Heather the Necromancer

Book 7: Chapter 4

Heather quietly stepped onto the balcony wearing a sheer soft blue slip. She looked to the morning sun with a sense of relief as a tear welled in her eyes. For the first time since arriving in New Eden, she felt free to be whatever she wanted to be. The chains were gone, and her world had truly opened up. Below her, the city was slowly waking up to a new day, unaware of the turmoil that had just passed.

Heather thought of all the changes that had occurred recently and how it affected her life. She was now a harem girl and called several people her master. She was a daughter with an adoring mother. She was a wife to the most wonderful man she had ever known. But most of all, she was a princess of a burgeoning kingdom set free from the discrimination of the North. Below her was the city that marked the center of her domain, where hundreds slept safely in her care.

She would love them all with all her heart and dedicate her life to caring for her land. She no longer felt any desire to be a necromancer and let it pass away. She would no longer acknowledge her connection to that dark art and instead focus on being a flower singer.

With a sigh, she raised her hands and worked the magic of her race, instantly transforming her outfit into something more princess-like. She was now adorned in a blue dress trimmed with white lace and matching gloves. Her long red hair was tied back with a blue ribbon, forming a big bow. It was a more modest outfit considering what she had been wearing of late, but she liked it, and it had a hole in the rear for her tail. It also left her back exposed, allowing her to spread her wings easily.

Her soft lips parted, and she opened her voice, singing from the balcony over the city of sleep players. Her voice carried a beautiful harmony as she dipped into her flower singer powers, and a shimmering golden light rained down. All across the city, flowers bloomed as people looked up to see where that beautiful voice was coming from.

Despite being a devil, Heather shone brightly with a golden light, her power radiating for all to see. She lifted her hands high as if greeting the sun as climbing roses grew across the balcony's railing. White and red rose petals peeled away, falling to the city like a rain of love as a sweet scent like a spring garden wafted on the air.

People stopped to look up and admire the shining star that was their princess. Her silvery voice carried to every corner of the city, becoming a haunting melody that brought tears to the eye. When she finished her song, she spread her leathery wings and leaped from the balcony. She caught the warm morning air and stretched her arms wide, enjoying her freedom. She flew over the city, singing a she went so that plants produced extra perfume until the whole land smelled of sweet roses, soothing lavender, and comforting lilacs.

She landed in the plaza by the market and approached the fountain that was her and her girls. Frank had made it a special feature, depicting the girls dancing with one arm high as they held aloft a crystal bowl. The statues were their original forms, but Heather didn't mind as it was the thought that counted. The blue crystal bowl was magically filled with water that cascaded down around the dancers into a round basin carved with a flowing vine pattern.

Heather bent over and sang to the lily pads, awakening them from their slumber. Their flowers peeled open, blooming in soft pink and white before her eyes. Her work done, she blessed the fountain with the blessing of nectar, and several dozen butterflies appeared.

With a smile, she walked across the plaza, her steps causing small flowers to bloom about her feet. This was her city, and these were her people, and she loved them all. A few onlookers waved, and Heather cupped her hands, blessing them with nature's gift, causing them to heal faster in the sunlight and protecting them from necrotic damage. It also made their skin glow faintly as if they were feeding on the sunlight. They laughed and ran off to play, and she worked her way down the street, handing out blessings and gifts of flowers.

“Thank you, Princess Hannah,” a group called as she blew them a kiss, bestowing lovers luck. She jumped into the air again and activated her pollen skin, leaving a trail of golden glitter in her wake as she flew. It was a silly spell that rendered her immune to disease, and no plant would harm her unless being directly controlled by a hostile player. It also stuck to invisible targets that got too close, causing them to glitter with golden pollen. She liked it for the trail of glittering gold it left as she flew, a feature she always admired about Gisley.

She smiled while leaving a trail of golden light across the sky until a dark shape dropped to a nearby rooftop. She looked at a tall, lean man with pale skin, blue tattoos, and hooked black horns. He folded his great wings and glared at her as she smiled wider and raced for him. She nearly toppled him from the roof as she collided with his chest and sighed as his warm arms wrapped around her.

“Having fun?” Frank asked as Heather rubbed her cheek on his shoulder.

“Yes,” she replied, leaning back to look into his eyes as their tails wound around each other. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he replied and lifted her chin before planting a kiss with his handsome lips. Heather melted as they shared a moment of love, then giggled when Webster jumped off his back to hers.

“I see my faithful companion had to come with,” she said as he took his place on her shoulder.

“I could tell he was upset to wake up and find you missing,” Frank said as she stroked the spider's back. “He's a good friend, and I don't mind taking him with me.”

“I hate to wake him,” Heather replied as she turned to smile at the spider. “He sleeps so much.” A chirp from the spider made her laugh as he protested her insinuation that he was lazy. “Aw, I wasn’t calling you lazy, just that I hate to disturb you when you are so cutely snoring.”

Frank laughed and took her hand as they turned to look over the city. She leaned into his side as his hand went around her back, pulling her tight.

“I can't believe we are here,” Heather said. “You and I, the rulers of a small kingdom with hundreds of adoring subjects.”

“I thought you were going to say you can't believe we are standing on somebodies roof,” Frank replied and flexed his wings. “I can't believe I let you talk me into keeping this collar. Are you sure you didn't use any of your seduction powers on me?”

Heather smiled and stood on her toes to kiss his nose. “If I did, I will never tell.”

“You’re a bad slave girl,” Frank argued as she giggled and ran a hand down his shirtless back. She liked him this way, all tall and gothic looking with his shirt off so she could admire the muscles and spiraling tattoos.

“You make a good anime bad boy,” Heather teased and pranced out of his arms to look down into the streets. “Let's do something fun. Why don't we go to the Lovewood?”

“Are you sure?” Frank asked with a funny expression. “That’s not a place you have wanted to visit before.”

“Oh, I was just timid about what goes on there,” Heather said as she looked into the distance. “And you will be there to drive away anyone who gets inappropriate.”

“If that’s what you want,” Frank shrugged and spread his wings. “I will race you there.”

“Ha,” Heather cried and spread her wings, but he was already in the air. She laughed as they headed off, and started to play, holding hands as they flew. They looked down on their fledgling kingdom with pride as the lake rolled by, followed by the sweeping green plains beyond. They ended at the hills that themselves gave way to mountains that tore into the sky like jagged teeth.

Heather couldn't believe she was flying over the land, holding hands with the man she loved. It was a dream like no other, and it got better day by day. They saw the goblin fortress in the distance and waved as they passed, the distant forest of the Lovewood just now coming into view.

Frank suggested they land at the edge and walk in to see it properly. Heather agreed, and they touched down on the road to put their wings away, then paused at the tree line to take it in. Webster jumped down to crawl at her feet, chirping that he hoped there were squirrels to eat.

“It's beautiful,” Heather stated as they looked at trees of every color, surrounded by flowers, glowing mushrooms, and rich green growth. “They really made it special.”

“It’s a magical elvish forest,” Frank reminded her. “And they spent a ton of gold enhancing it. A lot more than we spent on our home.”

“Well, they had a very special way of earning all that gold,” Heather said with a smirk. “And before you say anything, I am not helping you earn that much.”

“You are a slave girl,” Frank pointed out and used his tail to swat her rear. “I seem to recall I am your master.” Webster chirped in agreement, and Heather rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“Oh, just take me into the forest,” Heather groaned. “Before I have to bite you. I can’t believe even my spider is on your side.”

Frank laughed, and they headed down the stone path made of flagstones with thin bands of moss between them. The air in the forest immediately felt cooler, with a scent of earthy woods and flowers. Rays of golden sunlight trickled down from the thick canopy of brightly colored leaves that Heather couldn't help but admire. She had no idea trees could be pink, dark blue, or gold with yellow streaks that glistened in the sunlight. She expected to find visual delights everywhere she looked and wasn't disappointed when they caught sight of a statue hidden in the trees and then a delicate stone arch to mark a narrow path. They held hands and entwined tails as they walked, sharing in the moment of discovery as they journeyed through the forest.

“It’s so beautiful here,” Heather sighed. “I really should spend some time here.”

“It is beautiful,” Frank agreed and smiled at her. “And there is something I need to tell you.”

Heather smiled back and cocked her head as he played with her fingers and looked around at the trees.

“Roric, Rajeen, and I talked about the Lovewood, and we agreed to expand it,” Frank said. “I gave them permission to extend it across the graveyard and into Quinny's forest.”

“You did?” Heather said in surprise. “But you hate your graveyard being filled with flowers.”

“I don't hate it as much anymore,” Frank said, glancing at her. “I just wanted it all to be beautiful for you. From the moment you step out the front door, I want you to be surrounded by this.” He illustrated his point by using his free hand to sweep the forest around them.

Heather smiled and hooked his arm, leaning into him as she tried to imagine her tower being in the Lovewood. Then she made a funny expression as she considered all the undead walking around. It wouldn't quite be the same with zombies shuffling about, but any improvement would be appreciated.

“I love you,” Heather said again. “And Quinny will be excited to be connected to the Lovewood.”

“I know she will,” Frank replied as they came upon a small wooden bridge that crossed a gently flowing stream. A break in the trees allowed a golden ray of light to illuminate the bridge, so Heather walked into it and lifted her arms high to bask in it. Frank joined her side, and together they watched the water flow away over polished stones and tree roots.

She looked down to see her reflection in the water as Webster crawled along the rail. She petted her spider as he began to purr, lending to the magical moment.

Heather decided to embrace being there and activated her powers, leaving flowers in her wake as she walked barefoot down the mossy path. A pair of blue butterflies danced about their heads until Webster did his best to catch one to eat.

“Don’t you eat my crown of harmony,” Heather laughed and waved the butterflies off to save them. He chirped his displeasure, and she reminded him that he was too big to eat small butterflies. He grumbled as they passed a low stone wall covered in climbing vines. Heather stopped to sing to the vines, causing them to burst forth with flowers as Frank held her by the waist.

“I love listening to you sing,” he said.

“Oh, if you like that, watch this,” Heather said, waving her hands at the flowers as if beckoning them forward. They began to ring like wind chimes and produce long flute-like tones. Frank looked at her curiously as she smiled and turned the wall into a magical melody of singing flowers.

[Level 43 Flower singer power: Chimes of the flower queen] You can cause any flowers within ten feet of you to begin to chime and whistle, creating a haunting song that can be heard for a significant distance. Those who hear the song will be soothed, losing any panic or fear effect. In addition, any attack that requires a target to hear it will be resistant. They will have a bonus on any saves, and the attack will do 50% less damage overall.

Heather sat back and admired the musical effect as the notes blended together to make a song. It was hauntingly magical and moved her heart, giving her a sense of peace. Frank's tail caressed her back, making her smile as she turned to him and received a soft kiss. Her mind drifted away as her husband's touch made her feel safe. Frank wasn't just her rock anymore; he was her world, the source of her happiness, and her reason to go on. Thanks to him, she loved New Eden and even felt gratitude at being forcefully brought in.

They parted with a silent exchange of smiles that cried out their love before they resumed walking and exploring the forest. The road wound its way through beautiful groves, enchanted meadows, and mysterious marble ruins, delighting the eye at every turn. Frank suggested they explore a few side trails, and Heather agreed, taking a small path or two to find even more mysteries. Heather left behind a trail of flowers and butterflies everywhere they went, adding to the majestic charm. It was a magical moment as Heather wondered why she had been so afraid to come here. The forest was overwhelmingly beautiful, and she felt at home under its concealing boughs.

The path they chose to follow ended at a little round patio with a stone bench overlooking a valley below where a stream meandered. Heather and Frank sat on the bench and looked over the valley enjoying the peaceful seclusion. It was here Heather heard soft cries and looked down to see two people entangled in a lover's embrace. Frank saw them as well, and they realized that from their vantage point, they could clearly see the two making love.

“Umm,” Heather said as she blushed. She didn't know either of the participants as one was a tall man with dark brown skin and the other a woman with pinkish skin and a thin tail that ended in a ball of fur. Jaina had mentioned that other women were coming to the forest to hunt for men and play, so Heather assumed this was one of them. Frank put his arm around her, and together they watched the two lovers in their dance of passion.

“Should we go?” Heather asked as her blush deepened.

“Why should we?” Frank replied and rubbed her side. “This i

Heather supposed he was right, but her human nature made her bashful at the idea of watching such an intimate display. Still, she held on until the two completed their task and lay on a blanket together as they recovered from the effort. Now they moved on and headed back to the main road, discussing the forest and the future as they walked.

Heather took a deep breath as she took it all in. Her shock at being abducted into New Eden was gone. Her fear of being alone and isolated was a thing of the past. Her lack of understanding of the world and its rules was no more. She had a home and a husband, and a family of caring women who enjoyed her presence. She was a princess and the ruler of a small kingdom, and most of all, she had a purpose to be here. She was here to experience all the love she could get and enjoy a life full of peace and happiness.

She hooked her husband's arm as they strolled down the road finding another bridge, this one of white stone, wide enough for ten people to walk across side by side. It had long, slender posts carved with great detail in a floral pattern. Once again, they stopped to watch the water of a wide brook flow away as if it were taking any last fear she had with it.

“Run!” a voice cried, and they looked up to see a man in metal plates somehow running at an impressive speed. His armor rattled as he reached the bridge and raced across it, not bothering to slow to chat. “It's coming!”

“It's coming?” Heather said as she turned to Frank, who shrugged. They turned their gaze in the direction the man had come from and saw a distant glow of purple light mixed with rays of silver. Something was indeed coming, the light filtering through the trees as it got closer.

“This place is dangerous?” Heather asked.

“They do have some areas set aside for people to battle forest monsters,” Frank explained. “And they made several small cave systems with monsters in them. You can even take one of the caves to the lower swamp as a secret entrance to the woods.”

“Hugh,” Heather replied as they held hands and faced the coming menace. The light grew in intensity as it drew nearer, coming with great speed until they could see a glittering form darting about the trees.

“Oh, for the love of god,” Heather laughed as Gisley, the fairy woman, darted out, bouncing on her beautiful butterfly wings. She looked like a magical creature in the forest, with her antenna rolled out and her long lavender hair flowing behind her. She smiled to see the two on the bridge and quickly fluttered their way to float before them.

“Hannah, Frank!” she cried in a cloud of silvery glitter. “It’s so good to see you.”

“You are scaring away the poor men,” Heather laughed.

“Oh, did you see where my meal went?” Gisley asked. “He ran off so fast I couldn’t get his armor off.”

“He went right down the road,” Heather explained. “Shouting that we needed to run. You would swear he thought his life was in danger.”

“Ha, if I catch him, his life is in danger,” Gisley said with a smile. “Running away from me like that when I only wanted to show him affection. Now I am going to punish him and make him apologize for being so selfish.”

“You do that,” Heather laughed.

Gisley nodded and looked down the road to see the trail of flowers where Heather had walked. She giggled and flew up to the pair, wrapping them in a warm hug.

“It's good to see you both here. You need to come more often,” she said. “Your flower singer powers make you a wonderful addition to the forest's magic.”

“We will come more often,” Frank replied as the fairy woman fluttered up.

“Well, I would love to talk, but my breakfast is getting away,” Gisley said. She waved her hand and fluttered off, heading down the road at butterfly speed.

“Why did I ever regret being abducted into this world?” Heather asked as they watched her go.

“Because you had no idea it could be like this,” Frank said. “And being abducted was the worst introduction you could have had.”

“I suppose,” Heather agreed as she pondered a thought. “But sometimes I wonder if that was always true.”

“What do you mean?” Frank asked.

“I mean that I had past lives, so what if my first life was voluntary, but at some point, I was reset and made to believe I had been chosen,” Heather suggested.

“I don't think that's the case,” Frank said. “I think you were chosen from the get-go because we know for a fact that you were trying to get out in your previous lives. In fact, it seems as if your quest to escape is what caused a lot of the chaos and mystery surrounding your past. If you had come in willingly, I doubt you would have fought so hard to get out.”

“That’s a very good point,” Heather nodded. “See, this is why you are so good for me.”

“You would have figured that out on your own if you had taken a minute to think about it,” Frank assured.

“I would like to think so,” Heather nodded. “But the more I think about my behavior after I got here, the only word I could use to describe it is inconsistent. I was all over the place, taking risks, changing my mind, saying I would never do something, then doing it a day later. I was a mess. Even now, I question my motives about the collar and harem thing.”

“Let’s just be honest,” Frank said as he put his arm around her back. “You did this to hide from your pain. We all know you did, and Chandice was a good enough friend to point it out, even if you weren’t ready to hear it. But none of us blame you for trying to escape the pain of losing your memories and discovering you had a dark past.”

“But you were always against the idea of the collar,” Heather insisted.

“I was against it because I couldn't see it the way the others did,” Frank said. “I have my problems too, and I have my own way of thinking about things. You and the others meant so much to me that I hated to think of you that way. But then you kept the collar on, and I saw you start to change. Slowly you became more open, more happy. You began to enjoy things, and you started to think of me as your boyfriend. The more you wore that collar, the more you settled and began to change into a woman who loved this world.”

“You always did try to tell me how amazing it was,” Heather laughed as they rounded a bend in the road. “But I couldn’t see it.”

“You couldn't see it because you were frightened and blinded by a desire to escape,” Frank said. “But this lifestyle allowed you to forget all that, and once you did, it all started to change. Suddenly you were being open with people about your past. You were eager to play and do quests. You made that speech to the city to sweep that past away so you could be even more free. I know it sounds crazy, but the more you embraced being a slave, the more free you became.”

“Hugh,” Heather replied as she pondered his statement. “I suppose you're right. The collar made me want to change, and by embracing it, I felt like I could let all the other stuff go.”

“So hiding from your past by embracing something you found exciting was the best thing you ever did,” Frank said.

“Well, I happen to think marrying you was the best thing I ever did,” Heather said with a smile.

“Which only happened because of that collar,” he insisted.

“Hmm,” Heather replied as she gave the thought some deep consideration. “So Blackbast is ultimately responsible for bringing about all these changes.”

“Which is why I love her,” Frank agreed. “I will never be able to thank her enough for bringing me you and the others.”

“Aww, I love how grateful you are,” Heather said. “It’s one of your most endearing qualities.”

“I think being grateful is one of the most important skills you can possess,” Frank replied as they came on another side trail. He suggested they follow it, and Heather agreed, heading off as flowers continued to follow in her wake. For the next hour, they wandered, laughing and talking as they enjoyed the blissful beauty of the forest. Eventually, they came on a glade of dense green grass where a large basket-like chair hung from a massive tree.

Heather smiled as she turned to Frank and suggested they sit together in the basket and enjoy the day together. He agreed and took her hand, leading the way as she leaned to his side. It really was a wonderful life, and thanks to Frank, she was grateful to be here. She used her power to make the nearby flowers chime and sing as they settled into the basket to swing in a cool summer breeze. All was right with the world for a change, and Heather was content. She had a home, a husband, and a life full of love. How could it possibly get any better?

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