Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 032


With the sound of a long whistle, the Hogwarts Express finally started, all the little wizards got on the train, and there were many parents waving at them outside the window.

“The thought of this old steam train going on for six or seven hours in a row makes me feel unbearable, can’t it be faster?”

Jamie sat in the carriage, looking at the scenery flashing out the window, and said.

“The Hogwarts Express is powered by magic, and if you can find the magic node of this train, you may be able to speed it up.”

Toby was lying on a table in the carriage, holding a gold gallon in his hand, teasing the sniffer he had bought from the pet store.

“Good way, maybe I can sense it with magic.”

Jamie uses his wand to cast a super sense spell on himself, which is a very niche spell that enhances his perception.

After casting the Super Sense Charm, Jamie felt that his perception of magic had increased a lot, and he closed his eyes and leaned his magic towards Hogwarts.

“Hey! Toby, Jamie, can we sit here? “?

Just then, the sliding door of the carriage was opened, and Harry and a red-haired boy stood in the doorway.

“The other carriages seem to be full.”

“Of course, there is no one else here, just the two of us, the place is still big, you can sit here.”

Toby raised his hand and greeted.

Harry wasn’t polite either, he pulled the red-haired boy in and sat across from Toby and Jamie.

“Toby, this is Ron Weasley, my new friend.”

“Ron, these are Toby and Jamie, two friends I knew before I met you.”

Harry introduced both parties.

“Hey! Hello Ron. ”

Toby raised his right hand and greeted the somewhat restrained red-haired boy.

“You… Hi, I’m Ron, very… Nice to meet you guys. ”

Ron seemed a little restrained, and his speech was a little stumbling.

“Toby, what is Jamie doing? Did he fall asleep? “?

Harry saw Jamie leaning against the side of the carriage and closed his eyes again, thinking he was asleep.

“Oh, leave him alone, he’s doing it… Well, an interesting thing. ”

Toby said casually.

Next, there was a silence in the carriage, or Toby took the initiative to open the topic, and in the small talk, Harry and Ron became more and more open, and they talked more.

“Hey, Toby, if I’m not mistaken, this should be just sniffing.”

Ron said, pointing to the little guy on the table.

“Yes, this sniffer is my pet, this little guy is the most greedy for money, they like everything shiny, they will put gold coins, jewelry, small mirrors and the like in their pockets.”

“Just like this…”

Toby let go of the gold gallon he was holding in his hand, and the gold gallon was quickly taken away by the sniffer and put into its pocket.

Then, the sniffer didn’t seem satisfied, and those little eyes kept looking around Toby’s body, as if trying to find other treasures.

Ron looked at the sniffer with some envy, because of the poverty of the Weasley family, he had not touched a gold gallon so far!

“It’s just that my pet, it’s called Madarma, it’s useless and can’t sleep all day. Percy became a prefect, and my dad gave him an owl, and they couldn’t afford it—I mean, gave me the mouse. ”

Ron pulled out a fat, sleeping gray mouse from his clothes pocket, and said with a little blush, as if he felt that this gray mouse had embarrassed him.

Toby glanced meaningfully at the gray mouse, this is not an ordinary mouse, but an Animagus, whose identity is Peter Pettigrew, who is already dead.

Who would have thought that Peter Pettigrew did not die, but turned into a rat and hid in the Weasley house for so many years.

“Harry, did you learn about your parents from the Weasleys?”

Toby asked.

“Oh yes, the Weasleys are nice people, they told me a little bit about my parents’ past, but only a little.”

Harry looked a little lost, he really wanted to know something about his parents, the parents who had sacrificed their lives to protect him.

“Harry, do you know where my home is? Godric’s Hollow…”

Before Toby could finish, he was interrupted by Ron.

“Godric Hollow!”

Ron exclaimed, seeing that Toby and Harry were staring at him, he couldn’t help but blush a little, swallowing and spitting.

“Well, I mean, it’s a very famous place, I heard that the founder of Hogwarts Gryffindor House was born there, and of course some other famous wizards also lived there.”

“Of course, it’s a pretty famous place, the birthplace of Gryffindor, and it’s named after his name, Godric.”

“In Godric’s Hollow, there is also the old home of the Dumbledore family, where they used to live and then moved away when something happened, but the old house is still there…”

“Oh my God, Dumbledore actually lived in Godric’s Hollow before, this is the first time I know it.”

Ron interrupted Toby again, and seeing Toby and Harry looking at him again, he immediately blushed, and even his ears began to redden.

“Yes… I’m sorry! ”

“In addition to the former residence of the Dumbledore family, Harry did you know that the former residence of your Potter family is also in Godric’s Hollow.”

“It should be said that you and your parents used to live in Godric’s Hollow, and then your parents died to protect you, and you were sent to your aunt’s house as a child.”

“However, your Potter family house remains, and the burial ground of your parents, the Potters, is also in the church in Godric’s Hollow.”

Toby said.

“Toby, who are you… You mean, my parents’ graveyard, in Godric’s Hollow! ”

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