High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Nightly Truth or Dare I (Gone Wrong)

It was a peaceful dinner, we have overflowing amounts of food which are enough for us to last for a few months stored in my inventory. It was to the point where everyone could actually choose what they wanted to eat, nevertheless... most of us had steak hotpot with only Lucy wanting some meatballs and pasta.

In between us, there were three individuals who were clearly enjoying themselves. In Rika's cupboards, there were several alcohol bottles. Sake, Vodka... your pick.

Kyoko, Arisa and Shizuka were drinking and hiccuping. I could tell in between everything, Kyoko and Arisa still had some control of themselves but Shizuka... that girl went in.

All of the girls were wearing pyjamas except for her... who was wearing joggers together with a tight shirt. I could only growl at the guys trying to avoid her with their gaze out of respect. How come the girl with the biggest breasts decides to make such a risque decision?!

The first to go to sleep was Mikoto, she said her farewells to everyone, shot a smile at Takashi and went upstairs to the room that was decided to be for the girls. Then it was Hirano and Higuchi, then Takashi... one by one they left when they saw things were starting to get a little... weird.

Even Saya disregarded everything and started taking a few shots of Vodka, her excuse was that she had already killed 'people' so age was beyond her at this point.

"Guys we will be playing truth or dare so it is better if those that don't want to play, go to sleep... and I mean, seriously" Lucy spoke all of the sudden with a voice that made me gulp. What's so serious about truth or dare?

"Truth or dare, I want to play too!" The beautiful lady, Arisa, seemed to have been able to leave some of her grievances aside due to the alcohol and was now feeling much better, unlike Mikoto. She looked quite enthusiastic to play.

"No, go… to sleep, Arisa-san... I'm warning you" Kyoko spoke to her and it no longer shocked just Arisa, it shocked even me. What the hell are these girls planning?!

"If she wants to play, let her play~"

"No... I don't think she should".

There was some sort of corporate votation in which it was decided by the majority that Arisa should be allowed to play, the lady then nodded and sat down.

"It is better with her, that way we're eight and can make a perfect circle" Lucy snickered and took out an empty bottle of vodka, placing it on the middle of the table.

"You all should go and play in the girl's room, I'll set guard-" I tried to squeeze my way out of this, but what else was there to expect other than failure?

"No one is going to sleep any time soon Brand-chan *hic* we're playing truth or dare" She took my shoulders and say be back down, placing her heavy lumps of flesh on the back of my head; effectively disabling my desire to escape.


We sat in a circle. And I have to admit I'm shocked by the numbers and the quality.

Lucy, Saeko, Saya, Shizuka, Rei, Kyoko and Arisa.

Aside from Arisa, the others are all girls I have an intimate relationship with, when did I become Hugh Hefner? maybe because of the whole apocalypse, I hadn't paid that much attention to it, but... there are a lot of girls here, moreover... Yuriko is not here either.

"What? Surprised by the numbers?~" Lucy smirked and I heard Saya whisper something along the lines of 'shameless womanizer', then I heard her whisper even lower 'I still love you'.

"Why are you here, Kyoko?" I asked her, I'm willing to take things with Arisa to a safe place, once things start getting heated up, I'll tell her to leave. I know her intentions are most likely to become closer to the group, but... I'd be damned if I didn't know these girls' intentions.

Junior will get handicapped tonight, isn't he? he deserves it, that jerk.

"I want to play as well, can't I?" Kyoko spoke to me in a rather rebellious way, perhaps impulsed by the alcohol; she proceeded to take another shot of Vodka as if to recover the bravado that she lost with that phrase.

Things don't look right for me tonight, boy. Don't misjudge me. I love sex and I love them... but these numbers are... threatening. I won't come here and say I'm a limitless stallion. I do have good stamina, but... six girls is not humanly possible, unless not without taking some drug. Let alone when it comes to stamina, Lucy and Saeko count to two or three... while Shizuka and Saya are rather sensitive and easy to please, which is my advantage.

I don't know about Rei and I don't know about Kyoko... but the latter being a non-virgin adult, can't be easy to please.

"Okay but just a few rounds, you all have to sleep and I have to guard us against any threats as we sleep".

"You don't need to worry, sweetheart, we will be rounding the shifts this time around. You don't need to carry all the load yourself and sleep on someone's breasts?~ at least not secretly" Lucy stated with a snickering tone and several gazes shot my way, they were not poisonous, just... blank.

I gasped and looked at Kyoko who was fidgeting, she spilt the beans but no one seemed to care about it, so she got accepted in the gang? or are they waiting for me to make a move on her? let's see what happens tonight.

Without even waiting for me to say anything, they prepared the table, prepared the chairs, prepared the shots of vodka, and the sticks.

"What the hell are we going to play? isn't this truth or dare?" I asked, why do we need sticks for truth or dare?

"This game is a little different. We're going to twist this bottle and the one selected has to either say the truth, dare, or take a shot... however, once you're out of shots, you have no option other than during the truth or dare. Otherwise, you will be punished by the rest".

'Why does it sound like I am the only one getting punished?'

"And what are the sticks for?"

"That's for later~"

A round of giggling ensued around me, each of these beautiful girls looking at me like I was their most beloved. Other men would rejoice, I? I think this is suspicious.

But anyway, they have been working hard so I guess I can spoil them a bit.

"Alright, let's play!"

'Sonasha, darling... I'm in your hands' I prayed to the goddess of luck that always preceded my life and actions; please let junior survive tonight.

The bottle spun around the table and came to a stop, pointing at Kyoko with Lucy as the source. The game had begun and in front of me was Shizuka. Rei was to my right and Arisa to my left.

Lucy - Kyoko.

Shizuka - Brand.

Saya - Rei.

Arisa - Saeko.

Those were the pairs.

This time, Lucy was asking Kyoko who went immediately flustered and frustrated that she had been the first one selected.

"Truth or dare?~"


"When was your first time?"


"Oi, Lucy..." I rubbed my temples, this girl went bonkers from the get-go.

"It was when I was twenty-two years old, after my marriage" Kyoko answered rather straightforwardly, taking a shot of Vodka. You're supposed to take shots only to avoid questions, you know?

"Quite traditional, huh?"

"It was my family's desire that I marry that man, so... I didn't have much of a choice back then" Kyoko explained, looking at me as if to see my reaction which was mostly nonchalant, why would I care about a man that we don't even know where he is? it is not like I'm foreign to Japanese traditions.

"Alright, next!"

The bottle stopped with Saya as the source and Rei as the objective, everyone groaned and shot me a poisonous glare, I could only cross my arms and whistle, I'm not doing anything alright? this is my beloved Sonasha at work.

"Truth or dare, Rei?~"

"D-Dare" seeing Saya's wicked gaze, Rei could only roll her eyes, for a long time those two had been 'rivals' and it seemed like Saya was going to take her chance now.

"Hmm, remove your shirt".

"Not a problem".

This girl, she just threw off her shirt just like that and left her perky breasts hanging on... she then sat back down with a heavy blush, glancing towards me. Arisa gulped beside me and seemed to begin noticing what direction this game was going towards.

I gulped and the girls were all staring at me as if to see if I was ogling her. Of course, I'm fucking ogling at my new girlfriend!

"Next!" I yelled in irritation, you can't just get someone naked and expect me not to look!

The bottle span again this time it stopped slowly between me and Shizuka and then, I saw much to my amazement how it moved a little more to bypass me and point towards Rei again!

It was magic!

'Oh, my beloved Sona-'

"Oh no, you ain't escaping!" The shameless little slut, Lucy moved the bottle back and put it pointing at me and Shizuka!

"What the fuck is this Lucy?! that doesn't make sense!" I slammed the table in outrage amidst the round of smirks and giggles, even Arisa was laughing at this injustice.

"That shit just moved on its own Brand, what did you do?!" Lucy slammed the table as well, obviously upset that I 'cheated'. But I didn't cheat goddammit!

"I did nothing I swear! You of all people should know I'm just lucky!"

"Bastard, luck won't move a bottle! you must have used your magic... you ain't escaping this time choom! Shizuka order his ass! tell him to jerk off right here and cum all over the place or something!" Lucy's true intentions poured out like a waterfall of shit. I resisted the urge to gasp while Saeko covered the net runner's mouth.

"Lucy, we aren't in the king's game yet, shush," My purple-haired girlfriend said with ominosity and Lucy nodded.

'King's game?! jerk off, cum all over the place?! so that's what you're all planning!'

It was too late, I can't escape... not when Lucy put a gun on the table.

"Truth or dare, *hic* Brand-chan?" Shizuka 'smiled'.

"T-Truth" If I say dare, they're going to make me dance Hawaii's hula hula naked or something. I'd rather they just ask me something outrag-

"Between us all, tell me who is your favou-"

Without even thinking twice I took the shot of vodka. They all groaned and flashed Rei a dubious gaze that puzzled me.

I know who my favourite is... that's Lucy, but saying it out loud in front of all of them psychopaths? especially when it is Shizuka asking the question? with a gun on the table? there is no quickest way to die, boy.

I was just taking a sip of my drink and planned to leave the small cup half-full when Rei lifted up my cup from the bottom and forced me to swallow the whole cup.


"What the fuck is your deal?!" I grabbed her by the collar but the shameless vixen smiled just like the rest on the table. Even Arisa seemed to be enjoying how I was conned time and time again.

"Oops... now you have no more shots, you either answer or do the challenge, Brand~".

These girls are scamming me good! when did they plan this?! with what time?! do girls waste their time like this on a daily basis?!

I thought I understood the odd phenomenon called 'women' but clearly I didn't have experience with the even weirder phenomenon called 'harem'... that one is way deadlier.

"We're six and you are just one, you think you can win?~" Lucy licked her lips and I felt her feet rubbing mine under the table. The night has just started and I can feel my doom.

"I will stay sombre as far as I can" I cleaned my mouth. What's going to be intoxicating is not the vodka or the sake.

'There is no winning this anyway' I thought to myself, looking at Rei's giggling bunnies. What's going to intoxicate me is the budding lust in this room.

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