Hogwarts Asylum

149. Hello, Mr. O'Loughlin

Avery Manor.

When Hydera and Orolin walked side by side, chatting and laughing, and walked to the door of the conference room and opened the door, Hydera suddenly felt that the surrounding air seemed to be a little solid, and even the temperature seemed to have dropped a little.

"What's wrong? Mr. O'Loughlin." Hydra was a little confused. This was the first time that O'Loughlin looked so ugly tonight.

"I seem to see an acquaintance." Olorin walked into the conference room first with an expressionless face.


Anna Smith is an ordinary country girl, 20 years old this year.

Just like her ordinary origins, she is also very ordinary in every aspect.

He has a well-behaved personality, has no rebellious thoughts, and is not too conservative.

Her appearance is ordinary and cannot be called a natural beauty, but it cannot be said to be unattractive.

Not to mention academic qualifications. Among rural girls, there are many girls who do not study further after graduating from high school.

Like most ordinary country girls, Anna longs for an extraordinary life.

But Anna is different from her classmates. She doesn't want her extraordinary status to come from collecting stamps and taking turns falling in love with the school's football boys.

Anna's friends often say that there is something wrong with her head. Like them, isn't it a proud thing to find a popular guy as a boyfriend?

Of course, after several years of middle school life, although Anna did not waste time on relationships or fight with other girls for the position of girlfriend of the football team members, she also did not spend time on studies, because she often A person stayed in the corner silently in a daze.

This also resulted in Anna's grades being relatively average, a little better than average, but not to the point where she had to go to college.

Therefore, after graduating from high school, Anna made a very important decision. She decided to give up her studies and go to London to see how people in big cities lived.

When she first arrived in London, Anna always imagined that she could make a career in this city and create her own story.

But the reality is too cruel. The consumption in London is too high. The rent for an empty room with no furniture is close to 200 pounds a week. This makes Anna, who is not rich, very sad.

Moreover, at that time, Anna was almost uncompetitive in the labor market that resembled human trafficking.

Big companies don't want her because she has no real talent. She doesn't even have a college degree, and the middle school she graduated from isn't a prestigious school.

Small businesses wanted her, but the jobs were usually not in London. If she was looking for a job outside London, what was the point of her going all the way to convince her parents to leave home and come to London?

Of course, Anna was not so devastated that she went back to her hometown like a lost dog. She lived her life carefully every day, going to the newsstand to buy free newspapers and reading job advertisements in the newspapers.

Later, Anna worked as a waitress in a coffee shop in the Financial City.

Although this job does not require much thinking, Anna still likes it because she can see many extraordinary people and things here.

Coffee shops are visited by many financial workers every day. Those financial workers always like to discuss major international events with their peers while drinking coffee.

Although Anna didn't quite understand it, she felt that this was probably how an extraordinary life was.

Soon, after Anna worked in the coffee shop for a year and a half, the owner of the coffee shop was arrested for eavesdropping on financial intelligence, which made Anna feel even more unusual.

However, although the job in the coffee shop is very unusual, life is always moving forward. Under the pressure of bills, Anna does not have much time to reflect on the life of the past year and a half.

Fortunately, over the past year and a half, Anna has made some progress, and she soon found a job as a cashier in a bakery.

Anna also found this job from a job advertisement in the newspaper.

Anna is also very satisfied with this job, because the bakery is near the University of London. Students and professors from the University of London often come to buy bread, and she can see many extraordinary things.

Anna met many people during her working life in the bakery. The one who impressed her most was a professor with beautiful gray eyes and long silver hair.

Not only because the professor owned a strange cat that loved to eat cakes but was also very good at eating them, but also because the professor was generous, talented, and had an indescribable, very special temperament.

That was Anna's first love affair. Of course, Anna had always been self-aware. She knew that her ordinary self was not worthy of the professor, so she would only dream about becoming the heroine in the story, possessing an extraordinary body. Skills, and the charm that everyone likes.

Unfortunately, this life of having to change sheets every morning only lasted for half a year. After Anna worked in the bakery for half a year, the professor left London and was told to work in a middle school in the northern countryside.

Anna couldn't understand why anyone would want to move from a big city to a small place, let alone quit a respected position at the University of London to go to a rural middle school.

In the two months after the professor left, Anna often stared blankly at a shelf in the bakery. There used to be a fat, ferocious black cat lying under that shelf. Every time she thought of that black cat, A figure with a warm face always appeared in Anna's mind at the same time.

The figure was very clear at first, as clear as if he could reach out and touch Anna's head at any time, but gradually, the figure became more and more blurry, as if Anna's previous fantasy was gradually fading away.

Anna became more and more irritable because of this. She tried to tell all this to her friends in London, but their friends always said that this was a normal phenomenon after a breakup, and that it would be fine just to go out and relax.

So Anna took stock of the savings she had saved over the past two years in London, and decided to go out for some relaxation.

The owner of the bakery was very reasonable. He readily agreed to Anna's resignation letter and suggested that she go to Birmingham. Although it is not as prosperous as London, as London's second city, it is also very suitable for young people to have a career. Of course, it is not as prosperous as London. , and most importantly, a one-way bus ticket from London to Birmingham is less than £10.

Anna accepted this proposal, not because the ticket price was really cheap. She was planning to return to her hometown in the countryside before going to Birmingham. Mainly because she had never been to Birmingham.

After spending a few days back home in the country, Anna set out for Birmingham with someone else by her side.

It was Anna's neighbor Anne, who went to college near Birmingham. When she heard that Anna was going to visit Birmingham, Anne volunteered and became Anna's tour guide.

Unlike ordinary Anna, Anne is a very extraordinary girl, at least that's what Anna thinks.

When she was in middle school, Annie was a member of the student council and the leader of the cheerleading team. While she was in love with the school's stamp collectors, her academic performance did not fall behind. Not only was she admitted to college, but she even won a scholarship based on her performance in the cheerleading team.

For this trip, Anne specially made a lot of strategies, including which shopping mall has the best cosmetics, which restaurant has the best food, which area has the most fun activities, etc.

Unfortunately, Anna and Anne were arrested on the first night they arrived in Birmingham.

Anna didn’t know why she was arrested. She and Anne clearly had not committed any crime and had not even broken through the red light on the streets of Birmingham.

During the interrogation, the strange interrogation room, strange interrogators, and strange questions all troubled Anna.

Anna couldn't help but suspect that she had been involved in the filming of a prank, like those often seen on television, and that the interrogators around her were actors.

But no matter how Anna comforted herself, the screams from Annie and the pain on her body told Anna that this was not a simple incident.

Anna regretted that if she had known that something like this would happen, she would not have taken Annie with her. In that case, it would only be herself that would suffer, not poor Annie, who was still in school.

As Anna said "I don't know" again and again, the interrogators became more and more impatient and rough. They seemed to be in a hurry, as if someone was holding a knife to their necks.

In order to relieve the pain, Anna had to think about everything in the past and divert her attention.

I don't know if it was a blessing in disguise, but the figure in Anna's mind became clearer and clearer, but for some reason, the figure originally wearing a casual suit was wearing a robe similar to the Halloween costume she was wearing.

Before she fell into coma, Anna was still thinking, probably because everyone around her was wearing similar robes.

"Wake up, Miss Smith."

Familiar names and familiar voices echoed in Anna's mind.

"Long time no see, Mr. O'Loughlin." Anna murmured. She thought she might be crazy. She used to just fantasize, but now she starts hearing hallucinations. But this is really a sweet dream, and she hopes she won't wake up so early.

In the conference room, Hydra looked at the three scouts lying on the ground and was very confused. Didn't these scouts say they had caught the dark wizard who attacked Birmingham?Why are there Muggles in there?

Although Hydra didn't think there was anything wrong with Muggles being tortured, the Muggle who was captured was an acquaintance of Orolin. How could this be okay?

However, what Hydera wanted to know more at this time was what magic Oluolin had used just now to make the three scouts lose consciousness in an instant.

In the corner, Olorin stood up and looked indifferently at the three scouts lying together.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on now?"

Hydra looked in the direction of the conference table and motioned to the Avery family members who were standing there with respectful faces to explain.

However, when the young man opened his mouth to introduce the interrogation results of these scouts, the three scouts on the ground suddenly crawled up from the ground in a strange posture... No, maybe rising up is more appropriate, they seemed to be pulled by a thread. Like a puppet, he stood up tremblingly.


After standing still, the three scouts closed their eyes, opened their mouths, and let out a few meaningless moans.

But Oluolin seemed to understand, and asked questions with a cold face.

The whole picture looked very weird, making Hydera couldn't help but get goosebumps.

If the magic that O'Loughlin used to make the three scouts lose consciousness in an instant can be understood as a variant of the coma spell, then the weird magic that O'Loughlin is casting now that controls the wizard like a puppet...

Hydera subconsciously thought of the Imperius Curse that pureblood family members liked to use as an excuse, but she quickly rejected this idea because the behavior of the three scouts was different from those controlled by the Imperius Curse.

Of course, Hydera is more worried. Although the more powerful Orolin is, the closer she will be to her goal after she and Orolin cooperate, but the premise of all this is that she is not sure whether Orolin can find the legendary El Dorado.

Due to the existence of precognitive dreams, Hydera already knew in advance that Olorin would find the Golden Kingdom in the future, so Hydra now mostly does not want the national treasure of the Golden Kingdom, which is the Supreme Heart that the direct descendants of the Tang family are looking for. and the Staff of Power fell into Orolin's hands.

Therefore, the current situation is that the more powerful Orolin is, the slimmer Hydera's hope of changing the future becomes.

"Is this your own magic?"

After Orolin stopped questioning, Hydera asked tentatively, not asking for specific information about this kind of magic. Knowing a little bit would help prepare for possible conflicts in the future.

Olorin glanced at Hydera, nodded, and said nothing. Instead, he directed one of the youngest scouts to come to Anna Smith's side.

"Snap." Olorin snapped his fingers.

The young scout opened his eyes and looked around in confusion. The moment he saw his two colleagues lying on the ground and the indifferent Olorin, he suddenly woke up.

"Sir, do we have any misunderstanding?"

Angel did not impulsively threaten anything, nor did he touch his wand, because he knew that it would be of no use. The patriarch of the Avery family was nearby, and it was impossible for this wizard not to know that he was from the Ministry of Magic. , and the wizard who could knock down three scouts including him in an instant was not something he could resist.

In front of an enemy of this strength, the most important thing is to make the opponent relax their vigilance first.

"You are the only one among the three of you who has not committed violence against these two girls, so I will give you a chance to redeem your life." Olorin said quietly.

Angel looked at the two girls who were helped to the chair, his head spinning rapidly. This wizard knew them, so this wizard was a member of the Muggle attack tonight?So the man in the corner who also passed out was wronged?

Angel couldn't help but think of himself who almost believed that these two girls were Muggles. He felt that he was really too naive.

While Angel was thinking wildly, Olorin's faint voice came to his ears again: "No, they are indeed not wizards."

Angel was shocked in vain. How could this wizard know what he was thinking?

"You already guessed it, didn't you?"

It was indeed Legilimency... Angel lowered his head and did not dare to look directly into Orolin's eyes.

"I don't know how you scouts dare to arrest two girls shopping in wizard robes as wizards under uncertain circumstances, but it doesn't matter. I am always fair."

Olorin slowly walked to a chair and sat down, "Now I'll give you two choices. One is that you pay double the amount of money these two girls suffered to your two colleagues, the other is that I control you and pay back. "

"Of course, you have a third option if you want. I heard that God is best at judging sinners. I can send you to see Him. I hope He is free now."

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