Heavenly Castle

Chapter 103 - Struggle of Avengers

Chapter 103: Struggle of Avengers

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

Looking at a map stuck on the wall of a slightly dim room, Catherine Halfen breathed a small sigh.

The map, that looked like many lines and ellipses piled on top of each other, was that of Karluk Kingdom. Several red lines were drawn on that map, here and there some of the locations were encircled.

「Are you wondering about the next location?」

A man’s voice resounded, looking to the side Catherine saw an already familiar man standing diagonally behind her.

After glancing at his face Catherine turned back to the map. The man sighed, since Catherine didn’t even bother to reply, and also looked at the map.

「……Koshmar company’s power started to wane. Now we only have to massacre the guys that get commissions for slave acquisition for Koshmar company. If we do that, the Koshmar company, who lost its ability to gather slaves, will lose the kingdom’s favor and will be replaced by Reginshion company. Once we gain the preferential right for the slave trade we should be able to do whatever we want.」

Listening to the man’s explanations. Catherine whispered while absentmindedly staring at the map.

「…Is there a reason why you think that Reginshion won’t become the same as Koshmar Company?」

The man spent a few seconds in silence after Catherine uttered that line, then said.

「If Reginshion company strays from our ideals, we will just massacre them in the same way.」

Hearing that answer Catherine made a big sigh.

After taking a glance at Catherine’s profile the man scratched his head a bit irritated and left the room.

Left alone in the room, Catherine whispered very very quietly.

「……Pointless struggle.」


The name of the man that just talked with Catherine was Grey. In the past, Grey received relentless torture from the noble that he was sold to, as such, he resented nobles and slave traders that lived off this profession.

At the same time, he also had a compassionate side to him, as he worried about the fate of would-be slaves.

Escaping after killing the noble that became his master he was sheltered by other escaped slaves. One of them introduced them to the merchant, who would cooperate with their activities, Sieg, the manager of the head office of Reginshion company.

Grey and others, who until now attacked the nobles secretly and only bit by bit, were now given a clear goal by Sieg, and gained weapons, clothes, and food.

Sieg merely wanted to strip the power of his competitor, Koshmar Company, but to Grey and his comrades, he looked different. They thought him to be a good merchant, willing to change the current slave trade.

In part due to the clever use of words by Sieg, Grey and others came to believe that Koshmar Company was the source of all problems, with the nobles that bought slaves only to kill them for their own amusement coming after them.

Therefore, if Koshmar Company was no more and preferential rights for the slave trade went to Reginshion company, that would change things a lot.

However, a brief comment from Catherine remained a thorn in Grey’s heart.

After that, he thought about it a lot for a few days, but in the end, his honest character got the best of him.

「…I’ll meet with Sieg and ask him.」

Muttering so, Gray went to Sieg, taking comrades with him.


Even more simplistic than Grey, but not lacking in enthusiasm, the resistance. Richt also was a part of that.

While Grey waged his war on the aristocratic district, the group to which Richt belonged worked in a different territory, but was quite numerous.

However, this group was simply an assembly of escaped slaves, debtors that escaped just before they would be turned into slaves and families that slipped under the cover of night. As such, they didn’t have even the slightest intention of fighting properly.

While some couldn’t forgive the nobles that bought them and wanted to get their revenge, most hid in the corners of this city, trembling in fear.

Yet then a person appeared that gave an objective even to such a group.

The king of Heavenly Country, Taiki.

The royalty of a foreign country, that treated them like humans. That became a great hope for them.

As such, Richt and others were greatly surprised to hear the words of Taiki, who returned from the audience with the king of Karluk Kingdom.

「Now, everyone, let’s cooperate and create a proper slave store outside the city.」

「What, what does that mean?」

「Didn’t you go to improve the treatment of slaves…?」

After observing their confusion, Taiki shook his head.

「It seemed like changing the laws would take a lot of time, so I will establish a model slave store. If we succeed in that, then Karluk Kingdom’s outlook should change as well.」

Everyone’s confusion peaked with those words from Taiki.

「Model slave store, just what is that……」

「Don’t buy or sell illegal slaves. Guarantee to provide sufficient necessities and no mistreatment are the preconditions for buyers. For starters, this.」

The murmur grew louder, as Taiki continues to speak in dissatisfaction that he would’ve liked to get better conditions.

Among that crowd, Richt, that swiftly resolved himself, showed his strong agreement.

「Taiki-sama will do it. It cannot be a mistake!」

Shouting that Richt looked back at everyone.

「Right, everyone! Right?!」

The place gradually calmed down with the cheerful words of Richt as he observed the crowd seeking agreement.

Taiki felt relieved to see that.

「Good. Then, next, we have to visit Reginshion Company.」

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