The death of Howard Stark and Maria Stark was soon broadcast throughout the country. A short documentary was quickly made to celebrate the life of the couple. For Howard Stark in his involvement in the Manhattan Project during the war and all his inventions throughout the years, and for Maria Stark for her Philanthropic work all over the country, these were the key features in those documentaries.

After the funeral, a wake was currently being held in the Stark mansion. Many people were gathered there to remember the life of the couple. People Howard knew in SHIELD; Mitchell Carson, Alexander Pierce, even a man the Howard had a bad falling out of as seen in the movie, Hank Pym. He came to pay his final respects to the man. Obadiah Stane as well as all the business colleagues of Howard Stark also came. Multiple friends of Maria in her Philanthropic work also came to pay their final respects.

Most of these people said their condolences to Tony, but it seems like Tony is still in pain to bother about them.

I also attended both the funeral and the wake. Seeing Tony not being his extremely sarcastic self really shows you how hurt he is.

"How has he been doing lately?", I ask a now elderly Jarvis.

"Sir Tony has been isolated as of late. He has been drinking more often now", Jarvis said with a worrying tone.

"Time will help heal all wounds", said Margaret Carter as she enters the conversation that Jarvis and I were having.

"Miss Carter, it has been a while since we last got together. Unfortunately, it is not in a joyous event", Jarvis said to Margaret Carter as he leans over to kiss her in the cheeks as a sign of greeting.

"Forgive me, Jarvis, I was late, something came up", she said to Jarvis.

Margaret Carter, also known as Peggy Carter is one of the founding members of SHIELD, I find it extremely funny that we had the same last name but aren't related.

"You must be the Ethan Carter, the most well known Carter in the country", she said as she shook my hand.

"That's an honor especially coming from you, Miss Margaret.", I said to her.

"We all have our strengths, mine happens to be in the defense of my country while yours is in the development of medicine. Both a noble cause in its own right", she said to me.

The three of us had small talk, but I was slowly isolated from the conversation when both Jarvis and Peggy decided to talk about their earlier years. Seeing this I excuse myself from the conversation and decided to walk around the premises of the mansion.

Upon walking in the garden I could see Mitchell Carson and Hank Pym having a conversation that was slowly beginning to escalate.

"We need you back in SHIELD, Hank. With Howard gone we need you to be the new head of the Science Division", Carson said to Hank. It is very clear that Carson was ordering Hank when he said this.

"I said it before, and I'll say it again. I am not working for SHIELD anymore. Ask me that again and I'll punch your nose like the last time", Hank said with anger in his voice.

Carson saw this as an insult and began raising his voice to Hank. The two were slowly beginning to attract unwanted attention among the people who were here for Howard and Maria's wake.

I walked between the two and said to them, "Gentlemen, let us not forget why we are here".

The two individuals stop what they were doing and scanned the surroundings. They could see the consequences of their verbal argument and the two decided to stop. Carson left the garden with an angered expression, people made way for him to leave.

Base on my memory, Mitchell Carson is a Hydra sleeper agent inside of SHIELD, it was found out during the Ant-man Movie. The reason that he wanted Hank Pym to return to SHIELD is that he wanted the technology for the PYM particles to be in Hydra's hand. Too bad for him, Hank was already over being an Agent of SHIELD after the supposed death of his wife.

"You must be this Ethan Carter that the media is talking about. It's nice to finally meet you, and I thank you for preventing the situation from escalating. Without you saying that then both Carson and I would probably have a shouting match that would have led to an eventual brawl", Hank Pym said to me.

I shook his hand and said in response "Don't mention it, Mr. Pym, sometimes emotion gets the best of us".

"You know me?" Hank asked with curiosity.

"Of course, your papers about nanotechnology, molecular, and atomic studies are all fascinating to read. Especially the one pertaining to the Pym particle", I said to Hank.

"It's always nice to have someone appreciate your work", Hank said.

"Tell me about it. Mister Pym are you perhaps interested in a future collaboration with Carter Pharmaceutical?"

"In what manner?" Hank asked.

"In terms of nanotechnology. I believe nanotechnology can help in medicine, but research still needs to be made. The collaboration I am talking about is an R&D between our two new companies", I said to him.

Hank thought about my proposal for a while and said after thinking, "That is an interesting offer, I'll have my secretary send you a schedule so that we can discuss this more thoroughly. Applying nanotechnology in medicine will require us to spend a lot in R&D, but if we can somehow discover how, then the application will be endless", Hank replied.

The two of us ironed out our proposal and he soon left the wake due to not wanting to deal with former SHIELD drama. The rest of the day was me talking to different people about the life of Howard Stark and Maria Stark.


I was drinking a cup of expensive wine on the balcony of my hotel room, just feeling the cold air of December hitting my face. Suddenly one of my clone's body flickered near me and said.

"It is done, we now have some of Howard Stark's flesh. Enough to perform Edo Tensei".

I had a smile slowly form on my face as I took in the news.


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