Heavenly Castle

Chapter 81 Extra 3.2 - Mea’s magic practice, Part 2

Extra Chapter 3 – Mea’s magic practice, Part 2

Translator: Pink Tea Editor: Ryunakama

As Yuri tilted her head, it was almost possible to see the question mark float above her head, she then took a step closer and raised one hand.

Meanwhile, ripples continued to occur on the water in Mea’s surroundings and now a thin misty fog began to manifest.

Witnessing the abnormality that would be obvious to anyone, Torraine and others looked at Mea with concern.


「What’s going on?」

「Ehmm, Yuri-san?!」

As the three exclaimed nervously Taiki and Ayla finally noticed the situation.

「…It seems something happened.」

Taiki said and looking at Mea being engulfed in a white mist frowned, creating a wrinkle between his eyebrows. In turn, Ayla turned ghastly pale and panicked.

「Tha-that is… Isn’t her magic running wild?!」

As Ayla screamed so, Yuri, covered in a mist that Mea was producing, spoke up.

「Yes. That seems to be the case. It’s a phenomenon often observed with children aiming to become practitioners. A similar thing happened to me as well, so there is no need to worry that much. However, it happens to lead to the destruction of surroundings and injuries to those nearby, so please don’t get too close.」

Saying that, Yuri stood in front of the white mist with a pretty cheerful attitude.

Seeing that Yuri does not intend to run away, Ayla screamed to her in a panic.

「Yuri-sama?! It’s dangerous! Such a rampage continues until one will lose consciousness, completely depleting magic power! Yuri-sama has to get away as well!」

Staring into the depths of the white mist, Yuri replied to Ayla.

「I’m fine! I will stay and suppress the last bits of magic power that Mea-sama will release. Rarely, but in the case of talented practitioners, such rampage sometimes does not end with a mere discharge of magic power, but also activates some kind of technique. Something tells me that it might be the case with Mea-sama.」

Yuri explained in her usual easy-going tone. Hearing that Torraine thoughtlessly attempted to go to Mea’s side and began to walk, but Yuri stopped her.

「Ah, please don’t come any closer, okay? It’s dangerous.」

Yuri warned Torraine in a carefree voice, making Ayla, who dashed at the same timing as Torraine, stop in her tracks as well.

And right at that moment, radially, with Mea at the center, the surface of the heated pool began to freeze.
Yuri made a couple small nods looking at the ice that with a crackling sound was gradually covering the surface.

「So Mea-sama is good with ice magic. In Imperial Country of Fleida that’s pretty rare, interesting. I’ve been thinking that fire might be suitable for her, but looks like it’s the opposite.」

Talking to herself, Yuri donned a beautiful smile and spread her arms out wide.

A faint wind appeared near Yuri, and whirling around began blowing in Mea’s surroundings.

As the wind swept along the white mist its flow became visible, showing a distinct circle-like shape formed.

The circle of white wind gradually increased in width and grew in size close to Mea’s height.

「Now there are no worries about Mea-sama injuring herself. Next, for me as well…」

With those words, Yuri lowered her hand and now wind started to gather around her.

Yuri’s hair and clothes fluttered as faintly visible transparent wind covered her.

Eventually, the wind summoned by Yuri’s technique grew into power, turning into a violent whirl, similar to a typhoon.

However, even standing in that raging wind, Yuri remained unchangingly nonchalant.
「The eye of the storm, huh. I wonder if she will be okay with changes in atmospheric pressure?」

With those words, Taiki turned to A1 that stood behind him. As Taiki’s gaze fell upon A1 the robot moved his head vertically and then he went off somewhere.

Meanwhile Mea, with blurry consciousness, surrounded by the wall of the white wind, sat on the ground, trembling. Gentle wind supported the shaking Mea, allowing her to maintain the sitting posture. Eyes turned slightly downwards, without any movement, chill slowly oozing from below her.

「Oh my?」

Yuri uttered immediately after noticing the abnormality, the wall of white wind surrounding Mea shattered like clouded glass.

Fragments of the broken wind wall fell to the ground like hail. Revealing the figure of Mea, sitting, staring at the ground with a dazed look.

「Could it be that Mea-sama has a terrifying talent…」

As Yuri smiled awkwardly, a single drop of sweat ran down her cheek. In the meantime, as the obstacle no longer existed, the chill emitted by Mea continued to freeze the ground and water around Mea with a cracking noise.

In a short while, the area expanded and in a blink of an eye swallowed up the wind wall that protected Yuri as well.

「T-this is, a bit of a miscalculation on my part…」

With the chill approaching her imminent surrounding Yuri tried to use some spell in panic, but anyone could tell that she wouldn’t make it in time.


Ayla screamed, while Torraine and the others kicked off the ground, dashing to Yuri.

But before they could reach her a giant silhouette appeared in front of Yuri. That figure swung its huge arm at an incredible speed at the encroaching wave of chill.

With a thunderous boom, air pressure blew away the cold air, scattering shattered pieces of ice everywhere.

The one who suddenly appeared was Taiki’s robot, A1. He quietly stood upright and turned to face Mea. Blinking, Yuri looked up at his back.

「So fast!」

Raising an astonished voice, Rant looked at Taiki. Taiki just silently watched the development of the situation, at his side, two more robots stood on standby.

「T-that’s Taiki-sama for you… So he anticipated Mea-chan’s magic going out of control.」

With this line, Ayla breathed a sigh of relief. Taiki replied with a vague laugh and shifted his gaze to Yuri.

「Yuri-san. Is Mea okay?」

When asked, she turned around, a bit startled.

「Ah, y-yes. Most likely she will recover in a short while…」

Immediately after Yuri uttered those words as if by a signal, Mea shut her eyes and then started falling backwards. A huge hand caught and supported her, preventing her from hitting the ground.


That sight raises a surprised voice from everyone around.
Because the one supporting Mea was none other than that A1 again. In a blink of an eye, A1, that stood in front of Yuri, moved behind Mea. Voices of others caused Yuri to glance around, and upon doing so her eyes opened wide, realized that A1 who a moment ago was right next to her, changed position in a mere moment.
And although a bit late, but she also was struck by surprise noticing another robot standing at Taiki’s side.

「… Great Magician, huh? Indeed.」

Whispering so, she softly smiled.

On the next day, Mea woke up as always and rubbing her sleepy eyes greeted from behind Torraine who was making breakfast.

「…Good morning. Somehow, I’m very sleepy today…」

Mea said, to which Torraine turns around, surprised.

「Mea? Are you fine? Did you wake up? Does it hurt anywhere? Do you feel any discomfort?」

Asking question after question in rapid succession Torraine approached Mea, while still holding a kitchen knife in her hand.

「W-wha-what?! What’s going on, mother?! Ca-careful! Put down the knife!」

Feeling a danger to her health all the hair on Mea’s tail stood on end, she then promptly tried to put some distance between her and Torraine.

Remembering that she had a knife in her hands, Torraine stopped and carefully studied Mea from head to toe, then sighed.

「…Thank goodness. Yuri-sama told me about this, but I was worried anyway.」

As Torraine said those words with a laugh, Mea tilted her head puzzled.

「…What do you mean?」

Mea replied with a question, to which Torraine wryly smiled and nodded.

「Which reminds me, they said that you lose your memory of the whole day.」

「Eh, memory?」

Torraine awkwardly laughed as Mea had question marks floating above her head.

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