High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Lovers’ Embrace I

"We're done, oh, that smells nice!"

The boys didn't take as long as the girls to finish their shower, thankfully... I was beginning to worry and not for good reasons. When they finished Kyoko and Rei were already eating but Shizuka said she'd wait for me and the girls to finish before having her own, how considerate.

Shizuka, Kyoko and Rei prepared a stew... actually, Kyoko prepared a stew while the other two girls shamefully looked at her. I have to say that this teacher's skills are quite diverse.

"Oh!" The guys exclaimed and immediately went into their own thing, she made some packed plates for each person, it is enough food to last for a day, or at least that's what I hope.

"Eat consciously and savour every single bit because until we find a stable source of food... we're just having one meal a day".

"T-Thanks!" They didn't seem to care about it and were instead thankful that there was food on the table, another thing I love about Japanese people, they're always so filled with gratitude... if this was the west I would be getting curses about being a cheapskate, I realise now why Sonasha sent me here first.

It was time for my group to have our bath but there is an issue, they were all sleeping.

"Saeko... sweetheart" I kissed my purple-haired girlfriend's nose and her eyes fluttered open, she yawned and rubbed her eyes with her hands.

"Hmn... is it our turn now?" I nodded and she stretched out.

"Help me carry Lucy-" I began, intending to take Saya on my own, but Shizuka interjected with a suspicious smile.

"No need for Saeko-chan to do anything... I'll carry Lucy-chan and you can carry Saya-chan~," She said with all giggles in the right place, I thought it was normal for her to be this kind and merely accepted.

"Thank you, Shizuka" I effortlessly picked up Saya and Shizuka surprised me by picking up Lucy, she looked like she was struggling a bit, but wouldn't have an issue.

"W-Wait, Shizuka-san!" Rei smiled threateningly towards the clumsy nurse before we went upstairs.

"What's wrong, Rei-chan?~"

"... y-you're not trying anything mischievous are you?"

"Of course not, I'm just helping the girls since they're sleepy~" The blonde said without any sort of mischievous aura on her, none at all. We got a sidelong glance from Kyoko but she didn't raise a word.

Shizuka did help me carry Lucy to the toilet; along the way, I got my girls nude and threw our clothes in the washing machine, since our clothes were now all in there, I started it. Then took the spoiled Saya in my arms, she wasn't blushing at all since she was used to being naked around me, she and Lucy had woken up but were too lazy to even move, something the three of them giggled over, much for my and Shizuka's dismay.

I'm tired you know? I'm definitely not carrying Saya to press my boner against her big ass, definitely not.

By the time we reached the toilet upstairs, the pinkette was now blushing since she felt me in all my erect self. I'm tired, but junior isn't.

Once we entered I noticed it was indeed quite cramped inside, the five of us barely fit inside there.

"Wash me..." Lucy and the girls peeked at my erection but ignored it... for the moment. She lifted up both of her arms and I rolled my eyes, now is not the time to be acting spoiled, but I guess I can play along.

The door closed behind us and we all saw Shizuka naked, having thrown her pyjamas outside. What she received was a deadpan from all of us.

"Shizuka..." Saya grits her teeth, this place is too small and Shizuka's big breasts aren't helping.

"Hmn?~" The blonde tapped her lips with a giggle and began filling up a bucket of water.

"Why are you still here?"

"I can always have a second shower, right?~"

"You... we barely fit all of us in here".

"There is no need for 'space' between us, we have already become quite intimate, no?"

"You airhead nurse!"

"So mean Saya-chan... come here!"


Shizuka threw the bucket of water on Saya, alas... in this place there were two tigresses that weren't going to allow her to act mischievous. Lucy and Saeko immediately kept my blonde girlfriend in check.

"Mischievous no more, Shizuka~"

"How troublesome..." she sighed while a wickedly smirking Saya -in all of her vengeful tsundere self- began filling up a cold bucket to throw it straight into Shizuka's face. When she finished doing so, however, I lifted the bucket from her hands and splashed it all over her body.


"Brand!!" She immediately cursed at me so loud that I'm sure it was heard all over the house.

"Not so rebellious now are you?~"

She threw me inside the bath, her breasts swaying all over the place and we began to wrestle as the water began pouring on us from above, she helplessly tried to regain dominance as a tickled her.

"Just let them play... come" As Saya and I got into our own game, Saeko and Lucy began washing each other and Shizuka, getting rid of the blood. However, before we began using the soap both Saya and I stopped to hear our palpitating hearts. She was sitting right on my boner, the underside of her vagina touching me as I felt her wetness. She had managed to get on top of me, or better said, I allowed her to.

We looked at each other for a few seconds before she began to swing her waist back and forth, I held her mischievous hips in place and grunted, she starts doing that, and I don't think I will be able to stop... not when all of my girls are all naked like this.

"Stop, Saya... I'm tired..."

"I told you before, if you go right I'll go left... if you wanted to sleep... I wouldn't let you" She took one of my hands from her hips and placed it on her breasts, the little pink-haired slut then took out her glasses and put them aside, I know she's serious when she does this.

"Be good, please?" I went as far as to humble myself, I haven't told them but I plan to keep on guard during the night to protect them; how am I going to be able to do it if they zap all of my energy right here... I actually begged her, and for what? for nothing.

"No~" the rebellious vixen took my cock in her hands at once and began pumping it, smirking.

I emitted a rather licentious groan that stopped everyone as the other girls caught up on what Saya was doing, the girls then did something of their non-verbal communication bullshit and began giggling with one another. They're planning my doom, I know.

Lucy was the first to lick her lips and take my wrist, "Stand up here Brand... we're going to wash you up, right, girls?"

Shizuka and Saya nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes, come~" Saeko said beaconing me to come out of the bath as she sent Saya a wink... I don't know what this is, but it can't be anything good for me if those two are working together.

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