already knows that last night, someone infiltrated the Gryffindor common room, this is a rather egregious incident, and we will conduct an all-round search of Hogwarts.”

“Everyone, stay in the auditorium now, the student council president and prefects pay attention, do not let the students leave the auditorium until our professors return, in case there is any danger.”

Dumbledore said.

The professors, led by Dumbledore, began to search Hogwarts Castle, and the students discussed enthusiastically in the Great Hall.

“Who do you think that person is? Could it be done by someone from our school? ”

“This is impossible, the nature of this matter is too serious, if it is discovered, it will definitely be expelled from the school.”

“If it’s not a student, which professor will it be?”

As everyone discussed, some students set their eyes on the professor, and some Gryffindor students thought that person was Professor Snape, such as Harry, Ron, the Weasley twins, and so on.

Their grudge with Professor Snape is simply unclear, anyway, I don’t know who it is, just put the basin on Snape’s head.

Some of the Slytherin students thought that person was Professor Lupin, such as the pureblood students led by Malfoy, and they had always looked down on Professor Lupin’s poor appearance.

Even if Professor Lupin’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class was good, it could not change their malice towards him.

The search lasted all morning, and it was obvious that nothing had been searched, which made the professors’ faces ugly, and there would be people from outside breaking into Hogwarts Castle, which had never been done before.

Fortunately, the students were not harmed, otherwise it would have been bad.

“Filch, didn’t you find anything when you checked the night last night?”

Dumbledore asked.

“No, I didn’t find anything.”

Filch shook his head and said, his face was very ugly, as the gatekeeper of Hogwarts, it was obviously his dereliction of duty to let outsiders infiltrate the castle.

“Could it be that it is not an outsider at all, but someone in the castle?”

Professor Snape sneered, his gaze glancing at Professor Lupin on the side, and the meaning was naturally obvious.

“No way, so far, nothing has been stolen from the castle, the only thing lost is a time turner.”

“The Time Turner has always been a secret, few students know it, and even if they did, they couldn’t have come and steal it.”

Professor McGonagall said.

“Filch, did the Fat Lady find it?”

Dumbledore asked.

“Found it, she was in an abandoned classroom on the third floor of the castle, but she kept crying and said that she would not come out again.”

Filch replied.

“Then let’s go and see, maybe the fat lady saw the intruder’s 500, she might know.”

Dumbledore said.

The group walked to the third floor of the castle, and under Filch’s lead, they came to an abandoned classroom, which was very dark and the foot of the wall was full of miscellaneous waste.

“La la…”

As soon as they entered the abandoned classroom, Dumbledore and they heard a burst of singing, although it was not beautiful at all, they could hear that it was the voice of the Fat Lady.

Dumbledore and they all looked at Filch at once, which seemed to mean, didn’t you say that the fat lady was crying, why did she seem to be singing happily now?

Filch also didn’t understand, obviously when he found the fat lady, the fat lady was indeed crying, and now she actually sang.

“Fat lady, we have something to ask you?”

Dumbledore approached and said to the fat lady who was singing.

But the Fat Lady stretched out a hand to stop them, and then continued to sing, and the incomplete singing made Dumbledore dizzy until they were almost unbearable, and the Fat Lady stopped.

“Taste the product…”

Although the singing stopped, the fat lady’s crying sounded again, although she was only howling dryly, without tears at all.

“Fat lady, what really happened last night, please tell us.”

Dumbledore said.

“Woo-hoo, that’s terrible, woo-woo, that’s a man in a black robe, woo-woo, a little short, he… He took my painting…”

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