Hogwarts: From Silent to Dark Lord

Chapter 026

“Oh! Merlin’s beard, maybe I was really busy and faint, and I actually missed a little wizard. ”

Professor McGonagall patted her forehead, you can’t go wrong with the Hogwarts Book of Access, since it has Jamie Campbir Bauer’s name on it, it proves that the other party is qualified to come to Hogwarts.

The decision of the Book of Admission and the Pen of Admission is immutable, and to date there has been no student whose name has not been recorded on the yellowed pages of the Book of Admission who has been admitted to Hogwarts.

When a child first shows magical talent, the quill will fly out of the inkwell and enter the child’s name into the admission book.

“Fortunately, school hasn’t started yet, and it’s still time, so I have to hurry up and send the Hogwarts admission notice to that little wizard’s house.”

Professor McGonagall hurried out of the tower and back into the office, and then she got busy.

“Oh, the address is… Godric Valley 17! I remember a little wizard named Toby Rigbo also lived there, could it be that the two little wizards lived together? ”

“Forget it, now there is no time to take care of these, let’s send the letter as soon as possible.”

Even if two little wizards lived together, it wasn’t a big deal, and Professor McGonagall sent the owl from the school to send the Hogwarts admission notice.

Godric Valley 17.

“It seems that Hogwarts’ admission notice was delivered.”

Jamie watched an owl flying straight towards him and smiled.

Removing the letter from the owl’s leg, Jamie threw a piece of breadcrumbs at it, and the owl swallowed it a few times before leaving.

“Let me see…”

Jamie opened the envelope and took out two pieces of parchment from inside.

“Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

“Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Wizards, Grand Magician of Sir Merlin’s Order of First Class, Chief Magician of Wizengamot)”

“Dear Mr. Bauer:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been approved to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find attached a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1. We will wait for your owl to bring you a reply before August 4th. ”

“Vice Principal (female) Minerva McGonagall.”

“Hogwarts’ admission notice has really not changed at all, there is no card at all, thanks to the fact that there is only one magical school in the entire Eagle Country, otherwise, there will not be many students recruited at all.”

“Look at how the admission letter to Muggle school is, it really is that the entire wizarding world exudes an old, rotten smell, and wizards simply do not keep up with the times.”

After reading the Hogwarts admission notice, Jamie complained.

“The so-called International Secrecy Act was originally intended to protect wizards, but sooner or later the wizarding world will be exposed, but it is only a matter of time.”

Toby was a little disdainful, as Muggle society entered the information age, it was time for the wizarding world to be exposed.

Muggle technology is constantly evolving, but the entire wizarding world has been stagnant, natural selection, survival of the fittest, wizards if they continue like this, sooner or later they will be eliminated.

“Let’s go, let’s go to Diagon Alley, it should have been partially repaired, and your wand and school supplies need to be purchased there.”

Toby said.

“I think I should open the fireplace at home and connect it to the Floo network, and the phantom transfiguration feels uncomfortable.”

Jamie shrugged.

“Still don’t need it, I don’t want outsiders to come to my home, and besides, the feeling of using the Floo Network is just that, and the magic related to space teleportation in the wizarding world is basically uncomfortable today.”

Toby shook his head, the Floo Network was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, and he had no affection for the Ministry.

“Okay, then let’s go.”

Jamie’s hand was on Toby’s shoulder.

Toby raised his eyebrows and glanced at Jamie, but didn’t say anything, directly cast the phantom transfiguration, and the two disappeared into the room.


Somewhere in Diagon Alley, Toby and Jamie appeared here, this time instead of passing through the Leaky Cauldron, they came directly to Diagon Alley.

Diagon Alley was badly damaged not long ago, and now it is undergoing major construction, and wizards are very busy coming and going.

Many things that wizards can repair with magic, but there are also some things that cannot be repaired by magic, such as buildings, items, etc. that have been destroyed by fire.

Gringotts in Diagon Alley was destroyed, the goblins suffered heavy losses, and now the goblins are rebuilding Gringotts.

However, in order to make it easier for wizards to deposit and withdraw money, the goblins still set up several temporary work points in front of Gringotts.

“It is estimated that those greedy goblins would not have thought that the culprit who robbed Gringotts was now swaggering in front of them!”

Jamie leaned into Toby’s ear and chuckled.

“Gringotts theft, it’s none of our business, it’s an evil dark wizard.”

Toby glared at Jamie, could this kind of thing be said, knowing that with their current strength, it was not enough to traverse the entire wizarding world.

What they have to do now is to build high walls, accumulate grain, and slow down the king, which is simply low-key.

“Okay, okay, I know, low-key people, high-profile things.”

Jamie said.

“Now, let’s go buy wands first, and then go buy other things after buying wands.”

Toby said.

Along the way, the two saw that many shops in Diagon Alley had been destroyed and were now under construction or renovation, and although the culprit was Toby, Toby did not feel the slightest sense of guilt.

In the wizarding world, magic is power.

The Ollivander Wand Shop escaped by chance, probably because the location of the shop was too far from Gringotts, so it was not affected.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen, are you going to buy a wand?”

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