Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 1 Reborn!

The bright red steam train, spewing thick mist, was waiting to depart on a crowded platform. Its front clearly marked "Hogwarts Express, departing at eleven o'clock."

After confirming that the boy who had just boarded the train had a lightning scar on his forehead, Chen Bin picked up his luggage and walked slowly into the slow train at Hogwarts.

After passing through the long corridors filled with students in the first few sections, the scarred boy walked into the unoccupied carriage at the rear of the train, and then Chen Bin entered the adjacent box.

After a while, the train started.

Chen Bin sat down and raised his head to watch Mrs. Weasley waving to the adjacent car window. Little Ginny cried and laughed and ran forward with the train until the train accelerated and she was left behind and kept waving to the train. .

However, his mind was looking back on these forty-seven years of life.

To be precise, it is thirty-six years in the previous life plus eleven years in this life.

In his previous life, his mother died the moment she gave birth to Chen Bin at the age of 44, and his father Chen Weiguo, who was the same age as his wife, raised him alone.

Chen Weiguo's life is also quite legendary. He joined the army at the age of 18 and was stationed at the high-altitude border. He was discharged four years later and was sent to Xiangjiang where he had not yet returned. In 1965, he was admitted to Xiangjiang University and became a professor in the 1980s. After his career became successful, he married his childhood sweetheart, but they were separated due to the birth of Chen Bin.

In addition to strictly practicing ancestral boxing and sword skills since childhood, Chen Bin's father has taken great care of him. However, even though Chen Bin practiced martial arts to perfection, his father remained indifferent. Even when he was in the fourth year of middle school (the first year of high school), his father persuaded him not to practice anymore without any explanation.

After graduating from college, he entered the financial industry. Then, there was a financial tsunami and the company collapsed.

He happened to see the Xiangjiang police recruitment, so he applied for inspector, joined the mobile unit, and then the stormtroopers. Since then, he has become a key target of the elite training program and has served in the Commercial Crime Investigation Bureau, Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Bureau, Narcotics Investigation Bureau, Police Academy Instructor, and Crime Squad. By the age of 35, his father urged him to get married.

I married my girlfriend of five years and got pregnant the next month, and it was a hit.

Then, his wife suddenly gave birth early, and Chen Bin was on his way to the hospital when a truck transporting liquefied petroleum gas exploded. His soul was snatched away by a small purple magic circle and he lost consciousness.

When he opened his eyes, he became a baby.

His vision became extremely hazy, he could only see close objects clearly, and he also lost his sense of three-dimensionality.

"Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?" Chen Bin was confused for less than half a second. Based on basic biological knowledge, he inferred that his current vision is that of a newborn baby, right?

Well, even if you don’t have any biological knowledge, a charming Western girl is breastfeeding him. This shock is beyond description by any middle-aged and experienced driver. It is easy to deduce his current state from this.

This is his mother in this life. Chen Bin swears that she is only eighteen years old at most. Who dares to do something to such a young beauty? When that scumbag committed the murder, this girl was only seventeen years old!

However, what shocked Chen Bin the most was that the young brother next to the girl turned out to be his father in his previous life! That scumbag, no, the murderer turned out to be Chen Weiguo! ?

Moreover, his father was much younger than what he remembered as a child, no more than 25 years old at most, and it was possible that he was 20 years old.

"My father gave birth to me 20-25 years earlier in this life?" Chen Bin was still speculating on the reason, but suddenly heard his father say: "Isabel, stop making trouble. If you don't give your child a Chinese name, the elders will They will definitely come to your door.”

Isabel smiled charmingly and said: "My dear, your Chinese name is whatever you want, but your English name must be my surname, so that you can explain it to the elders in your family, right?"

"My dad actually barged in the door from behind? Where has my straight dad gone who is elegant, knowledgeable, wise and courageous, and also has some Chinese feudal ideas?"

The young brother teased Chen Bin's cheek and said with satisfaction: "Then his name is Chen Bin in Chinese, but when he returns to the UK, his name is Aaron Benjamin Naamah."

When the UK was mentioned, baby Chen Bin immediately recalled the most famous thing in his previous life...not some gentleman, an outdated empire, or mankind's first industrial revolution, but the stupid and explosive "herd immunity plan". The Prime Minister planned to use this exaggerated statement to intimidate the disobedient people to stay at home, but he himself fell into the trap...

Thinking about living in that country with his parents, he began to worry about whether his IQ would drop.

After staying in the hospital for a week, Chen Bin learned from the conversation between the doctors and Isabel that he was now in Xiangjiang in April 1980, born only 5 years earlier than in his previous life, but it was unscientific for his father to be so young!

The reflection in the mirror was a baby with black hair, dark eyes, fair skin, and Westernized facial features. The outline did not inherit any features from his father, and he looked almost exactly like Isabel.

If the black hair and black eyes are inherited from Chen Weiguo, the mother and father are basically correct. My father has become younger and married a beautiful, blond girl who is charming, gentle, elegant, protruding, long legs and tall! ? He has unlocked the achievement of "It's glorious to ride a foreign horse, but it's shameful to be beaten by a foreign cannon", but what about being a son?

Chen Bin was thinking back on the opportunities he had missed in the past. A business empire, an industrial overlord, a financial giant, a star that revived Chinese comics, a godfather of pop music, at least he could be a domineering president, right?


[Your Majesty, do you still remember Xia Yuhe by Daming Lake? No, Lao Ma, do you still remember riding bicycles with me by the West Lake? Let’s build Alibaba together! I provide the money and you operate it. Do not let foreigners named Sun become shareholders. 】


[Peggy, Brin, I am optimistic about search engines, let’s build Gusao together! 】


[Mr. Xiao Ma, if I invest one million shares in Penguin, I only need 20% of the equity. 】


[Zach, if you can call the website a face, I will give you an investment of half a million yuan. 】


[Mr. Ren, what does a temporary setback count? Is your communications equipment company still short of funds? I'm optimistic about you! 】

╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭:

[No, I am not a rich man. My dream is just to be a domineering president. I want everyone to know that this fish pond is contracted by you! It’s covered! Bag……】

My mother, who had just taken a shower, walked out of the bathroom in the independent ward, pointed at her wet blond hair with a chopstick-like object and said, "Imperuious (waterproof and moisture-proof)."

Chen Bin's outlook on life collapsed in an instant! Even the most basic dream of a domineering president has collapsed!

My mother was not crazy. The water droplets on her long hair were guided by the chopsticks to the wash basin, and not a drop remained.

However, Chen Bin, who was crazy and messy, suffered from insomnia. He just closed his eyes and pretended to sleep while his charming mother held him and sang her a lullaby.

Even if the baby's vision is hazy, Chen Bin would never be able to misidentify this "chopstick" and the superpower effect produced by such a close distance!

Searching the memories of his past life, he got a guess he didn't want to face - this is the world of "Harry Potter" where socket noses are ravaging Britain. Voldemort was no longer a handsome man at this time, but an unrecognizable dark wizard whose strength was at its peak.

In his previous life, in order to practice English, he read the original novel intermittently, but the details had long been forgotten.

During his school days, he was a good student. He only had very little time to play games and watch anime, let alone delve into some "Harry Potter" novels. He even forgot about the more condensed content of the movie. !

He only learned about this series of works just to practice English. Who knows that he will really travel to this world in the future?

Chen Bin remembered that Harry seemed to be born this year. When he was a baby, his mother's love reversed Harry's death curse from Socket Nose, seemingly in the second half of the next year. After that, the socket nose disappeared for nearly 10 years, became a parasite attached to the stuttering teacher's bald head, was wrapped in smelly cloth for a year, and was melted by Harry's fucking love.

There's nothing wrong with it, it's fucking love. 【Dumbledore: Love, Harry. Love.( ̄3 ̄)a】

Mr. and Mrs. Chen, no, Mr. and Mrs. Naama, are you sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth now that you are back in England?

There is no supporting character named Naama in the original novel, and I have never heard of this strange surname in my previous life. Was the family exterminated before Harry was born?

In the next two months, Chen Bin was taken to a castle in the outer suburbs of London by his parents. He was convinced that such an abrupt building must have been cast with a Muggle-repelling spell, and its style was completely incompatible with the nearby suburban community!

Chen Bin was depressed for two months, but he still had to eat the milk he needed, but the baby often thought about the experiences of his previous life.

In his previous life, he was neither very successful nor a loser. He performed his duties with all his heart, was promoted step by step, earned a decent income, and worked hard with his wife to build a complete and happy family.

Reincarnation, cheating, standing at the top of society, etc., are all insulated from him. If he had a choice, he would rather go back to his previous life and continue living, but he was killed by an LPG tanker! Even if he could travel back as a soul, his body should be cremated.

Since he had no choice, he could only accept his fate. The magical world is the magical world!

There lived a kind old lady in this magic castle. She looked more than 90% similar to Isabel. She was obviously a stunning beauty when she was young. She is Chen Bin's grandmother. She holds Chen Bin in her arms and tells wizard fairy tales every day, and she also takes good care of Chen Bin's every detail.

There are also two house elves at home, and they take care of almost all the housework. They want the people in the castle to know that all the housework here is taken care of for free!

[Domineering Elf: ╰(*°▽°*)╯You little goblin who wears clothes! 】

From daily conversations, we learned that Chen Weiguo owned a trading company in the UK, which included all primary products, industrial products and electrical products made in China. The handsome father apparates away from his wife every day, and calls her to pick him up nine hours later. He never has to work overtime. With such a large-scale and complete range of trade, Chen Bin extremely suspected that Shuaiba was dumping products on behalf of state-owned enterprises. There was a 99.8% possibility that there was government support behind it.

[Another 0.2% will make you proud. 】

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