Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 092

Chapter 92: The long-awaited Defense Against the Dark Arts!!

Hogwarts Astronomy Tower, on the Observatory.

Toby and Jamie stood together, both holding a pair of binoculars looking up at the starry sky, and the other little wizards did the same.

The telescope of the wizarding world is equivalent to the astronomical telescope of the Muggle world, and the distance that can be observed is quite far.

“Did you see, those planets, that one is Mercury…”

Professor Sinnitas asked the young wizards to observe the starry sky while briefly introducing them to the planets.

Toby and Jamie had long known about the planets of the solar system, and they didn’t need to listen to the lecture, so the two found three places where they were biased.

“Astrology is the talent of the horse people in the Forbidden Forest, and they can predict the future from the stars, which should be an innate ability.”

Toby said that many things in the wizarding world are unlearnable and are inherited by blood, and astrology is clearly one of them.

Horse people are born with the ability to rely on the stars to predict the future, which is the ability inherited from their bloodline.

“It is said that the ancestors of the Ma people are the centaurs of ancient Sira mythology, Qinqi calligraphy and painting, bows, arrows, knives and guns, fist fighting sumo, and almost omnipotent and omniscient in heaven and earth.”

Jamie said.

“It should be the horse people who put gold on their faces, didn’t you Slytherin students still say that Merlin is also from Slytherin house.”

Toby said with a smile.

Merlin was in an era that predates the era of the Hogwarts Four, how could he go to Slytherin House, but Slytherin students put gold on their faces.

“I think you can take some horse blood for some experiments, do you remember that magic?”

Jamie said.

“You said that bloodline fusion magic is too dangerous, not only does it require a lot of precious potions, but it may not be successful, one is not good, it may cause the bed between the bloodlines and become a half-orc.”

Toby Skin Eyebrow, that bloodline fusion magic is recorded in the Magic Divine Codex, but the conditions are very harsh and very dangerous.

“Magic experiments are not dangerous, and besides, we are not using ourselves as experiments, if that bloodline fusion magic is really successful, we can obtain some magical abilities.”

Jamie said.

According to their guesses, Voldeh may have fused the bloodlines of some magical animals to make his magic far superior to other wizards and possess some special abilities.

For example, his ability to turn into black fog and fly, once turned into black fog, he can be immune to the attack of the spell.

However, Voldemort may not have been completely successful, and the appearance of his two-hole socket is likely caused by the failure of bloodline fusion, and of course, it may also be caused by excessive research on black magic.

But in any case, wizarding to fuse the bloodline of magical animals is a very dangerous act.

“We could do some experiments, but we lacked a lot of material.”

Toby said.

“Potions materials can be taken from Snape, and as a Potions Master, he must have collected a lot of materials.”

Jamie said that as the evil side of the two, he has always acted without scruples.

An astronomy class lasted thirty minutes and ended quickly.

In this astronomy class, Professor Sinista just taught the little wizards how to observe the stars, and briefly introduced the names of the planets, and did not say anything else.

After the astronomy class, the little wizards were already very sleepy, and he had already fallen asleep by the time of the original text.

Fortunately, there is only one astronomy class a week, as long as it is every day, it is really fatal!

It’s Thursday, and Gryffindor has a Defense Against the Dark Arts class at nine o’clock in the morning, with the little wizards of Slytherin.

In the afternoon, there is also a transfiguration class and a flying lesson.

Transfiguration classes were taken with Ravenclaw, while flying lessons were taken with Slytherins.

Defense Against the Dark Arts class is the most anticipated lesson for young wizards, whether it is the little wizard of Gryffindor or the little wizard of Slytherin, they are full of expectations for this class, and they came to the classroom early.

“The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class is Professor Quirrell, he always has a big scarf around his head, and the smell of garlic all over his body is really unbearable.”

“Why does Professor Quirrell have a big scarf around his head, isn’t he hot?”

“Who knows, maybe he’s just trying to cover his big bald head.”


I don’t know if the little wizard said it, and the other little wizards in the teaching list burst out laughing when they opened the page.

Toby and Jamie looked at each other, and it was clear to them that Professor Quirrell’s body was a remnant of Voldemort’s soul.

However, perhaps Dumbledore also knew for a long time, which is why he set up the bureau of the Philosopher’s Stone to lure Voldemort into the bait.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Professor Quirrell arrived at the classroom on time, still wrapped in the ridiculous scarf on his head, and covered in the smell of garlic, which was very smoky.

“Oh! Happy… Welcome everyone, I… I’m yours… Black… Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, my name is Quirinus Quirrell, you guys… You can call me… Professor Quirrell. ”

Professor Quirrell stood behind the podium, stammering a little and introducing himself, looking weak and unbearable.

“Now on… To start the roll call, please call… Name classmates, cite… Raise your hand. ”

Professor Quirrell took a piece of parchment and began to stutter by name, but when he called Harry Potter by name, he paused, looking excited and about to faint.

“Oh, okay, okay, Harry Potter, the big hero of my door!”

Professor Quirrell rarely stuttered.

Harry, under the gaze of the class, looked a little embarrassed, his face turned red, and he couldn’t help but bow down.

When Professor Quirrell finished his roll call and just wanted to start a class, a young wizard began to ask him questions.

“Professor Quirrell, why do you always have a big scarf around your head, and why does you smell of garlic?”

A Gryffindor student asked bluntly.

“Oh! Did you know that vampires are the most afraid of garlic, and I went to Mania during the summer vacation and met a vicious vampire there who wanted to kill me. ”

“It took me a lot of effort to escape, but the vampire is likely to come and get me again, so I prepared some garlic with me so that the vampire wouldn’t dare to come.”

Professor Quirrell smiled awkwardly, and Kaku explained.

“But, Professor Quirrell, this is Hogwarts, the safest place in the entire wizarding world, and with Headmaster Dumbledore here, that vampire should not chase Hogwarts school.”

Toby said, his sharp gaze looking directly at Professor Quirrell.

“So, Professor Quirrell, why do you still carry garlic with you at Hogwarts? Could there be vampires in Hogwarts Castle? ”

Professor Quirrell was panicked by Toby’s gaze, and he couldn’t answer his words.

“Oh, this is for… Well, just in case, that’s right, just in case. ”

Professor Quirrell reluctantly found a reason, praying in his heart that the other party would not continue to ask questions, otherwise he would not find an excuse.

“So, may I think that Professor Quirrell you don’t trust Hogwarts and Headmaster Dumbledore?”

Toby’s words were sharp.

“When… Of course not, I… I have great trust in Headmaster Dumbledore, as well as in Hogwarts. ”

Professor Quirrell hurriedly argued, he didn’t know why the little wizard was fighting against him, obviously they didn’t know each other.

“Toby, you’re saying that too much.”

Chi Min whispered on the side, Professor Quirrell is a professor after all…

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