High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Thriller II

While giving rounds around the block we finally caught into something that looked like a restaurant, I was tempted to go inside there and fetch some edibles, but it was the same as before... if we both go inside, we will be surrounded.

Lucy sliced some heads and I shot twice before she spoke to me again,

"How much food do you have stored, Brand?"

"Just some cans, can you distract them while I check that shop" I caught up to her idea right after and as worried as I was about her, I also trusted she'd be able to fare well for the little time I'd be inside the shop. If we two go together, we will be surrounded, but if one of us distracts... then there is a chance. There are currently fifteen zombies around us and more are incoming. Although I believe that's dangerous, it is not something Lucy can't handle on her own with Kuroikazuchi.

"Ugh! you have no contemplation with your girlfriend do you?" The beauty said all of the sudden, earning herself a deep kiss from me, I know that's not something I should be telling her... but between the two of us, she's the least tired.

"I love you, Lucy... I won't let you die..." I made some bullshit movie-like promise, except that I plan to fulfil it, I won't allow this girl to die on me or any of them. This wild episode made me realise that I hadn't been wrong, I did choose the right people for the job.

"Hmph, you better... just go, don't let me get flatlined by these suckers".

I didn't allow Lucy to use the gun to get the zombies' attention as that would make things worse for her. Instead, I materialised a kitchen knife and went inside the restaurant, it was all desolate inside except for one or two zombies... I killed them swiftly; shanking them as if I had been suddenly transported back to London during the 21st century.

Heading deeper inside, I started looking for any food that we could get... I don't think what I have on me is enough for us to survive until we find a hub... a pity with all the food that there is in my mansion. I just never thought the catastrophe would come this abruptly. My objective all along was more to store weapons than to store food, I once again ignored one of my girls in that regard... Saya always told me to store food instead of weapons.

Taking that to the back of my mind, I hoped to get some non-perishable food... we can't be cooking in this situation. When I regarded the oil-stained cooker, I suddenly got an idea and saw that there was gas still flowing through upon testing the knob.

I left all of the stoves overflowing with gas before storing everything that I found that was edible. Beans, pasta, canned sausages, everything.

[Name: Brand Mercer].

[Age: 17].

[Gacha Points: 642 -> 1235]






*Crossbow Excalibur TwinStrike x1.

*Glock 17 3rd Gen x1.

*.38 9mm Special Cartridge x10.

*Twin Strike Specialized Arrows x22.

*Bandage Roll x5.

*Katana 'Kuroikazuchi O Kiri' x1.

*Hagoromo Chunks Tuna Can x20.

*Heinz Can Beans x12.

*Kabuto Cheese Macaroni Noodles x22.

*Loaf of Cheese Bread x3.



*Lucy (Cyberpunk Edgerunners)


I had made so many points killing zombies but also spent so much in ammo for Lucy and Kouta, that in the end, it was also as if there was no profit, still, I managed to recover everything I spent and some more.

This restaurant only had so much food that we could use in this situation, even then... I took all the beef I saw in the fridge just in case we could cook it.

When I started smelling the overwhelming gas scent, I knew it was time; I had to leave or the gas would start impregnating my clothes... I took a lighter from the kitchen counter and ran out of the shop, Lucy was surrounded. Without even looking back I lit up the bloody thing outside of the shop and threw it inside!


The explosion ensued behind me, sending a shockwave of heat through my back that made me grunt as I managed to keep my footing; Lucy gasped as the night suddenly turned back to the day due to the flames. The Zombies all switched their gazes towards the flames and I grasped Lucy, taking her wrist and running for it.

[+10 gacha points]

[+10 gacha points]

[+10 gacha points]

[+10 gacha points]

[+10 gacha points]

The notifications kept popping up as I smiled in a thrill, running alongside a gasping Lucy back to the block we came from; it was as if we were against a river... all of the zombies were running towards the source of the noise, towards the fire.


Another explosion rocketed behind us, likely the propane tanks. In the distance I saw Saeko beaconing me from inside one of the buildings; that was our objective.

I pushed Lucy inside and locked the door tightly behind me.

"Quickly get some pieces of furniture!"

Thankfully for us, in order to enter this building one had to come upstairs through a tight corridor, we could block this corridor by placing stacked up furniture.

The Zombies began banging on the door while both Lucy and I covered it, even then... several explosions kept ragging, a part of me was afraid the flames would get so lively that they'd take over the whole block; but if my conjecture was right, due to insulation, the fire should swallow that whole building but nothing else.

Saya came to me and handed me several chairs, we even threw a sofa down the stairs, effectively blocking the whole passage. Lucy and I both walked upstairs, utterly tired and it was then that I was hugged by a group of sobbing girls.

Dammit... I managed to survive.

"I was so worried, Brand-chan!" Shizuka embraced me tightly, almost leaving me out of breath, there were also Kyoko and Rei. How come out of my girlfriends only Shizuka is hugging me?

I saw that Saeko was slumped to the side, utterly tired and Lucy took a place right beside her, as for Saya... she looked awkward, holding her elbow and avoiding my gaze. She must be feeling guilty over what happened with Miku.

"I told you... ugh! who grasped my butt!?"

The vixens all remained silent.

"Forget that, look!" Takashi called for me and I headed to the window where the zombies were still running into the increasing column of flames, the building was far away from us, but not so far as for me to be sure that we wouldn't be engulfed in a chain reaction. I hoped that wouldn't be the case or my efforts would be for nought.

In any case, we managed to survive for one night; if this was the first day of the catastrophe, I didn't want to even imagine what awaits us.

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