Hey, Why Are My Skills so Weird!?

Chapter 177 – Saphire Illusion (2)

“Awaken, Saphire.” Jane’s voice resounded throughout the entire battlefield.

For an instant, the world seemed to come to a standstill. The berserk mana of the dungeon froze, and the noise caused by the fierce battle was silenced.

The strange phenomenon attracted the attention of Ley, Andrew, and Karime. They looked at Jane in surprise and saw him holding Saphire’s hand.

His soul power pulsed, and his will was projected into the world. The world’s laws were twisted to accommodate Jane’s wishes.

Saphire felt the intentions of her master and cooperated. Her body turned into motes of light that gathered on Jane’s extended hand.

When the light faded away, a beautiful spear emerged in Jane’s hand.

The spear was light blue, as though it was made of solidified water. Its shaft was engraved with a serpent pattern reminiscent of Saphire’s serpentine tail, and the tip had three blades that glowed faintly.

Saphire’s Awakening: [Illusion].

The name of the spear appeared in Jane’s mind as he stared at it fondly.

At this moment, Jane felt an enormous amount of mana flowing through his body. When he held [Illusion], Saphire’s mana flowed from the spear to his body, amplifying his originally weak mana several times over.

Although his mana had not broken through tier five from tier three, it had reached the limits of tier four.

Moreover, he felt his connection to Saphire strengthening greatly. Their thoughts were linked in a deeper way than normal, and Saphire’s abilities, which he originally found hard to use, felt like he had practiced them for years.

[Amazing… Really, what an unexpected surprise.] The demon muttered astonished.

Jane took a deep breath. He gripped the spear tightly and looked at the battlefield ahead.

Andrew and Karime were staring at him in surprise, and Ley, even in her berserk state, was wary of him.

He finally had the power to intervene in this battlefield of monsters.

“Let’s go, Saphire,” Jane muttered.


The next instant, his body disappeared.

He moved so fast that his body left afterimages behind. He covered dozens of meters in less than one second, appearing in front of Ley.

The muscles on his right arm tightened as he swung his spear toward Ley’s chest.

But before the spear could reach Ley, she built a barrier of mental energy that blocked the blow.

The spear hit the barrier. Surprisingly, the barrier was unable to block the blow.

It shattered into pieces as Jane’s attack continued towards Ley!

Ley fixed her eyes on the spear surprised, but she did not panic. In an instant, dozens of similar barriers rose effortlessly.

Even though the spear broke through several barriers effortlessly, it eventually came to a stop.

But Jane was not discouraged. Since the start, he did not think this was enough to defeat Ley.

And he was not fighting alone.

Behind him, Andrew swung his sword, releasing a dazzling sword wave that cut everything in its path.

It cut through the remaining barriers as though they were butter.

But when it was about to him Ley, she extended her hand. The overwhelming amount of mental energy on it stopped the sword wave and she deflected it aside.

At the same time, dozens of transparent arms materialized behind her and descended toward Jane and Andrew.

Jane’s eyes flashed with a sharp light. He extended his left hand toward the transparent hands, making the water in the surroundings turn into a giant water snake that clashed against them.

Next to him, Andrew’s sword drew an upward slash that cut through the transparent hands and weakened them enough for Jane’s water snake to stop them.

Seeing that her attack was stopped, Ley gathered an enormous amount of mental energy around her. The mental energy converged into dozens of small spheres that flew toward Andrew and Jane.

Andrew and Jane evaded them easily, but suddenly, the spheres exploded, causing their expressions to change.

Andrew hurriedly condensed his domain around his body, using it as a barrier to protect himself from the explosions. Jane, on the other hand, filled his body with lightning, increasing his speed greatly and avoiding the explosions.

His speed was even faster than before. He arrived in front of Ley in an instant and attacked her again.

Once more, Ley raised several mental barriers in front of her to block his attack. This time, though, she also created dozens of transparent arms that surrounded Jane to crush him.

“Die.” She uttered expressionlessly.

But when the transparent arms crushed Jane, his figure vanished.

An illusion!

Ley’s eyes widened. All of sudden, she felt a powerful mana fluctuation behind her.

She turned around in surprise and saw Jane aiming his lightning-clad spear in her direction.

The lightning was compressed into a plasma-like state, condensing in the tip of the spear aimed at her.

“[Lightning Beam].” He uttered.

And a blinding ray of lightning was fired.

Ley created several mental barriers in a panic, but the hastily made barriers could not stop Jane’s most powerful attack. They were pierced one after another as Ley hastily created more barriers behind them.

But at that moment, Andrew attacked too.

He filled his sword with every drop of mana in his body. The sword blade glowed with a dazzling white light as he slashed at Ley’s back.

[Ultimate Sword]!

The two attacks, one from the front and the other from the back, quickly broke through Ley’s remaining defenses.

Although she tried to create more barriers, the speed at which she could create barriers was much slower than the speed at which they were being destroyed!

‘I must evade!’

She could not afford to be hit by any of these attacks.

But it was alright. She only needed to avoid the attacks, and then, the situation would turn in her favor again.

She could feel that Jane and Andrew had put most of their strength in these attacks. As long as she could avoid them, victory would be hers.

Her lips curled up slightly, and her eyes shone with a maddening glow. She could already hear their moans of pain as she slowly tortured and killed them.

But when she was about to move away, she suddenly realized that she could not move her body.

At some point in time, countless colorful threads had appeared around her, tying her movements completely.

“Sorry, little sister, but I can’t allow you to escape.” A familiar voice reached her ears and a silver-haired girl materialized behind Jane.

Ley’s expression distorted in rage.


In the next instant, Jane and Andrew’s attacks landed on her.

Just like that, the disturbance finally came to an end.


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