CHAPTER 6: Studying

"Good morning dear," said my mother as she eats her breakfast.

"How was your sleep," dad asks with a newspaper in hand.

"It was nice. Can't complain," I said to them. I took a seat at the table while Bernard gave me my breakfast; milk, and cereal.

"Your mother and I had been talking and we have decided that you can start to go to school if you want," dad said.

Looks like my plan is working, they just don't see me as a smart kid, their starting to see me as a genius. I thought of going to school early but I decided against that idea. "Dad, I read in one of the newspapers about homeschooling. I want that one," I told my father.

"Homeschooling?.." he said with curiosity in his voice.

"Oh, if you both of you would allow the young master to be homeschooled, I would be honored to do it," said Bernard.

"What do you mean Bern?" ask my mother. "A year after young Ethan was born, I immediately got a homeschooling license. If you both desire for young Ethan to be homeschooled or go the traditional route, I was being prepared both ways," Bernard said with a proud look on his face.

"Wow, impressive Bern, always thinking ahead," said Eleanor.

"See Bernard could teach me. I choose being homeschooled instead. I'll learn quicker," I told them.

"I don't know dear, your mother and I were both taught in school. I, for one, want you to have some friends around your age," dad said.

"How about your father and I think this through for the day," said my mother as she gave a look to her husband indicating "we'll talk about this later".

"Okay," I said as I proceeded to continue to eat my breakfast.

"May I be excused, I would like to read in my room today," I said.

"Okay, go ahead," dad said. Before I could enter my room, I place a trigger barrier in the hallway. It is a fairly basic barrier design, easy to learn for a rookie.

The barrier designed so that if anyone would walk in the hallway I would be alerted. It gives me enough time so I can hide anything that wasn't meant to be seen by anyone but me.

One bonus I learned about having the knowledge of the 3 sannins is that I can somehow write and speak fluent Japanese. This actually intrigues me; pertaining to fuinjuintsu.

Seal or Fuinjutsu uses language, in this case, Japanese as the foundation. The seal forms together a sort of diagram, circuit board, or nervous system. It basically forms a body, each minor seal acts as a nervous system of chakra pathways. With the purpose to fully function as a whole.

Based on the knowledge of Jiraiya and Orochimaru, fuinjutsu was something unique and apart from the norm of normal chakra theory. Fuinjutsu is base and born from chakra but fuinjutsu is in a different league.

They came to the same conclusion that fuinjutsu can only be learned by a few people. Either you have it or not, that was it. No matter how hard you try, if it is not for you, then don't learn it. That was the reason why the Uzumaki Clan was the key practitioner of fuinjutsu. Fuinjutsu was in their blood. Other nations killed them because they feared them and coveted their extremely complex and powerful seals. But only a few could learn it.

An extremely complex seal can be rarely copied completely. For example, if there is a complex math problem. Students A solution can be different from Student's B, but the answer is the same. Due to one basic reason, thought process. You can have the same answer but the thought process is different.

Another example, the word "water". What does it mean? One person could say it keeps you from being thirsty. Another could say it gives you life. Fundamentally it talks about water, but the broadness of the word is too much.

An example of a seal that is the same in the fundamental viewpoint but different structural making is the flying thunder god of Tobirama Senju and Minato Namikaze.

This what's makes seal copying extremely hard. It also gives seal masters the ability to have their own personalized seal.

What intrigued me was the language aspect of writing seals. Is Japanese the only way to write seals, or is it applicable to other languages? I believe the Sorcerers study runes. The Asgardians also have their runes. Like the one the Bifrost leaves behind every time someone uses it. What was the difference? Which one was stronger? Runes could allow you to travel planets, but Seals could to pseudo-revive someone. Questions, questions, more questions popping up.

Could these two different theories be combined to form one new whole new set? This requires more study, sadly I can't do it here. Seal study needs to be done very carefully. One wrong line could cause a chakra backlash that would lead to an explosion. That was why I am being extremely careful. All of the seals I have written are just ordinary paper with fancy written calligraphy in them.

I didn't place any chakra in them, for the simple reason that writing seals are not easy. A fuinjutsu seal must be perfect. Each stroke of the brush must be well calculated. It wasn't just "get a paper and draw something". Fuinjutsu was damn hard. Caligraphy was driving me crazy. All the rewriting I am doing has been too tiring. That was a fact. For the last month, I have been thinking of ways to fully utilized fuinjutsu. I wasn't just gonna let an extremely powerful ability be wasted.

I took out a notebook beside the drawer in my bed, I wrote this notebook last night. The notebook contains all the future knowledge I could remember. It contains timelines, names of players in the MCU, different organizations, every important detail I could remember.

Before you ask, I wrote this in code. Similar to how Jiraiya wrote a coded message to Naruto, only I can understand it. If by chance other people see this, they would only see gibberish and not mind it.

This notebook would be kept in my person at all times.

I'm going to be part of the key events of this world, this requires a lot of planning. I need to prepare the world for a better fighting chance when Thanos makes is inevitable arrival.


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