Heirs of Hyarch

Chapter 29: Benefits of Hospitality

Myron really didn't understand why Hamond had insisted on sending that man Filip to handle something any one of them could have easily done. However, he was sure Hamond was equally surprised when he'd offered a seat at the table for Filip as well. One odd turn deserved a debt repaid, or something to that effect.

Remembering old phrases like that was more Edeline's thing anyway.

With the food the watchman had brought back from Hamond's house, Hamond had gotten to work immediately. The resulting meal was delicious and filling, and Myron had to admit they probably needed it after the earlier events of the day.

"So then," Edeline said, being the last one to finish eating. "Tomorrow the plan is to warn Morgivel, I would assume."

"Why not do it now?" Nela protested, "I can be there in no time at all, even if it's getting dark out."

"We need him to inform the other Elefae elders," Hamond pointed out, "It doesn't do us any good to go now if the news about Kalvarel can't be passed on to where it would really matter. I have no clue if they would still be awake by the time we got all that sorted."

"How old is Morgivel, again?" Myron saw another possible problem as well. "Even if you could go out that late without problems, I'm not certain he could. I don't think the risk of your grandfather injuring himself is worth it."

"But if he knows now, he can set out first thing in the morning to do it. If we wait until tomorrow, it'll take more time." Nela looked back and forth between them. "Besides, we also need to ask him about the Stormsage story."

"Which will also take time, and I don't know if we'll have that chance tonight." Hamond frowned. "Although, honestly, asking about the Stormsage isn't all that important. That can wait until after we deal with Kalvarel."

"Stormsage?" Filip spoke up.

"That is nothing you need to be worried about," Edeline said quickly. Filip just shrugged and took a drink. It was good that the man was not overly curious, Myron thought.

"On the subject of Kalvarel, we need to track him down too," Hamond said, "There's no telling where he has hidden himself. Although I don't like the idea, but our best clue as to where may lay with Bradan."

"Don't tell me," Edeline groaned, "We're going to have to go find that bathhouse."

Myron sat there, stunned. "Bathhouse? What are you two-"

"Nothing like that!" Edeline said frantically. Hamond buried his face in his hands, while Nela starting laughing. Filip just looked confused.

"Bradan is Kalvarel's partner. The two of them run a bathhouse here in Hallowscroft," Hamond told them after a moment, after everyone had calmed a bit. "And before you ask, the last I saw of Bradan, he did not appear to be under the spell. Edeline was also there, and I'm sure she saw the same."

"He did seem a bit daft, but I don't think that was caused by any spell," Edeline said, "Also, the bathhouse is...not entirely legal."

Filip spoke up. "Do you mean the bathhouse over on Naulryder Street?"

The look on Edeline's face was pure astonishment. "How do you know about that?" Myron couldn't recall there being a bathhouse there either.

The watchman flinched. "Look, I just heard about it from the other men. Think more than a few went there, and a few of them actually asked me if I wanted to go." His face flushed slightly. "I, uh, rather would clean myself at home, so I told them no."

Filip was more than a little dirty, to phrase it politely, so that didn't exactly paint a favorable picture. Of course, a number of the men under him hadn't been the cleanliest either, so he was used to it. Glancing over at his sister, he immediately noticed she was wrinkling her nose. That wasn't unexpected, but Nela was doing the same...and she'd been around the same men he had.

"My thanks. That does make this easier." Hamond settled back in his chair.

"Wait a moment." Edeline clasped her hands together in front of her. "If the watchmen were taking baths there, with no weapons, then...I think I get it. That's how he got control of the town watch in the first place. Once he had a few under the spell, he just had to ask them to introduce him to one of the captains."

"If that was the case, then Bradan knew of it too," Hamond said.

"If Kalvarel was already lying to you, what would stop him from lying to anyone and everyone else he knew too?" Nela replied, "It seems like something he'd do."

"We won't know until we've spoken with him." Myron said, hoping Nela was right.

"But which should we do first?" Edeline asked, "Warn Morgivel, or find Bradan?"

"Morgivel," Nela said without any hesitation.

"The sooner we deal with Kalvarel, the sooner the two of them will be safe." Hamond crossed his arms. "I'd rather we go find Bradan."

"The two of them..." Filip blurted out, looking back and forth for a moment in confusion, before reeling backwards, gaping at Myron. "Aether's blood...you're the son of Lord Hallowscroft. Of course. I'm a fool."

"Took him long enough," Nela commented.

"It changes nothing," Myron said reassuringly, "Regardless of who I am, or who you are, we both have an enemy in common. And you helped us with the information we needed."

"But-" the man started to say.

"What has been done, has been done," Edeline said, "I am hardly blameless either, having cut down some men that possibly could have been saved. We both need to move on, not dwell on what could have been." Myron could swear his sister was quoting some book, but he had no way of knowing which one. It wasn't worth bothering her over it anyway.

"I still owe you." Filip frowned, rubbing at his eyes with one arm. "What to do...I know. I can keep watch tonight, patrol around."

"You don't have to-"

"No, I've got to," Filip interrupted Myron's protest. "In fact, I probably should go get started." He rose to his feet, nearly knocking his chair over.

Surprised, Myron could only watch as Filip all but ran out of the room. Nela shook her head. "Think he's a bit ashamed."

"I said the matter was behind us," Edeline sighed, annoyed. "But it's probably for the best that he left."

"Why?" Nela asked.

"Better for him to be out of the way, so he is not in any danger. And if Kalvarel does get to him. He cannot reveal plans he is not aware of. And on the subject of plans, we should come to a decision."

"Morgivel," Nela repeated.

Hamond groaned wordlessly, looking up at the ceiling.

"What do you think, Myron?" Edeline asked. Myron frowned, wondering why his sister was deferring to him. It was not quite like her.

As for what he thought, he had to admit both had good points. While he hadn't met Morgivel yet, everything Nela had said painted a picture of a man who was not prepared to protect himself from this Kalvarel. But Kalvarel was a threat, and they did need to be aggressive about making sure he was dealt with.

He had his answer. "Is there a reason we shouldn't split up and do both?"

"That is...not a bad idea, actually," Edeline said slowly, "We can split up, take care of both, and meet back here in midday. Kalvarel cannot be in two places at once. If the worst comes to pass, two of us would be safe."

"If he'd had someone else he was working with like that, I don't think we would have gotten to this point." Hamond pressed his hands together. "He would have been able to enspell both of you at the same time, without needing the city watch."

"I guess that would work," Nela said, "But who is going where?"

"The safest option would be Myron and I being in separate groups." Edeline paused to take a drink. "So two groups of two."

"Bradan probably would not listen to anyone but me," Hamond said, looking in Nela's direction, "And for that matter, I'd say Morgivel is more likely to hear you out."

"He'd better," Nela grumbled.

"Then it is settled. I will go with Hamond, and Nela can go with Myron." Myron nodded in agreement, glad they'd been able to settle that.

"Wait." Myron turned to see Nela staring straight ahead, face pale. "I'm going to have to introduce Ronny?"

"It's fine," Myron cut in, a little surprised. They had discussed this before. "We knew we were going to have to bring the matter up eventually, right?"

"With your family, yes," Nela said, "I didn't think...I just...shit, what am I saying?"

Edeline sighed. "If it makes you feel better, I can go with you while my brother accompanies Hamond."

"You...would?" Nela seemed astonished. Myron had no idea why: he'd have to ask her later.

"It should not be any trouble. Besides, I want to ask your grandfather a question regarding something he spoke of when we last met."

"If it's what I think," Hamond said, "I'd say there's someone else you should ask first."

"Who would that be?" Edeline asked. Hamond silently pointed at Myron, leaving him wondering what this was even about. "Oh, right. Do you know if our mother was ill, right before I was born?"

Myron thought back, trying to remember. This would have been when he was very young, and he had to admit his memory of those days was less than perfect. To be honest, he could not recall being allowed to see his sister when she was newly born, but that hardly meant anything.

"I can't say I do," he said, "But what does this have to do with Nela's grandfather?"

"According to him, he saved our mother's life, back when she was carrying me. He also said that our father owed him a debt. Of course, I knew nothing of this. When I said as much, Morgivel told me I should ask our father regarding it. I didn't press the matter, although now I think I should have."

"I don't remember this either," Myron said after a moment. "However, I was not even four years of age. I doubt I would have paid something like that much attention."

"Can't blame anyone for not knowing something like that would be important," Nela chimed in.

"I suppose not." Edeline's shoulders slumped. "We'll see what Morgivel has to say."

"And we'll be dealing with Hamond's acquaintance," Myron said, "But that's tomorrow. I think we'd better get some rest now."

No one offered an argument.

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