Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 081

Chapter 81 Continuation Curse!!

“Oh, it’s Professor Flitwick, are you looking for me for something?”

Hagrid was a little surprised to see that the person outside the door turned out to be Professor Flitwick.

Among the professors at Hogwarts, his relationship with Professor Flitwick is not very close, or he is only loyal to Headmaster Dumbledore, and the relationship with other professors is average.

“Woof! Barking! ”

Hagrid was also accompanied by a large dog, which should be a Napoli mastiff, which belonged to a large dog.

“Shut up, tooth!”

Hagrid snorted.


After the beating dog whimpered twice, he stopped barking, just stuck out his tongue, and his tail fluttered very diligently.

“Hagrid, we need to test a spell, I heard that you have a lot of poultry here, and if we can, we want to use those birds as test specimens.”

Professor Flitwick said.

“Oh, of course, no problem, Professor Flitwick, I’d love to.”

As soon as Hagrid heard that there was something about teaching, he immediately agreed.

“Please follow me.”

Hagrid took his hounds and walked towards the back of his cabin, followed by Professor Flitwick and Toby.

Hagrid has half-giant blood, more than three meters tall, nearly four meters, while Professor Flitwick has goblin blood, no more than one meter tall, and the difference in size between the two is very huge.

Professor Flitwick was like a child in front of Hagrid, but Professor Flitwick’s momentum was much stronger than Hagrid’s.

Hagrid led them to a fence with several rudimentary chicken coops with chickens.

“Professor Flitwick, if you want a few, or say what you want to do, I can help.”

Hagrid said.

“Thank you, Hagrid, grab three chickens first.”

Professor Flitwick said.

“Yes, Professor Flitwick.”

Hagrid said angrily, stepped into the fence, and walked towards the chicken coop, and the chickens began to call.

“Toby, that spell can rejuvenate the plants that are dying in the lake, then it may also be effective for animals, let’s test it with ordinary poultry first, and if it is successful, then use magical animals.”

As Hagrid went to catch the chickens, Professor Furwey said to Toby.

“Okay, Professor, but I feel that this spell seems to be only used on the inside of living things, not on the outside of living things, it can heal internal damage, but cannot treat external damage.”

Toby said.

“This is also what we want to experiment, the perfection of a spell cannot be completed in a short time, it needs to go through a lot of experiments.”

“If this spell succeeds in poultry and magical animals, we can finally experiment with wizards.”

“Once the final test is successful, then you can publish this spell, according to me, this spell is very powerful, belonging to the bath system.”

“Healing spells have always been rare, but they are very important for wizards, magic is both powerful and dangerous, and many wizards hurt themselves because of improper use of magic.”

“At this time, it is necessary to use the healing spell, and sometimes it needs to be combined with a potion to heal.”

“But even so, there are many wizards who have left permanent damage.”

Professor Flitwick said.

Although the sorcerer’s healing magic is very powerful, it is not omnipotent, such as the loss of limbs, it is difficult to treat, and if you lose it, you will lose it.

Professor Silvanus Kettleburn, who teaches the protection of magical animals, only has one arm and half a leg left, and retired Auror Alastopo Moody of the Ministry of Magic, who also lost an eye and a leg.

It can be seen that even in the wizarding world, the injury of missing limbs cannot be cured.

“Professor Flitwick, the chicken you want.”

Hagrid stepped out of the enclosure with a chicken, his huge palm holding the poor chicken entirely.

“Thank you, Hagrid, for putting this chicken on the ground.”

Professor Flitwick said.


Hagrid threw the chicken in his hand to the ground, and the chicken fell to the ground, quickly got up, panicked and wanted to run off into the distance.

“Fall apart!”

Professor Flitwick cast a cutting spell on the chicken, of course, he also controlled the magic, otherwise with his magic, a cutting spell passed, and a chicken might be divided.

The poor chicken hit a cutting spell and immediately fell to the ground and began to convulse, bleeding from many parts of the chicken’s body.

“Quick, Toby, use that spell of yours, or this chicken will die.”

Professor Flitwick hurriedly said that although the power of his convergent cutting spell, this spell was still fatal to ordinary chickens.

“Yes, Professor Flitwick.”

Toby immediately ran over, took out his wand, and cast three ancient magic spells on the chicken that kept pumping animals on the ground.

A green light shrouded the twitching chicken, and under the treatment of the green light, the chicken that was about to die came back to life, but the wound on the chicken’s body did not disappear…

If the wound on the chicken is not healed, the chicken will still die over time.

“Heal quickly.”

Professor Flitwick cast a spell on the poor chicken, and soon all the wounds on the chicken were healed.

“It seems that this spell really can’t heal external wounds, but it can be used to prolong life, oh my God! These are three amazing spells! ”

Professor Flitwick said the whole person seemed a little excited.

“Toby, let’s go, let’s go to Professor Kettleburn, he has a lot of magical animals, and we will go and test with magical animals.”

“Yes, Professor.”

Toby nodded.

“Oh, Hagrid, thank you for your help this time, but we still have urgent matters now, so let’s leave first.”

Professor Flitwick said that he was also an impatient, and after saying goodbye to Hagrid, he immediately took Toby to Professor Kettleburn’s residence.

Professor Kettleburn is a professor in the protection of magical animals, and because of his heartfelt love for magical animals, he lives directly in the Forbidden Forest, of course, on the periphery of the Forbidden Forest.

Professor Celthborn also keeps a lot of magical animals, but because of his physical inconvenience, Hagrid often comes to help him take care of those magical animals.

“Oh, Filius, why are you here?”

For Professor Flitwick’s visit, Kate you Professor Byrne has something to send.

“Sylvanus, I have something for your help, I’m going to borrow a magical animal from you to test a spell.”

Professor Flitwick said that he and Professor Kettleburn had been colleagues for many years and knew each other well, so there was no need to be polite.

“It turns out that it is to test the spell, so what magical animals do you need?”

Professor Kettleburn asked.

“Any magical animal can be, you can get two of them.”

Professor Flitwick said.

“Okay, then you guys wait a bit, I’ll come when I go.”

Professor Kettleburn turned away, because he only had one arm and half a leg left, it was very difficult to move, but fortunately he still had magic.

After a while, Professor Kettleburn returned, with a fire lizard in his hand.

The fire lizard is a magical animal, it is born from flames and feeds on flames, as long as the flames do not go out, it can live forever, but if it leaves the flames, it will not live long.

“This is a fire lizard.”

Professor Kettleburn said.

“Thank you, Silvanus, you just throw it on the ground.”

Professor Flitwick said…

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