High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha


I rubbed my reddened cheek and sighed, this girl Rei... she's so difficult, how dare she slap me in my mansion? moreover... I really forgot that she was there. The girls and I usually use the same bath, even Yuriko... there are no inhibitions with us moreover we respect each other, I usually refrain from engaging in sexual activities with them unless we're all in the mood. Usually, after training, we all just take a nice and calm bath with one another.

Yet today Rei was here and I forgot, I ended up my training later than usual.

I guess we're even since I slapped her butt too.

Sighing I leaned on Yuriko's breasts. The rest of the girls had already left and were waiting for us to watch a movie, I know it is going to be awkward between us but I'm still going to be there to give Rei another butt slap if she gets funny.

"You shouldn't have been harsh with her, Brand-kun... this arrangement that we have is not normal" Yuriko played with my hair, truthfully her breasts are the perfect pillow.

I understand what Rei is on about but I don't care... this is my family, my house...

"If she wants to train with us she's going to have to get used to this, she's the one that requested to join our practices".

"And you accepted so try to understand her a little at least. It is not like none of this came as a surprise to us, we just... managed. This whole mansion, this whole catastrophe... a part of me is wishing you are just joking, but you're not are you?"

"Would I? this is the reality that we live in".

Her head hovered above mine and we looked at each other's eyes except that hers was 180 degrees turned.

"Souichiro is going to come back in a week, Brand-kun".

I know, it is something that has been going through my mind, she accepted to stay for two weeks precisely for this reason. The uncle is coming back, but... I'm not willing to let her go, I have to make my move now.

Even Yuriko, to say these words now that it is only the two of us, what is her intention?

"Why do you call him just by his name while I'm the '-kun'? I don't like it".

"... you have to complain about every single thing, don't you? I'll start calling you Brand from now on then, happy?~"

Her fingers caressed my cheeks and it was then that I decided to make my move; Yuriko was slightly surprised when I raised up from her chest suddenly and turned around, pressing her against the edge of the small pool.

"W-What?" She blushed, almost sensing my intentions.

"Can I kiss you?" This question was done with all due wickedness, I don't mind permission to kiss her... but I want her to know beforehand what I intend to do. It had the desired response.

I pressed my chest against hers, squishing it for all it was worth; I felt her nipples getting erect and pressed as she breathed harshly, sensing my contact all over her front.

I'm not asking you, Yuriko, I'm still going to kiss you... I only want to know what your response will be.

Her hands rested on my chest softly as she gulped. Looking at her this close I can't believe she's thirty-five years old... she's just so breathtakingly beautiful. Saya is already gorgeous in her own right, but... is she going to be like this, or more stunning than this? it is hard to believe. Except for Lucy who needs a classification of her own, my aunty here is on another level.



"If we kiss there is no going back, Brand... e-even then, do you wish to continue?"

"I'm still going to kiss you, regardless of what you say".

"Then do it... let's get this over with".

"Over or started?~"

"Y-You know what I mean..."

We both laughed briefly until the tone settled again, I grasped her waist and pulled her towards me, her head extended forward and she closed her eyes... I shortened the distance... and our lips met. I savoured it and so did she, it had been such a long time since I shared such a tender kiss... not even with Saya, Saeko and Lucy had I experienced such an innocent peck.

It was our start... like two lovers touching themselves for once and testing the ground to find compatibility... it is the beginning of an overflowing taboo.

As the kiss progressed, we got bolder. Her hands began caressing my chest and I too lowered them, reaching her butt... our heads began twisting and munching until sadly, breath became a necessity.

We separated and joined our foreheads, panting.

"That was..." I began.

"Amazing..." she finished.

"I-It was about time you kissed me... I had been waiting".

"You could have been more proactive".

"Brat, you have four girlfriends already, my daughter included... you couldn't have possibly expected me to give that step!"

"That's why I did it..."

I kissed her again, this time more feverously, Yuriko wrapped my neck with her arms and I lifted her up by her butt, she clung to me as I took a seat on the edge, getting comfortable. Now that the worst had passed, I could feel how her inhibitions were falling like a trail of dominoes, even then... I made sure to not make brash movements, aside from keeping her butt within my grip, I did nothing else.

Just tasting her delicious lips is enough for now.

"Uhm~ n-naughty..." She separated from me and bit her lips, moaning at the grip I had on her bubbly butt, she must have felt it too, the underside of my dick rubbing against her vagina.

"F-For a brat you've got a big one".

"Wanna test it?~"

"Not yet... I'm not ready".

She embraced me tightly as if to make sure that I wouldn't commit any misdeeds, alas... the sense of her folds pressing against me isn't something I can just 'unfocus' and she's the same.

"What are you going to do with Souchirou..." I asked something that was actually important and saw her contemplative look resurfacing.

"I... need to come to terms with him... it is complicated, not as easy as me just showing up and... telling him that I'm leaving, we have been married for eighteen years and although I don't love him anymore... I respect and appreciate what we have built" she explained to me as if trying to make me understand her circumstances.

I have been in Sourchiro's shoes... having such a precious flower back home, yet not appreciating it. It doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't love Yuriko, simply... it feels nice to go about life plucking flowers, I know that much. But I'm afraid this time I won't commit the same mistake... yet I will capitalise on Souchiro's mistake.

This is not personal, uncle... but I'm taking Yuriko.

"If you need my help-"

Her finger tapped my lips as she frowned, indicating me to make sense as she sighed.

"I hope that you will allow me to settle this, Brand... I'm not a little girl, this is my marriage... I started it, and I will end it".

Seeing me silent and listening she giggled and removed her finger before kissing me for the third time, as if sensing my discomfort, she took one of my hands and placed it on her breast, making me squeeze it.

Damn, she knows I love them... just like that she convinced me.

"If you want us to be together, you need to trust me... I'm a capable woman."

"I know, Yuriko... I trust you".


We gave this step and things won't be back to normal again... this is merely the first step. Saya knows that my relationship with her mother is ambiguous, that we're quite close and that Yuriko has little to no inhibitions around me, but... Yuriko has always kept me from making displays of affection in front of Saya or anyone for that matter. Whatever we have done, it has been done with only the two of us.

I don't know how Saya will take this. I may need to pull out a miracle to make this work.

"What do you feel for me exactly?" I asked her suddenly and offhandedly merely desiring her opinion.

"I like you... Brand, a lot" She said while trailing kisses along my neck. I grasped her slim waist and hugged her tightly.

"Just like?"

"I can't say the word 'love' can you?" She pouted but didn't expect my next response.

"I can... I love you, Yuriko" I said wholeheartedly... I'm not going to lie, regardless of past life or present life... Yuriko is the best woman I have ever met.

Beautiful, sexy, dependable, strong, shrewd... and most importantly, she's not afraid of getting her hands dirty. She has everything I look for in a woman, if this had been my past life and I had met Yuriko, perhaps she'd have changed my ways...

What I feel for her... is equivalent to what I feel for Lucy. Don't misunderstand me... I love all of them, but such a thing as equality doesn't exist. Lucy and Yuriko are at the top of my love meter with Saeko close behind... the only reason Saeko is not up here... is because within her there is still that high school girl innocence, a beauty that seeks the love of her crush like a maiden in love.

This is not bad, but it is not my preference, a charming woman whose passionate love is borderline obsession-inducing. Despite how much young Lucy is, she has developed this trait as for Yuriko, naturally, her experience with romance and life has led her here.

Those women I'm not ashamed to say I love...

"Lying bra-" Yuriko didn't believe me, so I had to look her in the eye and repeat myself.

"I love you... Yuriko, that is the truth".

Instead of answering my question, Yuriko sighed and placed her head on my shoulder, caressing my back and giving kisses to my neck, deep munches that would leave marks.

"Don't say that, Brand. You have my daughter... why must you be so greedy?"

"Because there is an incoming catastrophe in which I may die... and I don't want to have regrets... I will live my life getting the things that I love and protecting them... in my previous life I cherished nothing, in this one I have been lucky enough to get you all... if I have to lay down my life to protect you, I will".

Having said all that her cheeks held my head, she got upset.

"Don't talk nonsense... I won't allow you to die... you can't die".

"..." I nodded, it is not my intention... I want to get older and have children with all of them while living in this peaceful mansion for the rest of my life, so obviously... I can't die.

"Save yourself the heroic discourse and just say that you're a naughty pervert that lusts after his aunt".

"Aren't you the same?" I pulled her in close again; hearing nothing but her deranged giggles that confused me.

"It is different dear~ I'm a frustrated housewife while you're just a pervert~"

"Being a frustrated housewife justifies you getting on with your nephew?~"

We both laughed at one another until Yuriko allowed herself to fall on the smooth tile floor, pulling me to the top.

"Then let's break even and say... that we're both perverts, Brand. Kiss me again one last time, we have to leave or they will get suspicious~"

That's all she needed to say, I pined her against the floor; fondling her breasts. She wrapped her legs against my crotch in a vicious leglock, and we exchanged saliva until we were both breathless.

This taboo love between us has just blossomed along the pathway of sin, and there is no turning back.

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