Hegemony of all Dynasties: Get the Zhao Yun template at the beginning

Chapter 2 God will inherit Zhao Yun template

Chapter 2 God will inherit Zhao Yun template
The three blessings given by the mother planet contain great energy. Wang Jing can feel that he has only tapped a small part of the blessing's ability.

Only when one's life level reaches a certain level can the power of blessing be fully stimulated and integrated.

Wang Jing also benefited a lot from the Insight Technique inspired at this stage.

When he came to a strange world and was surrounded by strangers, the insight technique could greatly improve his observation ability, and he could know a lot of information with a glance without deliberately inquiring.

His clairvoyance, because the will of the home planet is connected with this new world,

Therefore, whether it is the target's talent or ability, this kind of information that cannot be observed with the naked eye can be clearly displayed.

Wang Jing's second talent is Huixin.

Although this talent is displayed, it has not been activated yet.

As for the third one, which is the most important talent that Wang Jing has acquired, which is enough to settle down in this world... God will pass it on!
The inheritance of the god general allows Wang Jing to obtain the ability of a famous historical general after the fusion of the myriad worlds.

And the legendary general that Wang Jing inherited was Zhao Yun, who was extremely famous in the original world!
Zhao Yun, one of the Five Tiger Generals of the Jihan Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms, is proficient in marksmanship, bow and arrow, swordsmanship, and riding skills, and his abilities are extremely comprehensive.

In this merged new world.

All the fierce generals in history gather together, and Zhao Yun will definitely be among the best.


Wang Jing's body was too weak, and he couldn't exert one ten-thousandth of the ability inherited by the god general.

He felt it.

The inheritance of the god general contains majestic power, but in order to integrate this power with himself, he needs to train hard.

It is even more necessary to slowly arouse the strength in the fierce fighting.

"Zhao Yun's inheritance... a sliver of power when I opened the blessing transformed me from a frail and weak ordinary person to a healthy and healthy person now!"

"And while getting the inherited power, I also got a part of the experience of bow and arrow!"

Wang Jing used insight to observe the inheritance of the gods more deeply.

The pupil's data flickered slightly, and the inheritance of the god general became the inheritance of Zhao Yun (0.1%).


He has only aroused one-thousandth of the power inherited by Zhao Yun now, and even this one-thousandth of the ability, he has only fused a small part of it.

The core of Zhao Yun's inheritance is the method to directly enhance the physical fitness and life level, and the three branches of spear, sword and bow are extended from the core.

Wang Jing has now obtained a little skill experience of one of the three branches, "Bow".

With a little experience, Wang Jing acquired basic bow and arrow skills and successfully started!

To get started with skills, normal people need at least one or two years of hard work.A higher level of "proficiency" requires five or six years of hard work!

The entry-level basic bow and arrow made Wang Jing valued by the elite soldiers of the begging army.

Wang Jing reluctantly glanced at Zhao Yun's succession, which was shining golden light in the data, and finally withdrew his gaze.

"Now the begging army doesn't have much food!"

At this time, Wang Jing saw old and weak women and children in ragged clothes and withered faces coming out of the woods.

There are no villages in this land, only mountain refugees who have been reborn in this world one after another.

These refugees were originally ordinary people in the virtual world.

Working all year round, enduring the oppression of all kinds of corrupt officials, if there is war, he will become a refugee struggling to survive in all directions.

Originating from the thousands of years of history in the world, heroes, famous ministers and generals are a minority after all, and ordinary people, the ant people whose lives are like weeds, are the real subject.

Once the hero draws his sword, it is another ten years of robbery!

The more heroes and heroes are born in large numbers, the more miserable the grassroots and common people will be.Now the heroes and common people in history are revived in this new world one after another.

It is foreseeable that in a short time, many of the hundreds of millions of people who have been resurrected will turn into bones under the environment of no food, constant enduring of wild beasts, and the torment of rebellious soldiers.

The military discipline of the begging army is not bad. After recruiting the refugees from the nearby borders, they did not deliberately squeeze them.

However, the begging army has limited food.It is impossible to support refugees without limit.

So the Qihuo Army began to let the elite soldiers in the army take more than a hundred young women and children out of the camp to explore the four directions, and picked wild fruits and hunted wild animals to subsidize the army.

Soon, more than a hundred young and strong women and children came to the forest with three beggar soldiers.
Among the more than a hundred young and strong women and children, most of them are ordinary people dressed in coarse linen and rough faces.When I heard the order, I only knew to follow it numbly.

Beside Wang Jing were a few men with rough spears. They were young and strong men selected from the refugees.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The small river is clear, and there are many crucian carp and carp in the river water.
Already other men with crude spears rolled up their sleeves and stood by the river to catch fish.

Wang Jing also came to the small river.

While other people were stabbing with spears, or going down the river to catch fish with their hands, or with rough fishing nets made of coarse cloth, his eyes fell on the small river in front of him.

The river water is clear, and the fish and shrimp in the water are very rich. Even men who are not good at catching fish can catch some big fish more or less.

Wang Jing's eyes were sharp, and his strike was swift and fierce. The rough spear stabbed forward fiercely, bringing out the sound of breaking the wind, the water splashed, and a carp was easily pierced by Wang Jing.

In Wang Jing's eyes, the big fish in the water also showed a line of gray writing in the pupils.

"Carp: Level 0 (blessing of the world, five times faster reproduction and growth)"

Wang Jing's eyes only flashed, and he shot again, caught two big fish, caught a total of three big fish, and stopped immediately.

The moment he stopped, he quickly turned off the insight technique.

The role of the insight technique, in addition to allowing Wang Jing to see the status of other people, it can also see the fish and shrimp hidden in the water and hidden places, so that he can easily find the location, and he will gain as soon as he makes a move.


Wang Jing also couldn't maintain the state of open insight for a long time,
After all, it requires the consumption of his physical strength and energy. Just a moment ago, he was a little out of breath, and his body felt a sense of fatigue.

After catching three big fish, Wang Jing stopped doing anything.

"Good skill! What's your name?"

At this time, "Brother Zhang" who just bent his bow and shot several wild beasts came over,
Wang Jing attracted a lot of attention because he was dressed differently from ordinary people.

In addition, Wang Jing showed good shooting skills just now, so he was deliberately observed by Brother Zhang!

Wang Jing's skill and hand movements seemed swift and violent, but in fact his force technique was crude, lacking the kind of murderous aura on the battlefield, which was nothing in the eyes of a real fierce soldier.

But this kind of precise and swift movement, as well as the shooting skills comparable to the mountain hunters...compared with the dozen or so young and strong around Wang Jing, it suddenly appeared a bit extraordinary.

Brother Zhang couldn't help but also came over to talk to Wang Jing, wanting to know his background.

"Now there are only a few hundred old soldiers in the army, and the captain ordered to make up a thousand more. These recruited young and strong refugees are the source of soldiers... However, if these young and strong recruits want to become old soldiers, they must meet at least a few times. Blood, it takes a few battles, it's too troublesome!"

"If we can recruit a few people who know how to punch, kick and bow, the trouble will be reduced by half!"

He secretly thought.

Ordinary young adults are no different from ordinary people.

Now that the surrounding situation has not been found out, there is no sign of any fighting formation, and the only way to make the young and strong soldiers become qualified soldiers is through training.

So when Big Brother Zhang saw Wang Jing's vigorous figure and swift movements, he was a little moved.

This kind of young man who is good at bow and arrow and has a strong figure, it is difficult to find one among dozens of people!

With Wang Jing's ability far beyond that of an ordinary young man, an experienced veteran of the begging army can see his strengths at a glance.

And it was the first time that the other party came out with them. If they didn't seize the opportunity to recruit, it wouldn't be long before this rare and good seed would be wooed away by the corporal chief of the begging army.

If you don't seize the opportunity to recruit, Big Brother Zhang will definitely regret it!

"Wang Jing met the corporal!"

Wang Jing bowed his hands and saluted. The big brother Zhang in front of him was Zhang Hun, a corporal leader of the begging army!

(End of this chapter)

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