Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 072

Chapter 72 Blasting the Accident of the Ghost!!


The door to the Transfiguration classroom was pushed open, and Harry and Ron rushed in with books.

“Ho ho! Ho ho! ”

Probably because they were running too fast, both Harry and Ron were panting, and some fine sweat was still breaking out on their foreheads.

“Finally… Yes, if… A little later, Professor McGonagall’s face would be terrifying. ”

Ron said to Harry, and the two ran right in front of the talk.

At this moment, the tabby cat on the podium suddenly jumped down and turned into Professor McGonagall, startling Harry and Ron and almost fainting.

“Oh, Professor McGonagall, you’re so good!”

Ron stammered and praised, he never expected Professor McGonagall to turn into a cat, and he would say bad things about her in front of Professor McGonagall.

“Thank you for your review, Mr. Weasley.”

Professor McGonagall said, and then her face suddenly became serious, which made both Harry and Ron a little scared.

“Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, do you know what time it is, maybe I should turn you into a pocket watch, then at least one of you two can keep the time.”

Professor McGonagall said.

“Sorry, Professor, we got lost.”

Harry said that they had woken up late today, and coupled with the complex environment of Hogwarts Castle, they went the wrong way and almost ran to the restricted area on the fourth floor of the castle.

Filch, who happened to be on patrol, thought that they were deliberately trying to break into the restricted area, and threatened to lock them in the dungeon, but fortunately Professor Zhiluo who was passing by helped him secure the door.

They were able to get out, but because of this, they delayed a lot of time, and even if they ran as fast as they could, they were almost late.

“Then it becomes a map, and you don’t want a map for your seat, right?”

Professor McGonagall said that some of the little wizards below were snickering.

Harry and Ron did not dare to say anything more, hurriedly walked to the empty seat in the classroom, and sat down.

“Okay, children, now the official class begins, but before the class, I still have something to tell you.”

“Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous magic you have taken at Hogwarts, but Transfiguration is also a fairly powerful magic.”

“If anyone is naughty in my class, I will ask him out and never let him in again, but I have sued you.”

Professor McGonagall gave everyone a dismount, and sure enough, the little wizards immediately silenced themselves, and even became a little afraid.

“Transfiguration can transform one object into another, such as a magic wand in Professor McGonagall’s hand pointed at the podium, and that podium immediately turned into a pig, ‘Heng is Heng’ crying, like a real pig.”

The little wizard was immediately attracted to learn to transmorph, but instead of teaching them to transfigurate right away, Professor McGonagall first made them write down a large number of complicated notes.

In fact, with Toby and Jamie’s current level of transfiguration, there is no need to take these notes, it is useless, but they don’t want to be special, or they seriously write them down.

This satisfied Professor McGonagall, a hardworking and intelligent student, which professor would not like.

“Okay, all you have to do in this lesson is turn a match into a needle.”

Professor McGonagall gave each little wizard a match.

Turning a match into a needle, this transfiguration technique is the simplest transfiguration, and it is naturally difficult for Toby and Jamie.

Toby put his wand on the match, and the match immediately turned into a sharp steel needle, and even the steel needle had exquisite patterns on it.

On the other side, Jamie was the same, using his wand on the match, and the match immediately turned into a needle, and the needle was also beautifully patterned.

“Oh, good, Mr. Rigpo succeeded, Gryffindor plus five points.”

“Mr. Ball also succeeded, Slater magic power plus five.”

Professor McGonagall gave Toby and Jamie points one after another, in fact, she was a little surprised when she saw Jamie’s deformed needle.

She didn’t expect that in addition to Toby, there were also little wizards whose transfiguration skills were so masterful, and their level was far beyond that of little wizards of the same age.

“Mr. Bauer, after class, you can also stay.”

Professor McGonagall said she was really happy that two transfiguration geniuses had emerged this year.

“Okay, McGonagall.”

Jamie readily agreed.

Except for Toby and Jamie, none of the other wizards succeeded, and they all kept lighting the match on the table with their wands, but the match just didn’t change at all.

Simofenigan blushed and kept holding his wand to the match on the table, but the match didn’t change at all.

When he took the match from his wand again, the wand suddenly exploded, igniting the match on the table.

Seamus was startled, and subconsciously pulled the lit match forward, dialed it behind Lavender Brown in front, and lit her long hair.

“What’s burning?”

The little wizards suddenly smelled a scorched smell, raised their heads and looked around, and saw that Lavender’s hair was actually burning.

“Ah! Yes! Help me! ”

Lavender Brown is a girl who screamed when she found that her head was feverish, stood up and shook her head constantly, but this flick made the fire stronger.

“Oh! Merlin’s beard, Miss Brown, does not move at the waist! ”

Professor McGonagall was also shocked when she saw this scene, and hurriedly shouted loudly, she has been a Transfiguration Professor for so many years, but there has never been such a teaching accident.

But how could Lavender Brown just stay where she was, she shook her head and screamed loudly.

“Save me! Save me! I’m going to be burned! ”

The surrounding little wizards also immediately hid far away, afraid that the fire in Lavender Brown’s hair would fall on them.

“Clear water like a spring!”

Seeing that the classroom was really different, Toby shook his head and raised his wand to cast a spell on Lavender Brown.

Suddenly, a thick stream of water shot out of her wand and poured on Ravinder Brown’s head, dousing her but also extinguishing the fire in her hair.

Ravinder Brown slumped to the ground, she now looked quite a wolf fox, her fair face turned gray and black, and her beautiful golden curly hair turned charred.

“My hair! My hair! ”

Lavender Brown slumped on the ground, crying bitterly.

“Oh, thank goodness, kid you’re okay!”

Professor McGonagall quickly ran to Miss Lavender Brown’s side and asked with concern whether such a thing could happen in her class.

“Professor, my hair…”

Miss Brown looked at Professor McGonagall with teary eyes.

“Oh, it’s okay, it’s okay, the hair will grow back, I’ll take you to the school infirmary first, Madam Pomfrey will treat you.”

Professor McGonagall comforted, also very sympathetic to Miss Brown’s plight.

Miss Brown, comforted by Professor McGonagall, stood up, but seemed to have suddenly thought of something and looked angrily at the other little wizards.

“Who did it just now, my hair can’t burn for no reason, it must be someone, who is it?”

“Oh, hug… Hug, yes… It’s me, accidentally…”

Xi Mo raised his hand majestically and stammered, not even daring to look directly at Miss Brown.

The little wizards of Slytherin looked at it with a look of schadenfreude, and many of them were still snickering, it was really Miss Brown’s current appearance, well, it was too chic.

“It’s you!”

Miss Brown gritted her teeth, knowing how careful she was to protect her beautiful blonde hair, but now everything was gone.

“Snap! Syllable! ”

Miss Brown came over and gave Seamus two slaps.

Seamus was stunned, and there were two clear red slap prints on his face.

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