High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

A Duel of Men II

This is a tough bastard, I don't think coming out in boxers was the best decision, I should have at least changed myself into a fitting fighting attire; fighting this monster with real swords while wearing just boxers wasn't my wise move.


I'm already bleeding from several spots and so is he, Yuriko is screaming at us but Lucy, Shizuka (who is now awake) and Saeko are keeping her quiet, telling her that this is a duel between men and she shouldn't meddle, or at least that's what Saeko says, I had to yell at Shizuka because that klutz wanted to come and help me.

Saya was much like her mother, scared and unable to make a wise judgement, I guess she can't choose easily between her father and her boyfriend.

"You touched something you shouldn't have, brat! all close and chummy in the car, huh?!"

"And her lips were delicious too, lil' bastard!"

"What did you say?!"

"Nothing personal, uncle... if you want to blame someone then blame yourself for being a lustful man".

I guess I'm no one to be saying that but it doesn't matter as long as I can get the point across, you cheated on her, you left her waiting for you, frustrated... now you can't blame me for sticking my tongue in her mouth as far as it could go, all on you.

Our duel continued for a long time, I'm already getting tired but refused to give up. Yuriko at some point stopped crying and began just looking at me with awed eyes, I think I got her now.

She thinks I'm making a heroic display, trying to fight against the odds to take away the woman I love, well...

'You're not wrong, Aunty... but I'm also fucking fighting to keep my life you know?!'

As I was getting tired, I suddenly felt the most huge desire to thank Sonasha, I know you're looking, I love you, my goddess, thanks Shizuka!

Evading two of Souichiro's slashes I lunged at him and pushed him to the right, my strength was barely enough, this is my last gamble... if I lose it then I'm done.


He punched my abdomen and I gave him an elbow to the head, making his nose bleed. Souchiro pushed me again, delivering a slash but when he wanted to recover his stance, I smiled wickedly, it worked!

The Goddess of Luck is by my side, you're destined to lose.

Souichirou stepped on a peeled banana and slipped, giving me the opening I desperately needed!

"UGH!" He grunted in disbelief, fruitlessly trying to recover his footing, it was impossible... I delivered a fierce kick to his balls but he managed to block it with his knee much to my irritation.


However, even the holy mother can't save him from this position, I lunged forward with my sword, ready to finish this.



Both Saya and Yuriko's yells came from behind me, making me grit my teeth, why didn't they scream this each time he almost beheaded me?!

I slashed forth and missed his neck by a mere millimetre, dragging blood... he regarded me with poison... I ended up destroying the tile floor of my expensive mansion and looking down at him coldly.

I have won this fight, thanks to a peeled banana... a win is a win, I don't care.

"Kill me, brat... what are you waiting for? YOU HAVE NO BALLS OR WHAT?!"


I felt someone finally pulling me away and embracing me, it was Saya. Yuriko bent down just to slap Souichirou with crying tears.

"Be grateful, bastard, don't provoke him!"

"Tch! do you think what you have done makes sense, Yuriko!? Four our daughter?! for the Takagi Clan!?" He yelled some fair points before coughing some blood (again sullying my expensive floor).

I was going to retaliate when Yuriko did something I didn't expect, she sealed my lips and kissed me right there, in front of her husband... in front of Saya.



There was utter dead silence in which I only felt Saya's disbelief and Souichiro's hatred, there was also Shizuka who was clueless enough to not notice... as for Lucy and Saeko, they knew long ago.

"Y-You!-" Souchirou clenched his hand and went for the sword but it was then that Yuriko took a gun from who knows where and pointed it right at his head.

"Stop... I'm going with you..."


"What?!-" I yelled immediately only for her to deliver me another fierce kiss, going as far as to pull me to her body and squeeze my butt, all while pointing her gun at Souichirou, what is this woman on about!?

"Saya... I will explain everything, we're going... get in the car, you too Souichirou... I won't speak twice".



The man threw me the last poisonous gaze before he and a disbelieving Saya boarded the limousine.

Seeing that Yuriko finally looked at me again, she wanted to give me another kiss but I kept her at a bay.

"I love you..."

"..." I didn't say anything instead my gaze contorted, she has already decided to go, and I fought and won for nothing.

"I won't be leaving you forever, Brand... do you remember what I told you? sorting out things... please, trust me... this is not a simple matter, winning a duel changes nothing... I'm still married, we have a daughter and a house, underlings... this is much bigger than just me..." She jumped on me, giving me a tight hug and delivering her characteristic munch on my neck.

"..." My gaze softened but I was still reluctant, I'm not a kid, I understand what she means, but... that doesn't mean I have to like it.

I embraced her and kissed her wine-red hair if she hadn't kissed me so fervently in front of her husband, stating her position... I wouldn't have relented, but she's not a high school girl, she's a full-blown woman...

"Don't take too long..." That's all I could say to her.

"I won't... before the catastrophe starts I will be here with you", Yuriko said before getting closer and whispering something to my ears that made me even more reluctant to let her go.

"And then you can make nice sweet love to your aunty's body, don't you like the idea?~"

"I love the idea... so much so that I might do it right now"

"Don't make aunty upset, let me go..."

I sighed and released her waist, she gave me a peck on the cheek and got into the car.

"You three, I'm counting on you to take care of this brat... make sure he doesn't kill himself before I get back here with Saya, alright?" Yuriko spoke to Lucy, Shizuka and Saeko.

"You can count on us~" Lucy and Saeko giggled and Yuriko nodded, trusting the latter more than anyone else. She closed her window and the vehicle drove off, leaving us on our own... I just hope they will be back in my arms soon. 

"Brand-chan you're such a pervert... really? your aunt? why did you never tell me anything?!" Shizuka pouted... I think she's more upset over me hiding it than the actual deed.

I sighed and gave her a deep kiss, her mind went blank and the next second she embraced me and demanded marshmallows in exchange for forgiveness... I knew it would be like this.

"Brand, what are you going to give me?~" Saeko asked with a smirk, making me shiver.

"What are you talking about? You knew!"

"I knew?! and when did you tell me? I don't know what you're talking about?" She asked in 'confusion' placing a finger on her lips before she giggled.

This beauty is trying to extort me again!

"I didn't know either-"

"Stop your bullshit, Lucy... there is nothing in this world that you don't know".

"I don't care choom, you're getting me something for this".

I'm screwed with these three, Yuriko and Saya were the reasonable ones.

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