It has been two months since the death and funeral of my grandfather. Mostly everything returned to how it was before my grandfather was killed. Except now my grandmother spends most of her time in our mansion. I don't mind though, she is family. I'm guessing that since my grandfather is gone she feels lonely. Whatever helps grandma.

The US government has been telling the public that a local terrorist organization was the one that targeted my grandfather. I don't believe that one bit, I mean seriously a nobody-cares-local-terrorist-organization attacking a Secretary of the United States of America. They would have to be insanely mad, or insanely stupid to do the attack. I'm guessing this small terrorist organization was just being used as a scapegoat.

I also found out that the trade agreement that my grandfather died for was scrap by the US. They televise this and the one speaking was the new Secretary of Commerce saying that the trade agreement could cause a security threat to the country. Such a bunch of baloneys. Anyway, life goes on, until I pay them back that is. I got College to prepare for.

The moment I entered Harvard, I could see students come and go. There were upperclassmen students shouting the name of their "Houses" so that freshmen can hear them. The moment you are accepted at Harvard you are given the "House" you belong to. The "House" is basically your dorm. Just like Harry Potter, but no house points. You can't decide your House, it's all done at random. But if you're like me, you can opt-out of this and decide your own accommodation. In my case an apartment.

Today is the first day of the fall semester. I decided to rent an apartment near Harvard. The documents were signed in my parent's name since I was still 14. It would be nice to join some dorms or in Harvard's case, "Houses" but my parents didn't like me sleeping in the same building with people who were 5-10 years older than me. My parents also assigned someone to check on me every day. In the morning before school and in the night at exactly 8:00 pm. I seriously hated this idea. You win some, you lose some, I guess.

Since it's the first day of school it means "Orientation". We were gathered in a huge gym to listen to some teachers and few deans talk about the school mottos, qualities, rules, and the like. I dozed out to most of this. Times like this makes you miss smartphones. While minding my own business  I can hear a few whispers basically talking about me.

"Hey who's the kid?" a random guy said.

"Is that kid lost or something?" said another random guy.

"Hey who brought their kids in college?" said an egotistic looking guy in the back.

I didn't care. You know what Tywin Lannister used to say 'The lion does not care about the opinions of the sheep. I'm going to dominate Harvard,' I thought to myself. I wonder if I can get some talented people here to work for my company in the future.

"Now you are at Harvard. You are the cream of the crop in your previous school. You are the makers of your future. Remember that, put it in your mind, ingrained it. For you to have a wonderful future you must start now....," said the dean of one of the colleges.

Once the orientation was over I bought myself a hotdog. Pretending to listen throughout orientation was tiring.

"Hey Ethan, where you going after this?" said Ted Roberts.

I met Ted in a pre-orientation that was done one week before you formally enter into Harvard. Pre-orientation is a way for students studying for the same degree to make friends. Now Ted was your typically shy, chubby kind of guy. Also, the man can't make friends his own age, 'Come on dude, it's college you need to spread your wings', I thought to myself.

"Who knows, I go where my feet takes me," I said to him sarcastically.

"ha.ha.ha.ha very funny," Ted said unamused.

"Come on join me, let's tour the entirety of Harvard," he said.

"I don't know, that's boring," I said to him.

"Seriously I dreamed about going to Harvard since I graduated elementary school. I want to see everything this school has to offer," he said with much enthusiasm.

"Seriously you need friends and probably a girlfriend but you should get a friend first. You know, so that you can annoy them rather than me," I said to him sarcastically.

"Whatever. Come on let's go. Maybe we can see some beautiful girls along the way," Ted said with much happiness.

"I'm 14, anyone who wants me would go to jail," I said to him. We both laugh at that joke. I accompanied him on his tour of the entirety of Harvard. I found out what type of woman he was into, blondes. Yep, the guy was into blondes, with those blue eyes. Once I found this out I laugh in my head, seriously keep acting like a weird dude and no blondes would like you...or maybe someone will. 'Who knows, maybe there's a girl in Harvard that are into guys like Ted. If a guy like Ted somehow gets a perfect 10 chick I'll make him my Chief of Technology Officer in the future,' I chuckled when I thought this.

Ted saw me chuckling and ask "Why are you chuckling?".

"Oh nothing, I just thought of something funny," I said to him.

After the tour, I decided to return to my apartment and cooked myself a small meal for diner. As I was halfway through my meal I heard the knocking on my door. I open the door and saw the man that my parents paid to check up on me. I said to him that I was fine and that I will see him tomorrow. He couldn't say anything before I slammed the door in his face. I went back to my dining table and continued to eat my dinner.


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