His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 444  We never dated

Chapter 444  We never dated

"I did not break up with her,'' Xavier replied as he stopped hugging his mom and walked to the couch, sitting down.

''Then she broke up with you? What did you do this time? ''

Xavier sighed; ''Mom, we were never dating. It was all for the public and now we are done.''

Tiana, whose lips were still opened stared at her son in shock;

''What did you say?''

''I know it would be hard for you to understand, but it's the truth we never dated. I didn't tell you the truth because I knew you liked Melissa, so I just let you love her. But now it's over, there's no need to hide it from you. I know it would be a hard pill to swallow, but it's the truth. Both of us never dated.''

Tiana was speechless for a few seconds, then she walked to the water dispenser and poured herself a cup of cold water. After drinking, she walked back to her son.

''So everything was fake?''

''Yeah, super fake. But I do like her, but as a friend, nothing more than that.''

Tiana walked to where her son was and sat beside him; ''what's wrong? You can talk to me? Why did you not like her? She's very pretty, did you not find her attractive?''

''Mom, I've been around attractive women all my life. In fact, the first face I looked upon when I was born was yours, so you can imagine how many beautiful women I've seen all my life. It was not about her. She's such a wonderful person, but I was looking for something more that I did not see in her.

''So have you found it then, this something more?''

'Xavier was silent; ''Not yet. And mom, stop pressurizing me to get a girlfriend unless you want me to lie to you again. ''

''Alright, I would stop, do not lie to me again. But it is not good for a man to be alone…''

Xavier laughed; ''I'm not alone. ''

''It's not good for a man to sleep around, either. Don't think I have not heard of your many sexual escapades.''



The whole internet was buzzing with the news of their breakup, so she had obviously seen it, but she ''You paid a spy to monitor me too?''

''Do I need to do that, Xavier? Or don't you know your reputation exceeds you?

She rolled her eyes and stood up from the couch; ''I had gone over to your old house to see you, only to be told that you moved. Do not stress me like that next time; ''

''I won't. Are you leaving already?''

Xavier asked when he saw her walking towards the door.

''Yes I am. I thought you would be curled up on your bed and sad, but you seem like the happiest man on earth. I think it's Melissa that needs my comfort, and not you. I'll call her right about now.''

''Alright, take care, love you. ''

Xavier watched his mom leave in her car before he went back into his house.


Ari was cleaning when she heard a car drive out of Xavier's house. She walked to the mirror and observed.

The whole internet was buzzing with the news of their breakup, so she had obviously seen it, but she didn't know if she should ask him about it.

After that day, they talked about Melissa. They had talked little, so she didn't know how to bring up the topic. It would be strange if she just totally ignored it because she could not say she did not see the news.

But wasn't it strange that it was exactly after she had told him to make things clear with her that they broke up?

Ari's mind started going wild again. Could it be that he was falling in love with her? Or was this all to get in her pants again?

Ari shook her head, no sane person would go through all this heartache just for sex, but she was not sure if he liked her; because they did not speak frequently; and even when she saw him in the company, he pretended as if he did not know her, as if they were not living opposite each other.

Ari thought about it for a moment and decided not to overthink things. If he truly liked her, he wouldn't let her overthink things. The worst mistake she could ever make was imagining things that were not real. She was someone that loved wholly, and if she let herself love Xavier, only to find out that he did not feel the same way, it would break her.

The rest of the day passed, and they didn't speak at all. Ari saw him a few times in the living room, through his see-through glass, shirtless. This time she stared for as long as she wanted, since he could not see her staring.

Seeing him shirtless made her fantasize about him. The sex they had. Most of the men she had been with didn't care about the woman's pleasure. He was among the few people that took his time to make sure she had her big O before he did. He was thoughtful.

Ari busied herself with other things, as he tried not to think about him. They didn't speak that day and he didn't text. The next day was Monday. Work.

 Ari peeked at Xavier's house as she drove to work. She didn't see him leave, so he was most likely at home. Well, he was the CEO, so he could go to work whenever he wanted.

 At work, almost everyone was talking about Xavier's breakup. Their tone did not sound surprised. In fact, they were shocked that it even lasted as long as it did. Most wondered how Melissa put up with his uncontrollable cheating habit.

Ari made sure not to join the discussion or even say any word before she would be dragged into it. During the lunch break, she left quietly to have lunch.

And that was when she met Xavier for the first time in over a week.

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