CHAPTER 42: The truth

How's everything going?" I asked Howard. Right now Howard is busy leading the scientist of the Hydra base, to make sure no one recognizes Howard, I place a seal in him to disguise him, it basically changed his face as well as making him look alive.

As for me, I am using a Henje jutsu to look like Vasily. Vasily right now is currently in the middle of a genjutsu sleep.

"Everything is going well, we still need a few days to synthesize the drug but aside from that we're on schedule", Howard said to me.

"Nicely done", I said to him.

"Is…is he here?" Howard asked me in a low voice.

"Come with me", I said.

I took him to a room, inside that room was a frozen Bucky Barnes.

Howard looks at the man that killed him and his wife. I don't know what he is feeling right now but I'm pretty sure he is conflicted.

"You know, I want to hate him so much. For killing my wife, for killing me, for making Tony alone in this world. All I want is to hate him….but look at him…force to remain in an icy cell…for what….40 years now…with no free will of his own…..nothing more than an attack dog….that's sad….." Howard said with pain in his voice.

I didn't bother to tell Howard any comforting words, sometimes just listening is better than saying anything at all. After an hour of silence, Howard decided to leave the room. Before he returned to the laboratory he said, "thanks", in a low voice.

I went to Vasily's office to read some of Hyrda's files. Particularly the list of people Bucky eliminated throughout the years.

So far, Hyrda has no knowledge that one of their bases is currently compromised. Besides the only person that could tell them of any anomalies was Vasily, which he is currently indisposed of by genjutsu sleep.

I took all the documents and began reading them.

Some of the most notable early hits of Bucky were The French Defense Minister, Jacques Dupuy in 1956, and the 35th president of the United States John F. Kennedy. Written in those documents was also the reason why they were targeted. For Defense Minister Dupuy, it was to prolong the war between Algeria and the French. While for Kennedy it was to destabilize global politics. I place those documents down and began reading the other files.

'Damn, Hydra sure used Bucky well', I thought to myself. Every mission Bucky was sent out to do had one goal, it led to Hydra profiting from those missions, either by increasing their wealth or influence in the region.

I began reading the documents with the 80's date. The name of the target shock me, it was my grandfather, Charles A. Carter.

'What The Fuck! Hydra was the one who eliminated my grandfather", I said to myself.

I quickly read the file, basically, the reason why Hydra wanted to eliminate my grandfather was due to his deal with Greece. It seems Hydra had placed all its cards in China. Hydra wanted the deal to go to China so that it could funnel some of the money in the shell companies they had there, Hydra wanted to increase its influence in the region but my grandfather was screwing that plan with his trade agreement.

Anger, I feel extremely angry right now, not at Bucky but at Hydra. A piece of shit of an organization, who believes themselves to be the one worthy to control the world yet they do not know how small the pond they are swimming.

I stood up and went to the window and just watch the snow falling on the mountainside. I needed to calm down so that I won't do anything stupid, like destroy this base maybe.

I glance at the currently indispose Vasily. I went to him and released him from genjutsu sleep. I wanted information.

"Where are the Hydras bases in China?" I said.


"Tell me about their locations?" I said again, this time I punch his face causing him to bleed. He still remained quiet.

"You ordered the death of the secretary of the US in the '80s to increase Hydra's influence in China, where are those bases?" I said to him.


"Will see if you remain quiet", I said. I molded chakra in my hand, it slowly transformed into lightning. I began a painful process of electrocuting him.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah", Vasily screamed. I already place a silencing barrier in his office. He can scream all he wants but no one will hear him. After a while I got tired of his quietness.

"So no talking, huh. So be it, you'll talk when you're a reanimation", I said to him as I electrocuted him to higher voltage causing him to die due to cardiac arrest.

I walk out of Vasily's office and said to the nearest guard.

"You soldier, come in my office", I said to him.

The soldier obliged, and the moment he entered the office I knock him out. I close the door and began to reanimate Vasily.

"Wh…what..I..thought...I died?", Vasily said to me.

"You did, but even in death you will have no escape from me", I said to him. I control him causing the clarity of his eyes to vanish and I asked him, "Where are the hydra bases in China, you had an expansion done in the '80s, I want to know those locations?".

"It wasn't much of an expansion, we were stopped", he said.

"Stop? What are you talking about?", I asked with curiosity.

"After the trade deal between China and Greece were signed, everything was going well for Hydra, but only after 1 year a shadow war broke out"

"A shadow war? Who would fight Hydra?", I asked.

"The Hand."

"What? Hydra knows of the Hand?", I said shocked at the discovery.

"Both Hydra and the Hand are organizations that are extremely old. The two had dealings in the past, but occasionally fights do break out, this was one of them. Ninjas came and destroyed most of the newly established Hydra bases. The shadow war lasted nearly 4 years. Both sides lost a lot of men, but the shadow war was causing a lot of disturbances in China. Rumors began to spread in the country, due to this both parties gradually lessen hostilities"

"What did Hydra do afterward?", I asked.

"We resumed trying to increase influence but on a smaller scale"

"hmm….a war between two extremely old organization…", I said as I release Vasily from my control. Clarity returned in his eyes, but this shock and horror were accompanied with it.

"what….what…happen..?", he asked with fear in his voice.

"Remember this Vasily, I control you now. Poetic ain't it. You controlling the Winter Soldier, me controlling you. Life has a way to fuck you up huh", I said to him.

"….I am loyal to Hydra! Hail Hydra.." he said with a serious tone.

"Do you know why I killed you quickly?" I asked.

"….", Vasily remaining quiet after saying hydras motto.

"I killed you because this is my revenge against you, and don't worry all the other Hydra high command will get what's coming to them. But you will have a first-class seat in how I destroy Hydra from within"


"You will watch as I destroy Hydra in their big reveal in the future.  And Vasily, at that moment you will recognize that everything you work for, for your loyalty in Hydra was a life spent in nothing meaningful. That is my revenge against you for calling the hit on my grandfather", I said to him.


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