High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Secret Operations; Blackwatch II

Kyoko looked at the boy above her with a mixture of feelings. Many complex thoughts made her feel like she was back in high school... for one, the adventure of having this boy that could be her son... sleeping on her naked chest.

Second, the fact that she could feel and was quite attentive to the sensation of his crotch pressed against her belly.

And third, the fact that the Kitchen door had no lock and hence, anyone could just come and find them like this... everything was dead silent and she felt a little uncomfortable... beneath her were the harsh tiles, above her was a rather sculpted boy.

'I need to bear with it...' Kyoko felt she desperately needed to add value to the group; he had already clarified that he wouldn't abandon her until they found a secure place to drop them off. But, she didn't want to get 'dropped'.

A part of her believed getting into a safe spot with the army or refugees would be the best option... another part of her mind told her... that much like the adult world, that place would be bound to be filled with anarchy... it is always the case, in every society and japan was no different.

Just as she drifted between her options, striving to stay with this group or leaving, she started hearing something... it was something resembling a vehicle. Kyoko immediately thought to ask for help.

She placed Brand softly to the side and staggered up to look to the window and see something she hadn't expected.

It was a vehicle... but it wasn't a typical vehicle, moreover... the 'truck' was moving slowly along the road together with some sort of infantry, more than ten people with guns.

'Are they the army?' that was her first hopeful guess, but their attires... they don't look like the army.

She decided to bend down and shake the leader of the group awake.

"Brand-kun, wake up!" Kyoko began shaking him and yelling with whispers, careful to not make a lot of noise. She thought they were suspicious and didn't want to make a rash decision on her own.

"U-Uhm?" The boy began stirring awake, but not quickly enough.



His blue eyes opened like saucers and she saw how he used his ability, the crossbow appeared out of nowhere with two loaded arrows in his hands, aiming everywhere indiscriminately.

"What's wrong?!" He was looking for the zombies but there were none.

"Shh!" Kyoko pushed the crossbow away and made a sign of silence, pointing at the window. Brand was momentarily confused but he saw from beneath the countertop how there was moving light coming from the streets.

He nodded towards her and put the crossbow away, they both crawled up and looked along the line of the window, barely able to catch a glimpse downstairs. Brand saw the vehicle, with what looked like a massive antenna on top.

It was black in colour with a weird symbol of a star with wings.

'Blackwatch?' He read the label on the vehicle, it was in English, and it also didn't have a numberplate at least that he could see from the distance. There were at least ten people, infantry.

He saw how one of them shot a zombie with a weapon that didn't make the slightest noise... the man or woman in the bulky armour then pulled the corpse and threw it inside the vehicle.

Their armour looked like something pulled out of a sci-fi movie, their weapons were so advanced that he wondered if they were the army or an ultra-professional assault team.

Brand frowned and used the scanner to see that they were all white dots.

"Those are, the army?" Kyoko inquired to him as if she had the answer to her own question from the beginning. It made sense that they killed the zombies, but why were they being loaded into the truck? were they disposing of the infected? she had many questions.

"They don't look like the army... their guns have silencers... they're specialized and know how to handle the zombies" He deduced

"Should we ask for help-" Kyoko began but Brand covered her mouth, he neither shook his head nor nodded to her suggestion.

'Those guys... Blackwatch... is it safe to just hand ourselves over to them?'

Little did they know their questions were about to be answered in the coldest way possible.

From a building nearby, people came out, likely having had the same hunch, thinking they were from the army... those were also the same people Brand had previously sensed. The moment they came out, all guns from the 'Blackwatch' officers pointed at them. The people lifted up their hands in a sign of surrender and knelt down, totally vulnerable.

The Blackwatch officers looked at one another before nodding several times. The refugees rejoiced... until the guns were pointed at them again.

Both Brand and Kyoko gasped when the people who asked for help were mercilessly shot like pigs.

Kyoko was terrified, she wanted to yell but Brand's hand was still on her mouth, she hugged him with her skin palling ever so little... one thing was to see 'them' getting killed... another thing was to see someone else also hunting humans... it made her realise that the enemies in this new world are not just 'them'... but there is some organisation even worse.

"B-Brand-kun..." Kyoko had no one to rely on more than the boy she was currently clutching onto. If before she had doubts about going with the army, she was now absolutely sure there was no one to trust in this world anymore...

"Now you know why we're not going with them, do you recognise that name, Blackwatch?"

"I have never heard of it... w-why would they do it, why kill innocents?!"

"I have no idea, it doesn't make sense unless... they're the ones- quickly hide!"

The landers from the vehicle suddenly shone in the direction of their window as the officers started throwing the bodies of the fallen civilians as if they were cattle. Brand pushed Kyoko to the ground; all she saw as she covered her mouth was the light coming from outside, shining through the building towards the inside.

They didn't even dare step up again, Kyoko's eyes indicated to Brand that the light was still there.

For several minutes they remained like that until they heard the vehicle moving forward again... leaving the street. They both lurked on the window again to see the vehicle departing in the distance.

"They left... we absolutely can't stumble upon them... it will be suicide, we can't defeat them" Brand frowned profusely, this changed things completely... he didn't know what this Blackwatch was all about, but they were heavily armed and way more dangerous than any group of zombies... if his current group were to go against that convoy, they'd be mercilessly slaughtered.

Kyoko was beyond shocked, she never said a single word... it was Brand who closed up to her to button back her pyjama top; her breasts had been exposed the whole time. Only then she regained herself and looked back up at him.

"You should go upstairs and sleep Kyoko, your lids are sagging".

"You can still sleep some more, Brand-kun..." Kyoko bit her lips, if anything she just wanted to close her eyes and see that all of this was finished... she had seen humans being killed by zombies... now, she had seen humans being killed by humans.

"No, I'm okay now... I feel I rested enough, be obedient..." Brand frowned at her insistence, he didn't want her to become a true deadweight.

"Obedient... when did I become the student and you the teacher?" Kyoko stood up in outrage but at that moment she felt a burning sensation coming from her butt together with a crisp and delicious sound.


She gasped and held her butt with teary eyes, looking back at the frowning Brand.

"Are you going to be obedient or do I have to slap your butt again?"

There was a brief clash of stares which Kyoko gulped harshly before opening the kitchen door and making her way out.

"... see you later, Brand".

She didn't use honorifics... and it was deliberate.


Brand looked at the place where the convoy had been, the blood spilt by the killed humans that weren't zombies... they had been slaughtered in cold blood.

'We need better weapons... I can create guns for us all with this many points, but... let me see if I'm lucky' Brand decided to put everything on the table... he had been genuinely shocked by the unfolding events... if they were to meet up those bastards on their way to the Takagi State as they are... they'd be goners.

"Hollow, I want to roll a common weapon gacha".

[-100 gacha points].

[Defining items...]


[1. Trebuchet]

[2. 1870's Guillotine Model]

[3. F-16 FIghting Falcon]

[4. Chakram]

[5. Monkey Bomb]


Seeing the options, Brand didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

'I need better weapons indeed, but... a fucking F-16 Jet?!'

It was the first option that caught his eye and as thrilling as it was, he couldn't bear to get one of those... he didn't know how to fly it, he didn't have an airport to launch it... it was useless.

'Guillotine... for real? scrapped... a trebuchet, scrapped. Chakram...? I don't know what that is'.

His gaze then nestled in the last option, 'Monkey bomb? could it be some special sort of Grenade? we could do with some grenades.

That last one seemed like the most logical option.


[Congratulations, you have obtained a Monkey Bomb!]

Brand rejoiced, expecting some sort of modern grenade... until the actual thing appeared in front of him.

Because what he got was precisely a ridiculous monkey with an attached TNT.

"What is that...? What the fuck is that?!"

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