Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 076

Chapter 76: The Temptation of Oriental Cuisine!!

“Sea! Toby, Jamie, Hermione, here! Over here! ”

When Toby, Jamie, and Chimin arrived at the Great Hall, they saw Harry waving at them at the Gryffindor table.

The three walked over, and Jamie didn’t go back to the Slytherin table.

“Hey, why are you only here now, if you don’t come again, we’re going to go to the library to find you.”

Harry said.

“Jamie, you… Is it okay if you don’t go back to Slytherin, Mom? ”

Ron saw that Jamie was also sitting at their Gryffindor table, and asked with some hesitation, after all, Jamie was a student of Slytherin House.

“What does it matter, although I am from Slytherin House, I am still a student at Hogwarts, and we are all classmates of the same school, why do we have to distinguish so clearly!”

Jamie raised an eyebrow.

“Great, I thought…”

Before Ron finished speaking, he was interrupted by the bed.

“You think that if I enter Slytherin House, I will be alienated from you, but in fact, you are also prejudiced against Slytherin House.”

“I… We…”

Harry stammered a little, since he knew that Voldeh was from Slytherin House, he really didn’t have good senses for Slytherin.

“It’s not to blame you, after all, Slytherin does produce a lot of bad wizards, but no matter where it is, there are good people and bad people.”

“To be honest, in addition to Red Picklepuff House, whether it is Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, Hogwarts has actually produced some bad wizards, but it is the darkest Slytherin.”

Jamie said.

“How is this possible, what a bad wizard in Gryffindor!”

Ron was the first to jump out and retort.

“Don’t you know Sirius Black?”

Jamie asked rhetorically, Sirius Black was of course innocent, but at this time, in the cognition of all wizards in the wizarding world, Sirius was Voldemort’s most loyal lackey and a heinous murderer.

“Oh, this… He…”

Ron was speechless, as a member of the Weasley family, of course he knew Sirius Black, and Sirius Black was a Gryffindor.

“Who’s Sirius Black?”

Harry asked with some curiosity.

“Oh, he Ron just wanted to say, but was interrupted by Toby.”

“It’s just a bad wizard, let’s not mention him, where did you go just now, is there anything interesting, tell us.”

Toby changed the subject, he didn’t want Harry to know Sirius Black in advance.

“Oh, of course, we went to a lot of places…”

Sure enough, at the mention of this, Harry and Ron began to talk excitedly, saying where they had gone to Hogwarts Castle, what they had seen, and what interesting things had happened.

Immediately left the matter of Sirius Black behind.

On the long table in Gryffindor, there were some oriental dishes that the house-elves had prepared for Toby and Jamie.

It’s not that he wants to be special, but they really can’t eat eagle national dishes.

Harry and Ron ate the sandwich and beef pie in their hands, and looked at the exquisite dishes in front of Toby and Jamie, and suddenly felt unpleasant.

“If you want to try it too, you can give it a try, Jamie and I are not used to eagle national dishes, so we let the house-elves prepare oriental dishes.”

Toby said with a smile.

“Oh, really?”

Ron couldn’t help but spit, he really felt that those oriental dishes looked very appetizing, and fragrant, making people feel good.

“Of course, but you have to learn how to use chopsticks, which is a kind of tableware in the East.”

Jamie lifted the pair of chopsticks in his hand and shook it.

“Oh, how does this work?”

Harry thought that chopsticks seemed to be funny and asked.

“I know that.”

Hermione said suddenly, even a little proud.

“I’ve been to some restaurants and eaten oriental food, and people there use this kind of chopsticks to eat, and that’s how they take it, so that they can clip things.”

Chimin makes the gesture of holding something with chopsticks, but she does not have chopsticks in her hand, which is a kind of physical performance.

“Here, I’ll help you turn your knives and forks into chopsticks.”

Toby took out his wand and transformed the knives and forks in Harry, Ron, and Chimin into a pair of chopsticks using transfiguration.

“Oh, that’s amazing!”

Harry looked at the two thin sticks in his hand as if he saw two novel toys.

“Chopsticks are not difficult, you can just learn as I do.”

Toby began to teach them how to use chopsticks, chopsticks are not difficult, but after a while, Harry and the three have learned to use chopsticks, but there is still some twist, after all, used to using knives and forks, suddenly using chopsticks will definitely be a little uncomfortable.

“Wow! It’s so fragrant, what are you eating? ”

“God, what is this, food that has not been seen!”

At this time, the twins Fred and George also came to the auditorium, went straight to Toby’s side, and after seeing the food Toby was eating at his door, they exhaled.

“This is an oriental cuisine…”

Helplessly, Toby can only release it again, in the Eagle Country, there are not many Muggles who have eaten oriental food, let alone the more closed and backward wizarding world, and the twins are afraid that it is the first time to see oriental food.

“Oh! Oriental cuisine, can we also taste it? ”

Fred asked who had made Harry and Ron eat so cheerfully that they both felt hungry.

When Fred and George also tasted it, they immediately fell in love and couldn’t stop praising it, but unfortunately the amount prepared this time was not too much, and so many people could only taste a few bites each.

“If you guys like it, I can ask Timodo to do some.”

Toby saw that several people had some unfinished feelings, so he said.

“Oh, that’s great, I love that oriental food.”

Fred said.

“That is to say, let me eat sandwich baths, pies, king beans in the future, I can’t eat them.”

George nodded approvingly.

“Maybe we can suggest to the school that the kitchen improve the food, eat the same thing every day, no matter how delicious it is, we are tired of eating.”

“You know, this world is very big, there are local cuisines everywhere, the world’s three major cuisines, oriental cuisine, one country cuisine and T national cuisine, all of which far exceed the eagle national cuisine”

Toby said that if there are conditions, why should you wronged yourself.

“Oh, Toby, you’re absolutely right, I can’t wait to taste the food you said.”

Fred said.

“This is not a simple matter, if you want to change, you must agree to Headmaster Dumbledore.”

Jamie said, but Dumbledore should agree, just changing the food in the school is not a big deal.

“It seems that we have to make a suggestion to the principal.”

George said.

“What’s going on in the morning?”

While the twins and Chimin were discussing how to make suggestions to the school, Toby touched Jamie’s elbow and asked.

“You said that, it’s actually not a big deal, in the morning, a Slytherin senior bullied a first-year student, and I taught him a lesson.”

Jamie said lightly, it didn’t seem like a big deal.

“It seems that there are scum everywhere, is it Campus Ling? What happened to that senior? You won’t kill people, will you? ”

Toby asked with a smile.

“This is Hogwarts, there is Dumbledore’s eyeliner everywhere, and I’m not stupid, but I just knocked the senior unconscious and hung him on the wall of the common room.”

Jamie said that killing people at Hogwarts is not killing people under Dumbledore’s nose…

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