[Hiatus Likely Re Write eventually] Avatar of the Chaos Goddess: Harem System in a F*ta Worshiping World!!!

Chapter 2 – System and Relationships

over the following few chapters there will be a few confusing things and 4th wall breaks because I wanted to retcon things without retconning things. don't worry about it. enjoy my madness. I'm just too lazy to change one chapter and instead wrote all changes into future chapters. I'm a menace.

After sleeping for a few hours due to exhaustion due to the passionate battle between mother and daughter, Liu Ying finally woke. She felt herself in a warm and comforting embrace that she didn't want to leave. Fighting against the urge to enter a deeper sleep in this embrace, Liu Ying opened her eyes only to find herself naked with her daughter. It was at this moment that she finally remembered what happened before she fell asleep, she was filled with an overwhelming sense of happiness because her daughter had woken up only for it to be swallowed by a flood of even greater guilt because of the events that transpired. Quickly Pulling herself together and deciding she'd talk things over with her daughter and accept any consequence she finally moved to leave the bed as her daughter's member fell out of her with a *plop*. Then scampering over to the bathroom she started up a hot shower to prepare herself for the eventual confrontation with her daughter.

A few minutes after Liu Ying went to shower, Liu Na finally woke up.

"Holy shit that was crazy, did I do that with Mother... eh!? What's that pink bubble?"

Noticing a pink bubble in the top left corner of her vision Liu Na focused on it, suddenly a screen appeared and she heard a voice in her head.

<So host, good news and bad news. The good news is I got to do some housekeeping and make some changes to the system here and there, bad news because you didn't notice me I didn't consult you and made all the changes on my own>

"Fuck yeah FEMALE SYSTEM!!!!"

< You're not even mad??? or surprised?>

'Oh, what? NO this is classic system stuff, a bit of pranking though it's not ever bad unless it's a bad system and then towards the end, you get to bang it, classic system plotline.'

<Alrighty then... 'SHE'S FUCKING ON TO ME' so um nice to meet you, the names Ai. I'll quickly go over the changes made then we can end off the chapter with your status or something>

'eh? chapter? hell no! I gotta talk to my mom'

<I hate that you just don't care about this 4th wall break BS. Anyways changes, right, change one, the system is now black background with white text because the Goddess reads in dark mode. Change 2 we are using cultivation energies to level up but we are going to use system leveling. As a quick explanation, you'll have CQ (Chaos Qi) which is like your mana, YQ & FE (Yin Qi and Female Essence) are energies that you'll need to get to a certain threshold to level up, it'll usually be 50% of your maximum storage at the given time, you won't have SP (skill points) because you have lazy author op mc buff, but you will get EXP which will just be a gauge of how trained and adjusted you are in your current skills and power and once it hits 100% though that doesn't mean you have full mastery over yourself it will mean you are allowed to activate a level up. The third and most important change, the goddess was quite sad when she got my astral email and she found out her name got lost in translation to you one of her favorite avatars, so she asked me to change it, from now on you are Luna Elysium-Nightshade, Luna Nightshade for the sake of not seeming like a pompous bitch.>

After a moment of processing all the information, Luna finally responded

'Alrighty, most of that checks out but how does this new name thing work?'

<Everyone calls you Luna now and you will know if someone is talking to you simply by the fact that they intend you to be the target so it doesn't matter what people call you anymore>

'So I could be Garfield and nobody would question??'

<NO. People would question that, it's just that if someone decided to call you Garfield without warning you would know they were talking to you>

'That's not overpowered at all'

It was at this moment that the bathroom door opened softly and Liu Ying peaked out. Noticing her daughter, Liu Ying's face flushed red and she froze. Luna knowing that her mother was stuck physically and emotionally due to just herself decided to speak up first.

*Cough* "Hey uhh Mom about that thing"

After hearing her daughter's voice Liu Ying regained some composure but was still expecting the worst knowing what society thought about incestuous relations.

"yEs lUnA!"

Liu Ying's voice cracked due to her nervousness. Luna noticing this motioned for her mother to sit on the bed with her. Before continuing to speak.

"Mom, I'm not mad, in fact so long as you're willing id love to keep doing things like last night, though maybe with a bit more romance in between. I've loved you since... oh god since when... I can't even remember, maybe forever I don't think I liked anyone before I liked you, and until I figured out that I was attracted to you I was never attracted to anyone."

Hearing Luna's confession, Liu Ying was naturally startled. Who wouldn't be after finding out you were your daughter's sexual awakening, finally collecting herself and composing a response Liu Ying took a deep breath and said.

"I'd love to but how do you plan to keep this secret from the world?"

"Does it need to be kept a huge secret, right mom? We're lesbians here, it's not like we'd be making babies... at least to people's knowledge, and I'm  sure that with this whole goddess power thing inbreeding isn't a thing to worry about. Plus I'm planning to go the harem route so I think people might be more caught up with that than anything."

Hearing that Luna wanted a harem, Liu Ying frowned for a moment before realizing that maybe since her daughter was a goddess's avatar and all she would be too great to love only one or her existence would be so grand that even if she gave as much love as one of her lovers could handle shed still have more to give. Realizing this, Liu Ying took the frown off her face and said in a sweet voice

"So long as I have a place in your heart sweetie."

Then she thought for a moment, when did I even start loving my daughter like this, is it because of her goddess power or something? So she asked.

"Luna why did I uh have barely debatably consensual sex with you?"

"Well the goddess making me her avatar made me Vampire, Succubus, Kitsune Hybrid so my pheromones turned you on for sure."

After clearing everything up mother and daughter embraced each other in a not so mother and daughter anymore hug.


"I said I was a vampire mom, what else did you expect?"

It was after that that a week of 'Recovery' full of Sex, Milk, Blood, practicing various things from the system, and Sex happened it was also during this time that Luna found out how to deactivate her dick and Liu Ying found out about Luna's little Kitsune fox form and became infatuated with it. This unfortunately gave Luna even less time to practice things from the system as her mother would often want to cuddle with her after stressful paperwork needed to be filled out.

oh holy cow that was a chapter. ill put the system below this but uhh same thing as last time readers of mine. please give any helpful critiques or concerns about my book so I can get better at writing and you can enjoy reading more. The start of this book might be a bit clusterf*ck exposition but after that  hope to have fun with it a lot more

note for the system below, FE and YQ are different but will always be at the same level because I'm lazy but I still for reasons of I like having them both. I might come up with unique uses for them later and separate them but for now, just blame Luna's Dual Cultivation Technique for the funny balances occurring.


Host - Luna Nightshade

Cultivation Level - Qi Sensing 1-Star

Age - 18

Race - ???

Title - Avatar of the Goddess (0 others)

CQ - 100%

YQ/FE - 20%

EXP - 3%

Bloodlines -

  • Human 100% Purity

  • Kitsune 2% Purity

  • Succubus 1% Purity

  • Vampire 1% Purity

Physiques -

  • Goddess of Chaos Body

    • Kitsune

    • Succubus

    • Vampire

Elements -

  • Water

  • Ice

  • Wind

  • Space

  • Moon

  • Chaos

Techniques -

Cultivation -

  • Divine Senses

  • Goddess’s Divine Body Tempering

  • Soundless Illusion Steps

  • Bounding Flash Steps

  • Chaos Yin Conversion Technique

  • Bloodline Transformation

Kitsune -

  • Telepathy

  • Teleportation

Succubus -

  • Demonic Crest

  • Demonic Touch

  • Cubus Charm

  • Demonic Pheromone

Vampire -

  • Vampiric Gaze

  • Progenitor’s Blood

  • Induce Lactation

System Skills -

  • Appraise


Main Wife(s) -

Wifes -

Liu Ying (48)

Concubines -

Maids -

Mistresses -

[Contracted Beasts]



Dual Cultivation Realm (DCR)

Ancient Sacred Realm (ASR)




Regeneration Items From ASR

Mortal Items

Cultivation Items

Harem Items

SYSTEM Only Items

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