One thing that Mikhail Gorbachev did not consider when he dissolved the Soviet Union is the economic fallout of such actions. The Soviet Union was a group of multiple countries, multiple countries that relied on each other for even the bare necessity such as food. Right now these countries are still figuring out how to handle their leaderless nations. Now all of them are suffering from a sudden and huge increase in inflation.

Right now I am in newly founded Russia. As of this moment entering the country would have been extremely difficult. I was able to enter the country by promising them to build a branch of my company in Russia. I actually didn't mind this idea, I wanted to increase my company's influence to Europe anyway. Russia will allow me to this, plus the country is currently in a damage control mode, this will allow me to have favorable deals made in my favor.

As of this moment, I am eating my breakfast in one of the best hotels in Moscow. It has been a month since I revived Howard Stark. The man and I had a lengthy conversation about my plans for the future as well as what will be his evolvement. Before I left the states I had him find me the exact location of an old abandoned SHIELD base, The Lighthouse. Due to him being one of the founding members of SHIELD, he knows the locations of some of the most classified facilities. The lighthouse will become my headquarters in the future. I also left him a clone to gather all the necessary chemicals for the creation of his super-soldier serum.

After the meal, I took out the coin that was connected to the death tracking seal out of a storage seal.

"Let's see where this will take me", I said as I channeled chakra in the coin. I began to move in directions inside my hotel room, I was checking which direction will the coin vibrate more. The country of Russia is composed of multiple mountain ranges. Trying to find which mountain range HYDRA secret base without this coin would be near impossible. After trying different directions the coin finally vibrated. I took out a map, and  I tried to see which mountain range the coin was pointing at.

"…That direction points to the Chersky mountain range. That's probably 2000 kilometers from Moscow. It's going to take me a while to travel there", I said to myself.

After finding out which place I needed to go, I took a shower and got dress. I took all my possessions and place them in the storage seal in my belt. I ended my stay in the hotel, and I casually mention that I will be spending my vacation in the City of Yakutsk due to me being interested in the Museums there.

I decided that I will go to the Chersky range via the City of Yakutsk and hike the rest of the way there. I took a flight immediately afterward and went straight to a hotel to get myself a room.

"Good day, would you like a room?" A receptionist said.

"Yes, please. Damn, this place is really cold huh", I said to her.

"Of course sir. The city of Yakutsk is the second coldest city in the world", the receptionist said smiling.

"I bet you guys, are already use to this huh. Anyway, I would like to know the exact location of the museums in the City", I said to her. She handed me a pamphlet containing the best places for the tourist to visit, written on it were museum locations as well.

"Can I also ask for my dinner to be sent into my room? Thank you", I said to her.

"Of course sir, no problem. Your dinner will be sent to your room in an hour", she replied.

I place my bags on the table in my hotel room. I took out the coin and channel chakra to it and I point it in the direction of the Chersky mountains.

"The vibrations are stronger. It would probably take me 2 to 3 days of running to get there. I'll begin my hike tomorrow at dawn", I said to myself.


After getting everything ready and covering myself with a thick coat, I summoned a clone and said, "Go be a tourist, make sure you are seen by the people". The clone nodded and left the hotel room.

I'm pretty sure any intelligence agency worth their salt, probably knows that an owner of a growing billion-dollar company is here in the cold parts of Russia. That's the reason why I wanted my clone to be seen, I wanted to create a cover for me while I go and search for a certain military base. If I somehow mess up and ruin my plan I needed to not be seen liable to that. My clone is my safety net.

I took my bag and place it in the storage seal in my belt. I opened the window and for a moment just stared at the beautiful morning rays of the sun glistering around the cold terrain of Rusia.

"What a wonderful time to change canon", I said to myself as I shushin out the hotel room and went straight to the mountain ranges.


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