Here, Have a Cookie a Pokemon Fanfiction

Chapter 19

My mouth is dry, my skin is hot and slick with sweat, and my left arm has, once again, lost all feeling.

At least I got to sleep under the covers this time, but dammit, I was struggling to breathe. My whole body was melting, because goddammit, May was a furnace, and that furnace loved to use me as a fucking teddy bear.

I knew I needed to wake her up. The tournament started soon, and honestly, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could survive like this, but I really didn’t want to set back all the progress we had made in the last few days.

I didn’t know what that progress was towards, but I know I made some and I didn’t want to lose that.

I felt Emilie stir, and I groaned as she lifted her head up to take us in.

‘Should I leave for a bit?’ she asked.

‘Don’t you dare. Just... shut up and help me,’ I begged.

Emilie nodded. ‘Sure thing.’ Emilie teleported to the other side of the bed and started poking May. “May.”

I didn’t even know my starter could be that loud!

‘Not helping!’ I screamed at her in my mind.

She ignored me.


“Wuzzat.” May asked sleepily. She lifted her head up and stared directly into my eyes, a bit of red creeping into her face. “I did it again, huh?”

I nodded.

May just shifted around so she was sitting, her back leaning up against the back board of our bed. And I rapidly moved away from her. My arm started tingling as blood feeling started to return to it and I breathed a sigh of relief as the cold air hit my skin.

“Sorry.” May looked away from me.

I was honestly just happy that she wasn’t freaking out again.

“Nothing to apologize for,” I replied.

May shook her head. “Friends don’t cuddle in their sleep, Lea.”

I laughed.

“You sure? I don’t have a ton to go off, but most of mine do. Emilie constantly uses me as a pillow, same for Joern and Apollo when they’re out,” I joked.

“I think there’s a difference between Pokémon and...” May trailed off as she looked towards me. “Never mind!” she said quickly.

I turned my head to see Emilie glaring at May.

‘Emilie...’ I warned.

‘I’m in control of myself.’ Emilie explained.

My gaze turned skeptical.

‘Mostly,’ she said.

‘Well, keep better control of yourself, and stop scaring May, got it?’ My message was stern.

Emilie sighed before looking away. “Sorry.”

May sagged in relief.

“Me too, honestly. I’m working on it.” I explained.

May chuckled nervously. “I’m not that worried about Emilie losing it again, don’t worry.”

Emilie looked away from the group and teleported to the bathroom. Dammit, Emilie. Don’t leave me alone in the room with her!

“So... uh. You ready for the tournament today?” I asked awkwardly.

May’s eyes blazed as her countenance shifted instantly.

“We’re going to kick so much ass, you hear me?” May said, her fists clenched as she bounced off the bed. She ruffled through her bags, and I laughed as she started pulling out different outfits.

“Welcome, couples. We’re proud to announce that sixteen teams have signed up for this event.” A tall man in a white suit shouted through a bull horn.

I looked around the deck and sagged. More than a few of these people looked like they wiped their asses with hundred notes. We were so fucked if they knew what they were doing. What the hell was Wayne thinking when he said we had nothing to worry about.

‘Calm down, cap. Money can’t buy skill,’ Apollo said from my shoulder.

I turned to glare at Emilie.

‘You needed a pep talk and he’s better at that than I am.’ Emilie said.

“I know you’re all probably eager to get things started, but I need to explain a few things. This will be a single elimination doubles tournament. Each trainer will be allowed one Pokémon each. A battle ends when all of one sides Pokémon are unable to battle. The arenas will be secured and sealed by a team of esteemed psychic types, and my ship is built to stand up to things tougher than what any of you can bring to bear, so don’t hold back on our account.” The captain chuckled a bit as he said the last part. “To pair off, we’re going to draw lots.” A couple of attendants started walking through the crowd with a pair of hats.

‘Do you want anyone in particular?’ Emilie asked as the hats made their way towards us.

‘Cheating already, huh?’ I shook my head. ‘Let it be random. I don’t have a clue who most of these people are.’ I thought for a second. ‘Just make sure we don’t pair off against Wayne and Jasmine round one.’

‘Can do.’ I reached into the hat and felt the pieces of paper move before one slid into my hand. Nine. I passed the hat along, and it wasn’t long till the hat made its way back to the captain.

“Alright, I don’t think it’s terribly hard to work out, but here’s the bracket,” the captain shouted.

We were fighting team ten, and the tournament would be four rounds. Simple enough. We even had a designated field to fight on. Fancy.

“Alright, field five is... that way.” May directed as she looked at her map. This had been my first time on this side of the ship, and I quickly noticed that they had made actual, functioning arenas for us. We wouldn’t just be duking it out on hard wood and steel, they had grassy terrain, sandy terrain, rocky terrain...

A fucking pool with platforms on it that was designated as arena number five.

“Well, that’s fairly limiting.” I commented. “The arena’s a lot smaller than what I’m used to.”

“Probably a limitation of space. They couldn’t exactly make infinite arenas on a cruise ship.” May said. “I think Joern and Leshy would be the best bet for this.”

“Sounds good to me. I don’t think we have to worry about fire types on a field like this.” Legends above, how stupid would you have to be to send something like that out on a pool.

“Ugh, why did we get the water field?”

May jumped at the new voice and I turned to see just who it was that we were dealing with. The girl wore a long red dress with black hair and looked like she had just stepped off a runway. I idly wondered how long she spent doing her makeup and hair. Probably about as long as May did this morning, honestly.

“If I get soaked, Donny, you’re-”

“Yes, honey.” The guy interrupted. Rude. “So, you’re our first-round opponents? Guess they let anyone on a luxury liner these days.” And now he’s dead. The prick looked the picture of ‘spoiled rich kid’, from his fancy tailored clothes to his slicked back blond hair. He even had a popped collar. Who fucking does that anymore?

‘Please let me hurt him,’ Emilie begged. ‘You have it good; you aren’t hearing his surface thoughts.’ I think I heard a growl through the mental link.

‘Can you work with Leshy?’ I asked worriedly.

‘Trust me,’ Emilie urged.

I nodded. Our opponents made their way to the other side of the arena, and May glared after them with more hate than I had ever seen. I have a feeling I missed something.

‘Apollo, did you hear-’ I stopped talking when I saw the look of murder in Apollo’s eyes.

‘He’s walking the plank,’ Apollo said.

“Okay, we cannot lose to these people.” May ground out.

“We won’t.” I offered. “Don’t let them get you riled up, let their ass kicking be their punishment,” I said as we made our way across.

May looked at me with a bit of awe. “How are you not livid right now? What he said should’ve pissed you off more than anyone!” May said.

I shrugged. “I was talking to Emilie. By the way, would you mind if I used her instead of Joern? She REALLY wants to kick that ass hat’s teeth in.” I could feel hatred and rage coming from both of the Pokémon on my shoulders and winced. Empathy was a double-edged sword sometimes.

“I... I don't know,” May muttered. “We didn’t really practice for that.”

‘Captain, I feel-’

‘Get in line, feather head. I called fucking dibs,’ Emilie snarled. She turned and pouted. “May...” Legends above, she sounded pitiful.

“I... is Leshy still fine?” May asked.

Emilie fist pumped the sky as I nodded, and May sagged a bit in relief.

“We’ll just have to play it by ear a bit. We’ll be fine.” I quickly shut up as our referee raised both flags over his head, and I focused on the field as everyone else got Poke Balls out.

“This will be a single elimination doubles match. Lea and May will face off against Donny and Brenda.” Ah, that was the chick’s name. Man probably has the second prettiest girl in the room and he didn’t even introduce her.

Emilie anger subsided as she giggled at my thoughts. ‘You really are hopeless. You know that, right?’


“Both sides will release their Pokémon when I drop my flags. Get ready...” May pulled out a poke ball and Emilie leaned forward. “Begin!” Three bright flashes of light shaped up into three separate forms. Leshy formed on the platform to Emilie’s right. I gaped at what had formed on the other side.

There was a fucking Metang and a Magmar. Who the fuck sends out a Magmar on this stage? Why does the rich prick have a fucking METANG of all Pokémon?

“Metang, let’s end this quick. Metal Claw the Ralts.” The giant steel monstrosity was already moving through the air before he finished his order.

“Lava Plume the Bulbasaur, Maggy,” Brenda ordered.

Maggy? Really? I thought May’s names were bad. Wait.

‘Don’t do anything. I have an idea.’ I pushed out towards May, who shut her mouth instantly. ‘Teleport in front of Leshy.’ I ordered quickly.

Emilie grinned as she complied. Maggy leaned back and spat a massive wad of lava directly at Leshy as the Metang course corrected to slam it’s claw into Emilie. I grinned at how easy this was going to be.


Too late. The lava exploded out as it slammed into Metang from behind. Steam cascaded off the arena from the blowback, turning the whole place into a sauna as the Metang screamed in agony. At least, I’m assuming that was screaming. The high-pitched grinding couldn’t be much else. Metang sank into the water and the magma quickly cooled and hardened as his eyes faded to black.

“Metang, return,” The rich twat said.

How about some concern for your fucking Pokémon you prick. That did NOT look pleasant.

“I am SO sorry.” Brenda shouted. She looked absolutely panicked as the prick glared at her. Legends above I hated this ass hat more and more the longer I dealt with him.

“Just don’t screw this up. The dykes are rocking Baby Pokémon.” I’m going to murder him.

‘Make some waves.’ I ordered silently. ‘Let’s see if this Magmar knows how to swim.’

Emilie raised both of her arms. The connection was cut as water started to swell and get launched toward the platform with the Magmar on it. The wave was a lot less impressive than what I was thinking in my head, but it’d do the job.

“You just can’t-”

“Brenda the fight!” The prick cut her off and pointed toward the field.

Her eyes widened as the wave slammed into Magmar, sweeping it into the pool. The entire field exploded in steam, and my anger waned a bit as thoughts of Emilie getting steam burns passed through my skull.

‘We’re fine,’ Emilie quickly said. ‘Sorry, that was a lot of water. I’m directing the steam away from us. It’s still really fucking hot though.’

‘Language,’ I chastised.

‘Fuck you.’

“Return.” The model wannabe said, sounding dejected.

“You cannot be serious.” The prick exhaled.

“Donny and Brenda have recalled both of their Pokémon. The victory goes to May and Lea.” The reff raised a flag our way. Ass Hat stormed off as soon as the match was called, and the chick just sulked as she looked down at her Poke Ball.

“I didn’t even do anything.” May complained.

“To be fair, we didn’t do much.” I consoled. “I get what Wayne was saying earlier, that was just... why?” I complained.

“Stop complaining, you’ll get your challenge in the later rounds when we fight people who actually know what they’re doing,” May said.

I looked back towards the girl with the Magmar. She hadn’t moved from her spot and ass hat was nowhere to be seen. Don’t do it, Lea. It’s not your problem, and dammit I’m already in front of her.

“You alright?” I asked.

Brenda looked up from her Poke Ball and glared at me. “Why do you care?” she asked back.

Of course she was going to be difficult. Why wouldn’t she be?

“I don’t, really,” I admitted.

The girl leaned back, before chuckling as she pocketed her Poke Ball. “I appreciate the honesty, at least. I’m just... not looking forward to dealing with Donny’s tantrum after this.” Brenda said.

“I mean, you don’t HAVE to do that.” I said as an idea started to form in my head.

The beauty queen scoffed. “You-”

“Look, you seem nice. Nicer than that Ass Hat, at least, and you’re probably the second prettiest girl on this boat, so if you want my opinion? Ditch pretty boy. You can do way better.” I finished with a smile. Brenda opened her mouth, closed it, then looked away. “Hell, we’re landing in Dewford. The island probably has more hunks per square foot than any other place in Hoenn.” Especially if Eve’s magazines were anything to go off of. I honestly didn’t get the appeal, but whatever.

“I’ll... think about it.” she said lamely. “Thanks for the pep talk, I needed that.” She turned and walked off, and I felt Emilie poke me in the head.

“What?” I asked.

‘You’re way too nice, that’s what.’ Emilie said. A smile betrayed how much she actually meant the reprimand.

“I don’t know how to respond to that.” I replied. “Isn’t being nice a good thing?”

‘It is if it gets me a few of those Oran Cookies,’ Emilie said coyly. ‘I know you brought a bag in your pocket.’

‘I suppose I’d be down for a trade. Three Oran Cookies for the scoop on how someone like her ended up with... that.’ Emilie nodded and I held up my end of the bargain.

‘She’s stringing him along to milk free shit out of him,’ Emilie explained. ‘That was the gist of what I was able to pick up from her surface thoughts, at least. Also, she’s a fire specialist.’

“Fuck... now I feel bad. Legends above that is horrible luck.” I said as Emilie snatched up my offering.

“You done being the ‘hero’?” May asked as she walked up, glaring venomously after Brenda.

I glared. “I don’t like that you’re saying that sarcastically. I’m a kind, caring person. Emilie said so.” I pointed at my fairy type with a grin.

May looked at the cookies in hand and gave me a deadpan look.

“Yeah, she’s not biased at all,” May said sarcastically.

‘I’d defend ye, Cap, but the lass wouldn’t understand a word of it,’ Apollo lamented. ‘Also, very clever. Here’s hoping we get to watch the fireworks before the end of the voyage, eh?’

I gave my waterfowl a smile before turning back to my supposed best friend. “Is it time for the next round, yet? I want to beat something.”

May shook her head. Damn it all.

“I think we were the first ones done. There are still quite a few rounds still going,” May explained.

I looked across the fields and sighed. “Looks like Wayne and Jasmine finished up fast and dipped. Want to check out our opponents for the next round?” I asked. “They should just be on the next field over.”

May nodded.

“Sure thing.” May grabbed my hand and pulled me toward arena six.

‘Stop,’ Emilie ordered. She sounded... worried.

May almost pulled my arm out of my socket as I stood in place.

“Have I mentioned recently that you’ve been getting stronger?” I said with a glare aimed May’s way.

“Well, I didn’t exactly expect you to stop. What’s up?” May asked.

‘One of the groups is using psychic types,’ Emilie explained.

I froze.

‘I just wanted to make sure your head was locked down good and tight. No reason to take chances with strangers, after all.’

I looked out across the deck and noticed a Solrock and Lunatone floating in front of a couple dressed in very basic looking clothing. Jeans and T-shirts felt a bit out of place on this ship.

‘You can get closer now, if you want. No one’s getting in right now. I promise,’ Emilie said.

“Emilie said we’re good, she just wanted to make sure my noggin was locked down tight as could be. Apparently, we might be going up against a pair of psychic types next round,” I translated.

May suddenly looked a bit nervous. I watched as a group of stones converged on a Manetric.

“Are you sure that’s safe?” May asked.

“I trust Emilie. Let’s take a closer look, okay.” This time I took the lead as I walked with May towards the arena. We managed to get close enough to hear what sounded like a finishing move.

“Lunatone, Ancient Power.” That was NOT the correct amount of enthusiasm. This chick sounded dead inside. Completely monotone.

“Boost it with Psychic.” And her partner did not sound much better.

Rocks rose from the ground, and I gaped as all eight rocks rose up from the ground and started to home in on the Swellow. Exactly how much power did it take to completely control an attack like that?

“Dodge. I know you’re faster, so keep ahead of it.” It almost felt like speed didn’t matter though. Regardless of where the bird flew, the stones would keep up and follow, slowly forming a circle around the panicking bird type, until suddenly...

The rocks closed in. All at once, the stones shot from their locations around Swellow and slammed into the bird Pokémon. I heard a single, loud, crunch before a loud, ear-splitting trill erupted from the Swellow’s beak. Pointed edges along the stone had dug into the Swallow's wings, and I saw blood start to flow from several wounds.

“Swellow, Return.” The other trainer said frantically, nearly in tears. The red line caught the Swellow in midair before it impacted the ground. The girl all but sprinted off the arena, and down below deck. I glared at our future opponents.

It wasn’t uncommon for battles to get rough, but generally, people and Pokémon alike made it a point to avoid outright lethal or crippling blows. Even if accidents happened, most people felt horrible about it, at least at the highest levels of play.

Our opponents barely reacted to the mutilation they just caused.

“A-Atticus and Jessica are the winners,” The ref declared, sounding horrified at the words that just came out of his mouth.

Solrock and Lunatone slowly levitated back toward their trainers, and as a group, they left the field, completely unbothered.

“That... That was brutal,” I commented.

May was still staring at the spot the Swellow had been brutalized. She turned and sprinted the same way the girl had gone.

“May, wait up.” I shouted as I struggled to play catch up. Eventually, the smell of antiseptic filled my nose, and I noticed May was talking to a very distressed couple.

“-going to be alright?” I heard May ask. The girl looked toward the double doors where a light was on.

“They... Swellow was rushed back once I brought her,” she explained. “I haven’t heard anything back yet.”

“Oswald got off lucky, I guess.” The guy explained as he held up his Poke Ball. “That... those two...” He shook his head. “There’s something wrong with them. Who the hell does...” He trailed off, his grip tightening. “They didn’t even react when they knocked him out. They just...”

“Stared.” I exhaled, and everyone looked my way, and I blushed and looked away, not sure how to deal with the sudden attention.

“Mrs. Stafford?” I heard from the doors as they opened. The girl all but ran over.

“How’s Swellow?” she asked desperately.

“Is everyone else here-”

“How is she!”

“She will make a full recovery.” The nurse said, and I swear, the girl visibly shrunk as her shoulders sagged in relief. “But it was bad. The damage to her wings will take a couple weeks to heal. The bones in her left wing were completely pulverized. The standard issue healing machines we have on this ship aren’t quite up to healing this level of damage.”

“But she can recover, right?” the girl asked frantically.

“We’re teleporting her to the center in Dewford. They’ll be able to provide more comprehensive treatment. She’ll probably have to have surgery once she gets into town, and then a steady course of rounds through a more advanced Regenerator system.” The nurse explained calmly. “It’ll take some work, and the recovery will be hard, but-”

“We can do that.” The girl nodded.

I noticed the boyfriend put his arm around her. I nudged May and motioned her to follow me. She tore her eyes away from the scene and followed.

“Those two should be disqualified,” May snarled.

“I...” I looked away. “I agree, but they’re probably not going to be. The only rule I could see in the booklet when it came to restraint was no killing.”

May looked apoplectic.

“We have to deal with them next round.” I reminded her.

Her face lost its snarl as she leaned back with wide eyes.

“We can pull out,” May said. “I don’t want to risk any of my Pokémon against those two psychos.”

I nodded.

“Wait,” Emilie said. We both stopped and stared.

“Emilie, you can’t be serious.” I exhaled.

‘Tell May to pull up messenger,’ Emilie ordered. I relayed it to May, who pulled out Sergei.

“You ready to share with the class?” I asked.

Emilie looked down. ‘I didn’t notice it at first. When we were far away, I thought they were just talking through a psychic dialogue like you and I do.’ Emilie gulped and looked away. ‘The trainer’s aren’t in control of their own actions.’

“Wait, you don’t mean...” May muttered, her body shaking as she held my arm in a vice grip.

“Atticus and Jessica aren’t running the show,” I confirmed.

Emilie nodded. ‘I don’t know how they aren’t getting noticed by the psychics maintaining the barriers around the arena, but all I know is that Atticus and Jessica are currently locked inside their own minds. I can’t reach them,’ Emilie explained, her body tense.

I offered her my other hand and she grabbed it like it was a life raft.

“We need to tell someone about this,” May said.

Emilie shook her head. ‘If they’re found out, those two trainers will become hostages,’ Emilie said. ‘They’d probably be reduced to vegetables. At best.’

“Then we beat them.” May said, her tone of voice sounding firm. “They can’t maintain control if they’re knocked out, right?”

Emilie shook her head. ‘Nope, I don’t know what state the trainers are in, but if Solrock and Lunatone are out of the picture, they’ll be free of their control,’ Emilie explained.

“So beat up the bad guys, save the damsels in distress, and be great big heroes,” I summarized. “We need a plan.”

‘And the plan can’t include me,’ Emilie explained. ‘I’m going to have my hands full keeping them out of both of your heads.’

“Joern,” I said. “I don’t want to send out Apollo. Not after...” Not after what I just saw.

May nodded.

“I can’t send out Leshy. He’s a poison type.” May stared ahead, her eyes filled with worry. “Fuck, Suzaku’s a fighting type. Those things know Psychic, Lea!” May exhaled. “I have to use Samie.”

‘Let me fight.’ I barely noticed the words as I ran through May’s team with her.

“Both of those rocks float.” I groaned. “Half of Samie’s kit is-”

“Useless, I know!” May growled out.

‘Let me fight!’ Apollo said.

I briefly turned to Apollo, shook my head no, and turned back to May.

“Okay, so... now we know that your next capture should probably be a dark type,” I joked, trying to ease the tension a bit.

May’s glare could’ve melted steel.

“Sorry,” I muttered.

“Don’t be, I...” May stopped herself. “Samie has Bite. That’ll help.”

“Go underground when the fighting starts. You’re going to need time and your Samie’s way faster when he digs.” May looked queasy.

‘LET! ME! FIGHT!’ Apollo screamed the words so loud that I almost collapsed as a headache spread out through my skull. I glared at Emilie.

‘Hey, if I had to hear it, you had to hear it,’ Emilie said, rubbing her head.

‘I understand your concern, captain. I appreciate it, truly, but we both know if the lass sends any of her team against those craven scallywags, you’ll be keelhauled without putting up a fight,’ Apollo said, his voice deadly serious as he glared up into my eyes. ‘Not any fault of hers, mind. Those things just... counter her whole team. Joern and I are your best bets, captain. We both know it.’

‘You saw what those things did to Swellow, right?’ I asked.

Apollo gave me a cocky grin. ‘She wasn’t an ace flier.’

I groaned at the pun.

‘She might be faster than me, but I have tools she didn’t.’ Apollo’s gaze turned pleading. ‘Please, captain. Let me fight.’

I sighed, nodded once, and turned towards May.

“May, you’re going to-”

“I agree,” May said, stopping me as she looked up from Sergei. “Solrock and Lunatone hard counter every mon on my team.”

“Every Pokémon you have kicks all kinds of ass, just...” I trailed off.

“Not here,” May exhaled. “What’s the plan?”

“As much as I trust you to command Apollo to the best of your ability, I don’t trust ANYONE but me to direct him through this. You’ll be taking Joern...”

I stared out across the field at the soulless husks the space rocks were puppeteering. It honestly shocked me that they weren’t getting flagged by the other psychics in the area. The cosmic Pokémon were floating just in front of them. I turned to give May a reassuring nod as she cupped a Poke Ball. We had in fact rolled the water arena again. That made this easier.

“Round two of the Couple’s Doubles Battle Royale.” Huh, our ref seemed a lot more energetic this time. “You’re both aware of the rules.” I think we nodded about as stiffly as our opponents. The ref raised both flags. “Alright then, at the ready...” I cupped Apollo’s ball tightly, second guessing everything I had planned. I would never forgive myself if this went south. “Begin.”

Only two flashes of light enveloped the arena. Solrock and Lunatone simply teleported. The light from my Poke Ball faded, and Apollo shouted his presence to the skies as he immediately gained altitude. This plan was so colossally stupid, but it was our best bet.

‘I won’t let you down, Cap. These black flags won’t know what hit him,’ Apollo shouted.

“Stay on your toes,” I shouted worriedly.

Joern stood atop the pillars. He briefly gazed back towards May before staring angrily at the Space stones.

“You’re with me today, Joern. My roster was... ill-equipped to deal with this,” May explained bitterly.

“Cosmic power.” I heard two different voices call out.

“Rain Dance,” May shouted needlessly. Joern was already moving as the words left her lips.

“Pelt them. Rapid fire Water Gun,” I called out.

Small clouds slowly began to form from within the barrier, and water slowly started to fall as Apollo let his first shot fly. I needed him to harass the space stones, and the stream of water came out with more force than I had ever seen.

It stopped in midair, a foot away from Solrock.

“Ancient Power.”


My blood ran cold at the familiar combo. The stones formed and rose high into the sky. I had to time this right.

“Leech seed. While they’re distracted.” Good, May’s setting up shop. A single small, black spot hovered in midair. No dice on the Leech Seed.

The stones were closing in as Apollo ascended higher and higher, leading them towards the roof of the barrier.

“Aerial ace to dodge,” I ordered at the last possible second. I heard the familiar buzz just before the stones crashed together, and Apollo dive bombed the Lunatone. “Water Gun, point blank.”

‘Catch this.’ The attack impacted Lunatone and sent it careening back a solid foot from the force. I briefly celebrated before a faint blue glow enveloped Apollo and sent him sailing backwards. I sighed as he corrected himself a split second later. ‘You’re an embarrassment to your type, you bilge ridden swine! Emilie hits twice as hard and is half your age.’ Four jagged stone spikes surged out form the deep and Apollo barely swerved to the left as he rapidly gained altitude again. I grinned as vines started to sprout from Solrock. Joern had been busy in all the chaos.

“Water Pulse. Let’s give Apollo some breathing room, Joern,” May ordered.

Joern raised both of his hands together in a hammer fist and slammed them into the rising pool. The wave exploded towards our opponents, and I felt a psychic pulse push out from the astral Pokémon. Joern’s attack crashed into an invisible wall.

“Light Screen.”


The command felt like an afterthought, and for the first time, I questioned why they were giving commands at all. Solrock and Lunatone didn’t need instructing. They were the ones in the command chair, so why...


I smiled. The space stones didn’t need the orders, but the people facing down the space stones still got a heads up. I hoped that’s what it was, at least. If the trainers were trying to break out, that would split the opposing psychic types focus even more.

“Apollo, keep up the pressure, I didn’t tell you to stop firing,” I shouted.

“Help him out, Joern.” May commanded. Several high pressure shots were launched from both Pokémon's mouths. They weren’t as fast as Apollo’s initial volley, but that was fine.

We wanted quantity over quality, after all.

More and more water attacks stopped in midair and fell harmlessly into the lake, the few that made it through splashed harmlessly against a faint yellow barrier, but it didn’t matter. Just a bit more and...

There it was. Eight stones rose from the depths of the deepening pool.

“Ancient Power.”


Plenty of advanced notice, and they were going for Apollo again.

“Again, Joern.” May shouted. A third seed was launched, this time towards Lunatone.

“Aerial Ace, bank away this time.” I ordered. The last thing we needed was for Apollo to get caught in a psychic field.

The boulders once again closed in on nothing before falling back into the rising pool. Apollo dived down and away, before slipping under the tides completely. I smirked.

Both of our opponents were seeded.

Joern swam through the water away from the stones as fire erupted from Solrock.

Yeah, good luck with that in this, buddy.

I cursed as the vines assorting his body fell into the rising tide as ash. A single ray of light started to peek through the cloud cover. Like hell was this rain stopping.

“Apollo, surface and refresh the rain. Don’t let it stop falling,” I ordered.

“Water Pulse, Joern. Don’t let them go on the offensive.”

Joern brought his hands together and a massive wave surged towards Solrock and Lunatone. The swell surged into a pair of barriers as Apollo beat his wings into the torrential downpour. Rain clouds turned angry and violent as the cascade picked up the pace. The tide finally ebbed, and the space stones glared across the field at Joern, both drenched with water. I couldn’t tell if some of the attack beat through the barrier or if the rain was doing its job, but at the end of the day, regardless of how it broke down, they did not look pleased.

Lunatone’s eyes glowed and the water started to rotate. The pool sunk in a bit as it shifted to resemble the current of a massive washing machine from the quickie mart. Joern was being pulled with the current on the surface, and pillars of stone were starting to rise from the deep as Solrock’s eyes glowed blue.

“Swim with the current, Joern. Dive down and show them how good of a swimmer you are.” May ordered.

I bit my lip. Was Joern a good swimmer? He was a water type, so it was kind of assumed, but I hadn’t really ever...

Holy shit that’s fast! Joern darted around the pool so quickly I was having trouble keeping up with my eyes. Stone spikes kept popping up in Joern’s line of sight, and he’d dexterously move around all of them.

‘Shouldn’t you be doing something?’ Emilie yelled in my mind, sounding incredibly strained.

“Fuck, sorry. Apollo. Pelt them with Water Gun while they’re focused on the pool. Hit them hard.” I ordered.

‘Aye, Captain.’ The shots looked like normal streams at first, but quickly grew under the rain as they sailed across the field. They exploded on contact, sending both of the space stones back in a daze as the attack fell into pool above.

“Water Pulse again, they have nowhere to go!” May ordered.

“Apollo, covering fire.”

More water. Just keep it flowing. Joern surfaced and shoved his hand forward, and a single, ball of water fused with the pool below and created the biggest wave I had ever seen. The cascade scraped the top of the psychic barrier as Solrock and Lunatone once again rose up a barrier between them and the attack. The walls were half submerged as the rocks were quickly running out of air and cracked against the massive attack. A few water bombs launched from Apollo’s beak pushed through the cracking barriers and slammed into the space rocks. They visibly recoiled but held strong as they floated above the pool.

I noticed their eyes widen as their heads scraped the top of the psychic barrier around the arena.

“Dive,” Both May and I shouted.

I don’t know if they had a choice at this point, honestly. Solrock and Lunatone were in the clouds, practically pressing themselves against the ceiling of the arena, and were still half submerged in the rising waters. The pool slowly started to swallow the clouds themselves, and I grinned as I took in my creation.

Our own personal aquarium. Held in place by the ships own psychic types.

“Water Gun,” May and I shouted in unison. We had to finish filling our fish tank, after all. With one last act of defiance, a set of eight rocks rose underwater.

They were glacially slow and pathetically easy to avoid. The rain clouds slowly dissipated into the water as the last of the space was filled. Solrock and Lunatone were now submerged, floating helplessly.

I idly wondered if they needed to breathe. Joern and Apollo were both fine underwater. Their bodies had adapted thanks to their types, but did space rocks need air to live?

It wouldn’t matter. What was about to happen was completely unavoidable and hopefully game ending.

“Water Pulse.” May shouted with her hands around her mouth.

Joern raised his hands in response, and the shift in pressure was visible from down here as the attack was launched upwards. It slammed into both sun and moon alike, and I gaped a bit as the top of the arena cracked at the impact. That wasn’t supposed to be possible! Both of the stones slowly started to sink.

A pair of red lines shot out from the other side and pulled both rocks into a pair of purple and white balls. I noticed both trainers collapse against each other as they both fiddled with them. I assumed they locked them.

“Jessica and Atticus have withdrawn their Pokémon, May and Lea are the winners.”

“Thank fuck.” I exhaled before pulling May into a bear hug. “I think you’re better at commanding Joern than I am.”

“Lea, that whole mess was your plan from start to finish,” May said, doing her best not to laugh. “It’s easy to give orders when things go that smoothly.”

‘Would you two calm down. I have a massive headache.’ Emilie grouched. ‘Those ass hats tried to rip your minds to shreds before they got tagged, it took everything I had to keep them out.’

That was sobering. Fuck, we needed to talk to our opponents.

“What on earth have you done to my ship!” And the captain. We also needed to talk to the captain, who looked very upset.

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