His understanding is unbelievable; he took concubines and drained Uncle Jiu’s small treasury!

Chapter 26

"Old Seven, do you see if someone is coming over there?

"Who is still wandering around outside in the middle of the night? Are you wrong? I don't know what the master thinks, these two days..."

"Don't be verbose, there's really someone!".

"It's, really, how... Jumping and jumping? What the hell~".


"Someone~, the old lady is coming home~".

These two people also went to help when they moved the grave before, and they sent the coffin to Yizhuang!

So I'm quite familiar with the appearance of Mrs. Ren, and I recognized it immediately!

Isn't this a big deal, hasn't Old Lady Ren been dead for more than 20 years?

"Come on~, there are ghosts~~~".


The gate of Ren's Mansion was directly knocked to the ground by a huge force, along with the doorpost.

Originally, a few family members patrolling the door were fine with ordinary people, but in the face of this terrifying existence, let alone resisting, now they only hate their parents for giving birth to two legs!

I ran away with a smoke and shouted!

"What's the noise, is there any rule?" Ren Fa, who was working on the accounts in the study, was very angry when he heard the movement of Waiman!

I was already in a bad mood when I looked at the worse and worse business accounts, and I was even more irritable when I was disturbed by the noisy sound outside!

"The old lady is not good, the old lady is back~".

"Fart!" Ren Fa rushed to his head with a burst of anger, "My father has been dead for more than 20 years, how can he come back?

"The old lady is really, the old lady is really back, run away~" The next person said that he didn't mean to stay at all, and ran directly to the back door!

"Nonsense, you guys..." Ren was angry and wanted to hold the other party and scold him, but at this moment, what Uncle Nine said yesterday suddenly came to mind!

"This... No, it can't really be?" Ren Fa swallowed, his scalp tingling!

Could it be that my old man, who has been dead for more than 20 years, has really come back?

"Hurry up~, go and call Tingting up~" Whether it's true or not, you can only take it seriously at this time!

Ren Fa hurriedly ran upstairs, mainly now that everyone else has already run, he can only go to find his daughter in person!

When I turned around, I fired all these people, damn it, and they all ran away on their own when they were in danger!

Ren Fa scolded in his heart, and as soon as he turned around, he encountered a big surprise!


"Ah~, Dad... You·· You're really back!".

The father and son reunited, and the old lady Ren obviously did not have the idea of greeting his son, but wanted to give his son a father's dear hug more enthusiastically!

And maybe it's because I haven't seen my son for too long, so I'm a little excited, and I just threw my son to the ground with a flying pounce!

"Ah~, Dad, let go of me, don't Ah Dad~".

Old lady Ren didn't care about her son's struggles at all, and opened her mouth to reveal four huge canine teeth to kiss her.

"Sin · · Hugh is rampant, stinky boy help!" Uncle Nine originally wanted to call the evil animal, but after thinking about it, this is Ren Fa's father, it's not good to be heard shouting like this!

"Here comes the master~" Lin Chen rushed into the living room and raised his hand, and a sword qi flew out!


The sharp sword qi actually directly cut off one of the old lady Ren's arms, and invaded the zombie's body along the broken arm!

But it's a pity that it's not a serious injury for a zombie at all, and the old lady Ren roared angrily and pressed Ren Fa with one hand to lower his head and continue to bite his neck.

Lin Chen flew and kicked on the zombie's head, and the powerful force of his entire kick flew out, smashing down a bunch of tables and chairs!

"Xiao Chen, Uncle Jiu, great, you are here~" Ren Fa was very frightened, and after seeing Lin Chen and Uncle Jiu, tears fell from tears of excitement!

"Master Ren, you hide first!" Uncle Nine glanced at the wound on Ren Fa's shoulder that was scratched by the zombie, turned his head and glared at Lin Chen viciously!

Lin Chen was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, it wasn't a big problem, and it would be too late to treat Old Lady Ren after he solved it!

"Uncle Nine, this... Is this really my father?" Ren Fa carefully hid behind Uncle Jiu, although he already knew it in his heart, he couldn't help but confirm it with Uncle Jiu!

"That's right, it's really Old Lady Ren, he's already a zombie!".

"It's true? So what now?" Ren Fa panicked, he could still pop out after twenty years of death, this is too scary!

"Uncle Ren, the old lady has been transformed, and keeping it is a threat to you and Tingting, so..." Lin Chen's meaning is obvious, now that your father has been transformed, do you still want it?


"Ah~" Seeing the zombie get up again and rush towards him, Ren Fa screamed in fright; "Ninth Uncle and Ninth Uncle kill him, hurry up, kill him quickly..."

Lin Chen and the master glanced at each other, and raised their eyebrows~

"Hmph~, I'll go first, you find a chance to use your trick to cut off his head!" Uncle Nine snorted coldly and rushed forward with a peachwood sword!

"Master, I want to try a new move, okay?"

"Don't mess around, hurry up and deal with him!" Uncle Nine has also cultivated national art during this time, and he is deeply affected by the fact that he is stronger than before, I don't know how much!

In addition, the zombie has already had one of Lin Chen's arms cut off, and it is not difficult for Uncle Nine to deal with it!

"Don't worry, master~".

Lin Chen smiled, but then his expression became serious, and his fingertips lit up with fluorescence

"The sun rises in the east, I wish the curse today, sweep the ominous, destroy those who meet the talisman, perish those who meet the urn, suppress the evil and destroy the essence, and the ferocious perishe


Lin Chen chanted a spell in his mouth, slid into the void with one hand, and a flickering fluorescent talisman slowly took shape, and then Lin Chen's sword finger was on the void talisman and gently touched it towards Old Lady Ren;


The talisman turned into a streamer and went straight to the old lady Ren!


As if sensing a fatal crisis, Old Lady Ren suddenly roared angrily and resisted Uncle Jiu's blow to the peachwood sword, and then in the surprised eyes of Uncle Jiu and others, a faint green energy suddenly flew out of his brain.


The ghostly light emitted by Old Lady Ren collided with Lin Chen's talisman in midair, and an astonishing burst of energy exploded.

At close range, Uncle Nine was pushed far away by this force, and even Lin Chen was made to be angry and bloody by the vibration caused by the explosion.

Fortunately, Lin Chen saw that the situation was wrong and hurriedly pulled Ren Fa behind him, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Master~, how are you?".

"Ahem~~, it's okay, I'm fine!" Uncle Nine clutched his chest, and a trace of blood red flowed from the corner of his mouth;

"It's gone!" Lin Chen really panicked this time, "Master, what happened just now?What kind of thing is that green light?It's so powerful!".

"Ahem~, that's not Old Lady Ren..."

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