Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 049

“Where did you go, why didn’t I see you just now??”

Harry and Ron came to Toby’s side and asked curiously.

“We went to other shops, and you guys probably bought a lot of stuff too!”

Toby saw that Harry was carrying large bags and small bags in his hands, and knew that he had bought a lot of things.

Harry’s parents left him a lot of property, and Harry’s ancestors were in the shampoo business and made an unknown amount of wealth.

“I couldn’t help but buy more.”

Harry was a little embarrassed, he had no money before, he could only watch, but now that he had money, he naturally wanted to buy it big.

Ron was a little envious, but his family was poor, and he wouldn’t give him a lot of pocket money at all, and he couldn’t afford anything, but fortunately, Harry, a friend, was generous and would share the good food with him.

In front of the Three Broomsticks Bar, all the Hogwarts students who had come to Hogsmeade had gathered at this time, and Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Professor Sprout stood at the front with serious faces.

This made all the little wizards a little worried, afraid that Professor McGonagall would punish them, but fortunately, there were so many of them, even if they had to be punished, everyone would suffer together.

“Have you all arrived, the prefects of each academy, please count the number of people in their respective colleges, first-year freshmen, please come to my side!”

Professor McGonagall shouted.

The prefects of the four houses began to count the students in their respective houses, and as for Toby and Harry, they walked to the other side with the flow of people, and Professor McGonagall took the roster of new students to count it herself.

“Hannah Abbot!”


“Hermione Granger!”

Professor McGonagall counted the past one by one, afraid that she would miss a new student.

“Is Miss Hermione Granger there??”

Professor McGonagall didn’t hear Hermione’s response and asked again.

“Professor McGonagall!”

Toby raised his hand.

“Mr. Rigpo, is there something wrong with you?”

Professor McGonagall asked seriously.

“Neither Miss Granger nor Mr. Longbottom came, they are still there at Hogsmeade Station.”

Toby said.

“Oh, okay, it seems that there are still a few good students who abide by the rules among the freshmen this year.”

Professor McGonagall nodded, pleased with Hermione and Neville’s performance.

The rest of the freshmen all lowered their heads a little ashamed when they heard Professor McGonagall say this, also because they were freshmen and had not officially enrolled, as long as they mixed in Hogwarts for a year or two, they would become old fritters.

“It’s all counted, and none of them have missed.”

Professor Snape and Professor Sprout came to Professor McGonagall to report to her.

Professor McGonagall was finally relieved, if nothing happened to the little wizard, if there was a little wizard killed, then the matter would be big.

Looking at the black-pressed little wizards in front of him, Professor McGonagall had the heart to teach a few lessons, but the words still shut up.

She didn’t want to cause panic among the little wizards, and the matter was left to their adults.

“Okay, now everyone, go to Hogsmeade Station to assemble.”

Professor McGonagall shouted.

This surprised the little wizards, who thought that this time, even if Professor McGonagall did not punish them, he would teach them a few words, but he didn’t say a word.

Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Sprout personally escorted all the young wizards towards Hogsmeade Station.

At this time, the sky was gray, the air pressure was somewhat low, and there was even a wind, and it was clear that a heavy rain was coming soon.

“It’s strange that the professors didn’t say anything, right??

“After all, there are so many of us, it would be unrealistic to punish them all.”

“But it’s great to come to Hogsmeade before school officially starts.”

Along the way, the little wizards talked softly.

“Toby, the professors won’t find out what, will they?”

Harry was a little worried, after all, this incident was completely caused by Jamie and Toby, if the professors knew, God knows what would happen to Toby and Jamie.

“Don’t worry, as long as a few of you don’t say anything, the professors won’t know.”

Toby comforted that with Dumbledore’s personality, he would not expel a single student.

“Of course we won’t say it, but that Hermione won’t necessarily be.”

Ron interjected, clearly uncomfortable with Hermione’s condescending tone when she spoke before.

“Don’t worry, Hermione will not snitch although she speaks a little sharper.”

Toby said.

Hogsmeade Station was not very far from Hogsmeade, and under the escort of the three professors, all the young wizards arrived at Hogsmeade Station safely.

This made Professor McGonagall breathe a sigh of relief, and they were all tense along the way, afraid that a dark wizard would suddenly appear and attack them.

When you get to Hogsmeade Station, don’t worry, Dumbledore is here, no dark wizard dares to attack, this is the deterrent power of Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard.

“Albus, all the students who went to Hogsmeade are here, is there something wrong here?”

Professor McGonagall stepped forward and asked, as did Professor Snape and Professor Sprout.

“Philius and I checked the Hogwarts Express train and found that there was nothing wrong with this train, but a wizard sent a huge amount of magic to this train, which caused this train to suddenly accelerate.”

Dumbledore explained to Professor McGonagall.

“Find out which wizard did it??”

Professor Snape asked.

“It’s impossible for the little wizards, they don’t have such a huge amount of magic, and the staff on the train are also unlikely.”

“Such a huge amount of magic is difficult for us professors to do, perhaps only wizards of Albus’ level can.”

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